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Everything posted by Bumpy

  1. Female Sharks...Beware! Too much knowledge can cause overload on the little gray matter!
  2. Actually Hillsbro, we have a pretty cool desert Land Cruiser GPS which takes us around Europe but turns into a gray compass once you hit Morocco. The voice is British & female and we call her “Pat”. Her CD is about 2 years dated because we sometimes travel on roads built after she was “processed”! She’s great to follow, as long as she’s not being a “shark” surfing in unknown waters!
  3. I suppose the question is, what Nightingale considered in his divine wisdom, the individual without TWI would evolve into? After all, what is GS without TWI and the MOG’s who ran the show? It’s a game of 3 way ping pong. Only the lost soldiers of leadership seem to have departed from the scene. They have left the battlefield for destinations unknown, leaving those here speculating on what might have been?? <_<
  4. Bumpy

    I'm coming out

    I’m coming out or wasting my time? Five minutes ago I call my gardener in Senegal to hear about his life, family, (health) problems, and all the things you cannot begin to imagine which can happen in West Africa. When it’s over, I ask myself, how can I concentrate only on MY OWN stupid problems when so many people have “problems” so much greater than mine? Malaria, poverty, medicine, nothing to eat, no place to go, no clothes, and definitely no $$ for a phone call. What is YOUR GOD PERSPECTIVE & EXPERIENCE when it comes to people in this ( my ) world?? My time is running out at 53 because it takes younger people to fight this battle... and so many families depend on what I do. It’s absolutely crazy! Bump
  5. Bumpy

    I'm coming out

    ~EX~ 16 Thousand Posts...++ I think you should feel comfortable by now!!
  6. Well...Twinky, what if his prediction was right, again??! All those committed to Cult Doctrine ended up as he predicted... Grease Spots at mid-night! Die Fuehrung hat versagt? Oder die Schaffe sind aufgefressen? <_<
  7. I don’t know Tom, that’s a good question. I mean can you ever go back to first base when you round second? It looks like a lot of this bible stuff is up for grabs around here, so why not start with “grace”?? “Believing”, is certainly being thrown about here rather liberally. So what do you think? Is “Who” really on First??
  8. Question: How many years were you involved with The Way? I ask, because now that you seemed to discovered so many flaws, how long did it take? Did you also “mindlessly absorb it all?? As a “discriminating shopper”, based on your “systematic theology after leaving TWI”, are there any pfal highlights which you would convey as a sloppy patchwork...etc., when it comes to Bible study? In other words, do you think the pfal shopper of today is as “gullible” as when you were shopping??
  9. Why didn’t VP ever make it to HOLLYWOOD?? I mean, after all the credits for pfal conversions, classes, etc., and with corps support, surely he could have converted at least half our Jewish brethren working in LA !! And in the process remake the original class?? The Way Mag. might have then had a section called...Jews in the News!!
  10. Watch Out for the SHARKS!! They don't want to hear too much of that! Jonny, they have big teeth, so make sure you come with more than a fly rod!
  12. You can now abundantly share the proceeds with the mog, and put the rest in the stock market!! :biglaugh:
  13. I sit here about 12 hours a day in front of all these screens of graphs, noise boxes and market information, trying to make some sense of it all? Honestly, I think it’s really nothing more than advanced casino gambling in the devil’s basement! But it sure can get exciting!! :) I thought this guy had some interesting things to say about investing & what to do given the market turmoil we are watching? http://biz.yahoo.com/hmoney/070807/080607_...eymag.html?.v=2
  14. No Graucho, I would never defend any institution, especially in the field of religion, which takes young kids, their hearts, minds, energies, etc.,...and in the end their lives, for the explicit purpose of exploitation. I thought Dr. Viper had made that clear? Again, it was a BUSINESS in constant development. And from my time in the mid ‘70’s and maybe yours, it was seen I think in a more innocent, trusting youthful light? We are all older and wiser now, right? On numerous occasions I have tried without much success to suggest that it might be a good idea to somehow, eventually, move on...to maybe another level? However that may be impossible due to the internet and how threads seem to get stuck in all this past. How much good it really does I guess is up to the individual. <_< However, given a brave new world set of circumstances which may be facing the planet during our life time, we may one day need a body of “like minded” believers to help us in times of trouble. Let the debate continue...
  15. My Friends, I don't mean to interrupt you but this maybe worth noting? It's something which is possibly a long term bad news situation for lots of people in the credit market. The 3rd world is most effected first when billions of capital are wiped out! God Bless You, Bump I forgot the link... http://www.cnbc.com/id/20185535
  16. Ladies! I’m really not related to VP & The Devil! I am sad for all who suffered, including the TWO in Norway. I am sad for all your bad experiences and memories! I regret any little word which might have upset you. I am sad the market is getting hammered today! I am sad my African’s always need $$ and I am the bank. I am glad for the rain that is falling here, so please don’t be mad! Bump
  17. Thanks also Dooj...& Rascal ”I guess I don’t get you at all” ! It was such a succinct and right on “off topic” observation! Which had so much to do with my posting to Graucho! I mean really, is this a children’s show and everyone can play?? It’s incredible really, after 20+ years that you (grown up?) Ladies can hold that godly torch for all those (how many?) that fell in twi, can keep these threads of way abuse so alive and well. I’m totally impressed even though “you may say they don’t matter...the # is way to small, their souls RIPPED from them & prove that from scripture!” Ladies, wherever you are on the planet, Africa definitely need YOU to show them how much you have suffered! I mean you really set the standards for mental and social impoverishment. And to think it all started with “innocent” young girls wanting to “Do The Word”! How quaint! <_<
  18. Graucho, one of the fallacies of your arguments is that you set up your own patterns of support logic and then apply an example, attach it to what another person might have said, and then shoot it down. It’s an old debating technique we used in boarding school, but not really very effective. This issue of drugging and molesting young females appears to have grown into such a large subject recently, that it is difficult for me not to imagine it ever being hidden from plain sight. I envision all these poor young waifs being attacked in secret, led into the old man’s coach never to be seen again. And not only one mog, but lots of them! It almost appears as an orgy of activity rather than a place of higher learning. <_< And yet you use that and plagiarism as a pretext as to why you were blinded from the truth? Come on Grouch, certainly you can do better than that?? People get ripped off in the stock market everyday, but we’re talking here about god, Jesus & religion...and a CULT called The Way! Remember what your friends said, your family, people who were close to you. That little small voice that would call out to you...Auntie Emm, Auntie Emm...come home, all those nights in Kansas. I mean REALLY Graucho, Kansas of all places!!
  19. Bumpy

