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Everything posted by Bumpy

  1. Listen Lady, My last twig, fellowship, time in twi was in Oslo. I've been there and seen it. So please give me a break with all your heartbreak experiences.
  2. The dinner was better than the "teaching"...I had to keep getting back to the part about "believing & receiving"
  3. Honey, if you are indeed the “mistress of darkness”, there may be a reason why you are so fixated on this subject and proving your point(s), every time you feel the need to disagree with someone else? Please don’t answer that! You may have to look at yourself first before you “judge” others...oh “mistress of darkness”. "To Err is Human to Forgive..." <_<
  4. Well, let's just say he was just " a dirty 'older' man...with one eye!
  5. He called me today...He's coming over for dinner & a little "teaching" of the Word! WOW!!
  6. Children, children, you sound just like little ones arguing amongst yourselves as to who is right and who will have the “last word”! One seems to have taken too much “brown acid”, one is a “doubting Thomas” and one looks like she needs to have her meds reviewed. Look at the bright side...you weren’t driving on the bridge last night. The stock market has reported some good earnings today, the sun is shining and you’re officially out of the Way? Even though it’s all you can talk about?? B O R I N G very BORING... get a glass of French wine, a new book and improve your mind! Get A Life! Better yet, write a few chapters on your Cult Book, but please NOT all of the chapters on older men taking advantage of young girls...that happens everywhere!
  7. If you haven’t figured out that the Pillars of the US economy are planted in foundations made of shifting sand...you might want to look at what your retirement $$ financial future might (not) be. By that time, the value of the US $$ and the price of oil may be very far apart indeed! And that’s not including the inflation factor. “Faith in God” may then be the only stable quantity in the news. And that doesn’t come easy for some. <_< http://money.cnn.com/2007/07/30/pf/retirem...earch/index.htm
  8. I only started the thread because it would be nice to see something more "positive" come out of all this history of pain. Besides, creating a "book" thread could be therapeutic as well as helping people to maybe move on...? Some people (women) I think might be here for other reasons than just hashing over their past experiences of "rape"? If after 10 or 20 years it's still an emotional problem, they need a doctor and a meds review. Because it's over, and the sands are running through the glass. It's time to pick up the pieces and move forward. <_< I can feel I'm treading on thin ice here, there's no offense intended.
  9. Eyes, I listened for about 45 min. & fell asleep at the counter. I'm 6 hours later on the time clock here. Why don't you just fill me in on the finer points...
  10. My posting of #312768 was a little entertaining for some? I just think maybe all the agony of repetition could be used in some form of moving forward? I know some just want to keep rewinding the same thread, but even for me after 7 months at GS it gets a little tiresome hearing it over and over. I'm sure I will take some flack for that comment! <_<
  11. Catcup, I can definitely see you writing at least one chapter in the new GS Cult book of Way Horrors!
  12. Here’s an idea? Why don’t all you injured or uninjured, philosophical, intellectual, former twi cultists organize a book based on your way experiences...? I think Word Wolf would be a good editor and all of you could move from one chapter heading to another. Start with an outline & maybe with a polling of subject matter based on priorities? Once it’s finished you can find a publisher and start selling it to the scientologists and all the other groups of disenfranchised former cultists wondering what happened to their lives. But don’t leave out the humorous parts, otherwise no one would have a laugh at all. That could be Hammeroni’s department! And if it made money, you would have enough $$$ to buy that retirement chateau in France and we could all go to the French outdoor markets together! All would have not been for naught!
  13. Investment tips for 2007 For all of you with any money left, be aware of the next expected mergers so that you can get in on the ground floor and make some BIG bucks. Watch for these consolidations in 2007. 1.) Hale Business Systems, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Fuller Brush, and W. R.Grace Co. Will merge and become: Hale, Mary, Fuller, Grace. 2.) Polygram Records, Warner Bros., and Zesta Crackers join forces and become: Poly, Warner Cracker. 3.) 3M will merge with Goodyear and and become: MMMGood. 4. Zippo Manufacturing, Audi Motors, Dofasco, and Dakota Mining will merge and become: ZipAudiDoDa. 5. FedEx is expected to join its competitor, UPS, and become: FedUP. 6. Fairchild Electronics and Honeywell Computers will become: Fairwell Honeychild. 7. Grey Poupon and Docker Pants are expected to become: Poupon Pants. 8. Knotts Berry Farm and the National Organization of Women will become: Knott NOW! And finally .. 9. Victoria 's Secret and Smith & Wesson will merge under the new name: Titty Titty Bang Bang :biglaugh:
  14. No, ~Ex~, I don't mean a French market in America! Every French town and village usually twice a week, has all the fresh fish, vegetables, meats, breads, wine, cheese, flowers...it's like "still life" in a painting. It's not visiting your Walmart! By the way...you just reached a new milage level on you posting counter!
  15. Try a French market! It will change your "eating habits"!!
  16. Bumpy

