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Everything posted by Bumpy

  1. It's ToonTown Honey! You can check out but you can never leave. Think of it just as a parallel TWI Cult Universe! The search is still on for Gear, Martingale, VP's Mog's and others. But watch out for the Weasels, they slobber all over your posts before they get you!
  2. Thanks Rick! I would have invited you to the Paaarty! I was practising that Water to Wine special show, and you know what... it Works!! All you have to BELIEVE is...in the Renewed Mind of Cult Rehab!
  3. Bumpy

    The Truth

    Socks, YOU are a FUNNY GUY!! But after all, the "personal" attacks are easy to read, and just confirm more of the residue of the cult you lived in...I think there's just no Way around protecting your own little nutshell after all the years of living here? What do you have left in your tazer lazer TWI blazer gun?? How many Cult years did you punch into, to achieve such a clever response?? I don't want GS to move in ANY direction, or one that I would think is possibly better! I'm having too much fun listening to VP's children! Bumpy, "the way things are..." Is REALLY stupid Socks, and I say that knowing you have a real Cult Following!! DisRegard whatever you think you must. But really Socks, The Way Corps must have fit your feet for a long walk...in your youth?? N'est ce pas??
  4. What's most fun about being a CARTOON CHARACTER! is that the CULT WAYBRAIN still considers what you say as being...A Threat! Imagine, all the Ephesians Bible Way Corps training, and you feel THREATENED by a Cartoon Stuffed Tiger!! Amazing! <_< Even More Funny is they were unable, scared or so cult obsessed with their cult cartoon characters, they never even wished the poor tiger, a Happy Birthday! :( No, Not One came to the Party.
  5. That's True! And usually there is a message from an imaginary stuffed Tiger talking about freedom of spppeeech!! Then Poooof! He disappears!!
  6. Bumpy

    The Truth

    Rhino, the advance on Cult HQ has been put on the back burner. Seems there is too much internal discord in the ranks and all military postings are currently being reviewed for authenticity. As this is a lengthy seemingly non-ending process, all attack planning now revolves around a support group of serious cartoon characters! :unsure: Sort of like Petain managing WW2 tactics with WW1 brain power! Intelligence and communication are so far behind cult lines, no one knows where to look? Engaging the enemy at this point would not be advised! Desperately needing NEW recruits! Ende
  7. Bumpy

    The Truth

    Don't worry, it's only Tom Strange, and it's his birthday today! We might just give him a fabulous foxy TV Presentee with beautiful long hair, as a surprise present!! Then at midnight, she can turn into a GS cartoon and let us know how she escaped the clutches of TWI!
  8. I agree, both of them, along with the frenzied Fox FeMale Freaks producing all their "factual fractured made for TV fairy tails" :biglaugh:
  9. Tom, is TODAY really your Birthday?? Have an extra tab on me!!
  10. Bumpy

    The Truth

    Rhino! They hunt beasts with horns in Africa as well! So, you must have an idea of how I feel! Tigers usually get the ax in Asia! Context, my friend, context! The subject is a "cup of reality" right, for TWI and CES? Not denying that some of the cartoon creations are not acquainted with each other at the occasional BBQ in Texas or have never met. Also, I know GS is a nice place to play TV games and find other lost cartoons. But the context is AGAIN, Cartoon characters who made the Great Escape out of TWI actually having an influence over those that are still in! Please, I know there are some "people" out there who still take their god breathed messages about TWI and themselves very seriously...but separate illusions of grandeur from stuffed tigers! This is mostly all cartoon hearsay of the past woven into threads by middle aged gray haired former cultists having one last Cult festivity bash... sometimes 20 YEARS or more after the fact! :) What is there to REALLY left to take seriously that is going to be "reality" in a cup for those still in?? It's only as real as you want it to be. <_<
  11. Bumpy

    The Truth

    Socks, last I looked GS was still a cartoon network of invisible avatar "people"! At least in TWI and CES people are in the flesh, right? When you watch cartoons on TV, what do you usually see, Bart & Homey, correct? Fictional characters playing out childish, obnoxious roles. What is GS? Invisible cartoon creations, but with no creative voices, just a keyboard. Why would GS be any different? There are no "people" here who are any more real than your fingers touching the keyboard. What is there to take seriously? A moderator who might decide he doesn't like your post and delete it?? Or a cartoon who gets angry because he doesn't like what you post. One size does fit all here. It's usually the SAME cartoon avatars trying to make some kind of point, with a few "extras" avatars thrown in from time to time. And the "usual suspects" USUALLY repeat over and over the same complaining cult waybrain statements everyday regarding how they interpret their ill spent youth, year after year, with THOUSANDS of posts to prove it! If GS is REALLY a "cup of reality" for anything outside of itself, then cartoon network time for kiddies is more real than the person you look at in the mirror! And THEN Mr. Socks you have a real delusional problem! Like, you REALLY ARE a squirrel!
  12. Bumpy