    A Bridge Too Far...

    Krysilis, that was a nice posting and I think patriotism has a place for everyone, especially when your team is playing. Society for me appears to be changing very quickly in the good ol’ USA, from that nice white leave it to beaver world, to the nice not so white multi-cultural world of what some call the melting pot. It may be a little like the plates shifting underground ready to cause the next terramoto. Some are more accepting than others at the handling of the process! If present day infra-structure & economy, crime, prison statistics, etc., etc., of the USA is any indication of multi-cultural advantages, there might be a big problem supporting immigration policies from the last 50+ years? One can throw this ball around in hundreds of directions depending of course on whose cause you support. For me the issue comes down to whether laws on human behavior can be enforced and if they can’t what will be the result? My feeling, America is headed towards eventual civil war. I would bet on it happening within the next 5 years. Here in Europe for the most part there is a center focus of history and cultural identity. It’s a little like glue which keeps the social fabric together. America does not have that cohesiveness. The streets of business and of main street life seem to be designed for individuals to pursue whatever levels of greed and uncivilized lying behavior they like. There is no more social order, than there is political order of enforcing the law. When you drive down a city street, do you feel the people outside your locked doors are your fellow Americans? Do you feel comfortable looking strangers in the eye and saying hello? I listen to the ladies posting. Bang bang, you’re dead! It doesn't look so good... <_< http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/09/us/09cen...agewanted=print
  20. Grouch...O!, Are you an old gaucho or a grouchy old guy with a few extra tomatoes standing on the mound looking at signals before delivering your next Ouucho! 13 years is a long prison sentence for sure. But there are others who committed even longer years of servitude, no? Remember, you and all the others still signed on the Dr. Viper line, so there was still “free will” as a part of the deal, right? No one truly was forced to go wow, or corps, or any of the other wonderful programs promoted by the way. Maybe that’s part of the reason for so much bitterness? You have nobody to blame for all that lost time...but yourself! And maybe GS is just a place or the only place, to let it out?? <_< I’m sitting happily in the bleachers if you want a few peanuts! Bump
  21. Skyrider, I stand corrected. You are obviously right! 'Everyone' is a very poor choice of word usage. How shall I quantify my mistake?? “Many”, some...but how many? Lets just say possibly the thousands of previous posts have to be tallied to get an exact representation? However I have a pretty good feeling that the OVERWHELMING majority will be painted by that broad brush of ANTI...”I don’t love and worship the way anymore” category? But I could be wrong, maybe there is a long lost nostalgia right under the radar, which is just waiting to manifest itself...in 9 different ways!
  22. Excuse me for interrupting... Your last sentence I think sums up your feelings quite well. Personally, I find getting hit with tomatoes a little unpleasant. Perhaps your comments show just how little discussion is really necessary here and why people get so angry with each other? Everyone already has a fixed opinion of what they are willing to accept here even if they say they don’t, and any positive memory of twi experiences, is to be simply discarded as an illusion. As you say, the format is to tell the “other side of the story”, meaning comments that trash the way as much as possible & in as many ways as possible. But maybe there are a few brave others who would possibly disagree with the, paint it all black scenario you promote? If you really want to keep all the tomatoes, maybe you should let only way bashers post and delete everyone else? (However I would exercise caution on that move as the veteran grease spotters might suffer from incurable boredom with nobody to throw tomatoes at!) I am quite sure it would make most of the people here quite happy to just listen to “like minded believers” saying what they want to hear, as well as helping them sleep better knowing they weren’t alone. But isn’t that a little like the previous cult mindset? And GS obviously has gone beyond that...? “People are welcome here”, but on what conditions??
  23. Bumpy

    A Bridge Too Far...

    For that exact reason, he won't be!
  24. Bumpy

    A Bridge Too Far...

    Nice Post on Newt Mr. Rhino...hows about this one...?
  25. ...and afterwards, what if you change your mind and hit the delete button??
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