    In my 'hood

    Yea, he was an amazing dog, a big softie with BIG teeth! He ran the whole property and anyone (priest included!) who drove up, never got out of the car until Boges was convinced the guy wasn't a creep! Anyway, it takes me about 5 years to get over these damn German dogs. They're too smart, get to know you too well, like your every move. I'm trying to figure out what the point of this radio thing is? Any clue??
  17. This “just in” the news... Authorities focusing on a drug bust of Vick's cousin Davon Boddie, descended on the 15-acre property on Moonlight Road and found the makings of modern-day slasher film: a "rape stand" used to force female dogs to submit to breeding while under restraints, a prod or "parting" stick used to pry dogs' mouths open and treadmills used to condition dogs, according to the indictment. More sickening are the "overt acts" outlined in the indictment, describing how the defendants executed pit bulls who did not perform well in test sessions. Boddie, who gave the Moonlight Road address to authorities after his drug bust, is not mentioned in the indictment against his cousin... The above might make for an interesting discussion & maybe how to tie up the “quarterback” to the “rape stand” and let the dogs have a go!!
  18. Bumpy

    In my 'hood

    We had an AMAZING German Schaefer Hund named Bogie! He was over 50kg with typical Bayerish colors of shades of brown and black...a long pedigree to go with him. Two years ago about this time in July, we were going to take him to Austria from France in a new 4x4 which we really bought for him due to his size. Since we had a farm of about 40 acres he was always free. The night before we left, he went across a distant road and a French driver, (probably a truck and for sure driving to fast) cut him in half. He never stopped. Bastard! The village mayor came by and said where we could find Bogs. He took his first & last ride in that vehicle in ten minutes. We dug his grave in tears, about two meters long and one wide to lay him down with all his toys. It was the saddest car trip we ever took. One more bit of irony...we were going to Schladmig in Austria to visit the wife of one of our closest friends, whose husband had just been killed in an avalanche in BC, Canada!
  19. Bumpy

    In my 'hood

    There's a guy in a black suit who plays football in a place called Atlanta, wears number 7, who might be in need of some mental assistance!
  20. Hills Bro...How’s the weather in Buffalo? I’m not French, so save the personal attack for someone else. My thousand Euros still stands! Where’s yours?? <_< It’s like I said, some people just talk...and that’s about where it ends, right?
  21. Since the time I posted this on the 24th, the market has wiped out over $ 525 BILLION in share capital!! It must have been a lucky guess...?? http://finance.myway.com/jsp/nw/nwdt_rt.js...p;date=20070728 In this game, you have to “put your $$$ where your mouth is”. Everything else is just hot air. (Euros 1,000) Never trust a “trader” who holds no positions. They have no credibility & usually no financial capital. That’s why they try and make so much noise. They don’t even trust their own advice! Anyway, it’s only money...have a nice weekend! Bump
  22. Excuse Me? Mister What The Hey?? Are you from another planet? I have learned on GS not to lose it...but your posting is really as dumb as the market is down. I’m laughing too hard at your response. Are you really a trader or do you just “cut & paste” market info.? <_< It’s got to be these types of postings which keep things lively...Bless You! Bump
  23. Down...Down & Down It Goes, Where It Ends...The Knows! <_< Buy Wine...2005 was good both here and in Bordeaux. If you need a Cave, let me know!
  24. Bumpy


    Anybody who has spent longer than one week in any hospital, all hooked up...knows how GREAT it is to GET OUT! Kind Regards,
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