    The Truth

    ...and that is why my dear, they continue to let you serve coffee and cake to all those who walk in the door here!
  13. Word of Knowledge! Thread Carefully! Word of Wisdom! Don't disagree with a Potato or a V xxx N !!! [edited to delete insulting name referring to another poster] Revelation..? Surprise!! You've been cast into the Fiery Pit of Internet...kaka!
  14. If it was, it would have been....deleted!
  15. Thanks for that A LOT! I just dumped my latest batch of pills 2 days ago because the side effects were just too much. But the reading from my blood test were through the roof. At this point, I don't know what to do. Cheese and food in general in France is loaded with the stuff. I'm going to have new blood work done and go back for another consultation this week.
  16. Bumpy


    Hey Waysider, I sent my friend in Glendale, cult HQ for Scientology the same link. This was his response... All I can say is Scientology is probably the most misunderstood philosophy out there only because people, instead of finding out what it is on the inside, would rather criticize it from the outside. We have alot of powerful enemies: the mainstream media, governments and the entire medical establishment, mainly because we are basically a war with big pharma - and they have big pockets, doling out huge sums to the media, in the form of ad revenues; the govenment, in the form of substantial political contributions; and the medical field in the form of grants. As for psychiatry, well we all know they are nothing but legalized drug pushers for big pharma and that drugs are the only thing that empty science has to offer. I challenge you to actually read the following books: Dianetics, Science of Survival, Self Analysis and the Fundamentals of Though, to name a few, then tell me it's nothing but a "cult". Tom Cruise, in my mind, has great courage to put himself out there knowing he'll be attacked. I say before you criticize him take some time to see what it is he's trying to promote.
  17. Bumpy


    I have a (lost) friend in this group which is why I sometimes read about it. But it pretty much lines up with a general cult profile. Reject family & friends, integrate into new mindset, refuse to recognize other outside opinions, close doors and say good night! Those that are on the "outside" will never understand!! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/arti...d=1773&ct=5
  18. Bumpy

    The Truth

    Difficult to come up with a simple yes/no answer. The Cult WayBrain is a complicated mindset. As you say, those that are innies, whether TWI or CES, are "members" for a reason. The need to belong to an avant gard Bible group, or the fear of leaving one might play a role? Most here I believe joined in their youth wanting to "serve" God in a pre-Internet era which sounds innocent enough. Emotional bars of fear (El Diablo), rejection or peer/family pressures probably kept some in longer than they would have liked. Whether GS plays any kind of motivational exit role today would be difficult to prove. I think for the most part this is just a chat room of invisible Avatar people trying to reconnect with lost friends, work out past issues, play TV games or mentally masturbate what "might have been"? As a morning "cup of reality"...that might be stretching it a bit?
  19. Bumpy

    The Truth

    We know that, it goes without saying. But getting back to the subject... Does anyone at TWI or CES who might be listening to these "testimonials", feel that GS (as an "invisible" Internet vehicle), plays a real source of MOTIVATION for people to "see the light" for their Cult Exit Strategy? For some, this is a better place. For others who leave, it may not be? For posters who NEVER leave GS, it may be the ONLY place they have to go?
  20. Bumpy

    The Truth

    But then I would miss all the nice happy post-mortem dialogue between people expressing such "Joyful Noise" of having escaped TWI bondage, potato!
  21. Bumpy

    The Truth

    Cman, my point relates more directly to the "mission statement" of GS being a morning cup of Coffee for TWI (ces). Is there a message being sent here from GS which is going to wake ANYONE up in TWI to..."cult" reality?? Or is the internal attack warfare between people here, under the guise of "healing", making this site just a postmortem exercise of more cult waybrain anger & confusion?
  22. "Only One Post"? That's so sad! But since I'm imaginary, I guess I'll have to cancel that hair appointment! Jeffery, do yourself a favor, stop listening to imaginary stuffed tigers! Especially those you claim come up with (imaginary) statements, "of making s--- up"! :unsure: With that in mind, PLEASE TAKE YOUR MEDS! They will help! :)
  23. Bumpy

    The Truth

    Cman, going to slightly de-rail this thread here for you, just because The Title seems to be such an interesting universal concept for potential abuse on a rainy Saturday, and no one has yet responded to it directly?? Anyway... (Please don't yell at me if you can help it!) Question: What do folks think "the truth" is regarding TWI listening to all the "Voices" here at GS? If the tree has fallen in the forest, is anyone really out there listening to all the voices of discontent being expressed here? Or are we just talking and arguing amongst ourselves?? I wonder what people at TWI & CES, etc., REALLY think about HOW viewpoints get expressed here? Do they think that what is spoken about on GS is really the "truth"? Or do they view people here as dysfunctional cult remnants ranting and repeating over and over the same old stories just to bring attention to themselves?? What is "the Truth", are those inside TWI really paying any interest to the GS trees in the forest?? :unsure:
  24. I thought you might enjoy this little website article?? http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D8...;show_article=1 Just another example.
  25. That's what the Greeks said!
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