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Everything posted by Bolshevik

  1. I'm the reason you don't carry guns on patrol anymore. I still figured out how to do damage with a stick.
  2. I first met that dude at an AC. He was part of my "inspiration" to go on Staff. . . . Now when I meet him, he's part of my inspiration to never go to fellowship again. Reminds me of another thread . . . he he he . . .
  3. You think they could do it again with Toronto and New York?
  4. According to the New York Daily News, Hell froze over in October of 2004.
  5. I'm going to the new creation museum on Sunday. I've been putting together a list of questions to ask when I get there. Does anyone else have some ideas?
  6. Nature - 5 Math - 4.71 Boldy Movement - 3.14 I pretty much stink at everything else.
  7. well at least you stopped it. (some bad major league plays coming to mind)
  8. 1. Last I checked T-Rex is considered to have been a scavenger. 2. Whenever humans and animals encounter each other, humans ultimately win. 3. The gorilla and the coelacanth were once just rumors. 4. I kinda wanted to just point out the evolutionists belief about what the tail represents. A giant penis. Not only are the evolutionists the self-proclaimed experts in science, but experts of the Bible too. I thought the penis stuff was funny.
  9. I haven't heard this before. Read this: http://wiki.cotch.net/index.php/The_Truth_...lus_postulation Then this: http://creationwiki.org/Behemoth%2C_from_t...r_%28EvoWiki%29
  10. You could always consider that life could be in forms not like our own. (not carbon-based)
  11. You could look at the Bible as an old book. I've been told Job is the oldest part. Far as I know, lots of older cultures that were not influenced by the Bible describe creatures that are different to our minds.
  12. If it had a navel, as isw suggested, then it came from a placental animal. dinos laid eggs as far as I know.
  13. Bolshevik

    New Museum

    Someone mentioned dinosaurs on the ark is silly. I simply pointed out the whole ark concept is silly too. I already mentioned the evolutionist talk about their belief in God in the classroom. Even evolutionists believe in God and push their agenda. You're trying to oversimplify the arguent Mr. P. You don't believe in God. That's your right. You believe in evolution. That's your right. You believe something else entirely. That's your right. But don't tell there's a pile of facts proving evolution. Now you're lying to me. Unless you're willing to admit you've "taken it on faith." Trust others? You mean like twi wanted me to? Push their ideas on others acting like I know something for certain? twi's study methods are as idiotic as the evolution reasoning. I don't know what happened exactly, and I'm comfortable with that. If I knew everything there wouldn't be a point in me studying science would there? What religion am I Mr. P? I don't associate with anyone right now. I'm free to make my own decisions. For now at least.
  14. Bolshevik

    New Museum

    http://foolmoon.com/printthread.php/Board/...59326/type/post non-evolution atheist etc.
  15. It's good logical quetion. Yes, some folks did purchase there own tp. It's one of life's luxuries I guess. I think the point is they shouldn't have too. Did you know the Director's have an annual meeting in places like Key West and other islands?
  16. Bolshevik

    New Museum

    I believe I have heard of non-evolution atheists. You don't have to be religious to not believe in evolution. Cancer. Mister P-Mosh. Cancer. I was working in a lab for a research scientist at a local school of medicine. He studies apoptosis. (Programmed cell-death). This is an important study in understanding cancer. It suddenly dawned on me that evolutionists don't have a mechanism yet. Darwin's natural selection idea doesn't go deep enough. Sure, the most "fit" creatures survive and reproduce. I'm fine with that. But even evolutionists are doubting that this all there is to it. (BTW, Gregol Mendel's work was sitting on Darwin's desk, but Darwin never opened it.) In order for new traits to arise a mutation in the gentetic code must at some point occur. I had always assumed that beneficial mutations occur on occasion that inevitably result in species evolution. Then I realized that all known mutations result in disease. Most notably cancer. There are just so many ways for cancer to occur. (That's why it's so hard to fight, there's no one way or simple way in which cancer can arise.) I already asked in this thread for a documentation of a new protein arising due to mutation. Plus, there's so many proteins devoted to maintaining the genetic code. It's like our body has scribes devoted to maintaining our blueprints. I wonder if we took the all the years evolutionist claim life has been around. (Billions I think) Then calculated all the "beneficial" mutations necessary for all the evolution that has occured. Seems like a number in the billions X billions X billions. At what rate should beneficial mutations occur?Surely these mutations would be something we would be seeing in our lifetime. I only know of damaging ones. These mutations need to of course occur in our reproductive cells. Mixing of information occurs there. But new traits due to new information? Dogs have floppy ears because information in their genetic code has been lost. Nothing gained. Evolution is simply illogical.
  17. Bolshevik

    New Museum

    I was never trying to prove the creation account. (Yes I know even the creationist say "If we disprove evolution then our account must be true blah blah blah") The evolution push sucks the fun out of science. If they would just say "we can prove microevolution, here see, there it is, we postulate maybe all species diverged in this way" I would take that as an idea. Instead, everything in a biology class centers around evolution. Everything in a physics class doesn't center around the Big Bang Theory. Its left for later, to discuss and ponder. Evolution is dropped on you like the Bible.
  18. I can multiply numbers in scientific notation though. What year would you say that video was made? And yes, its a stalemate, who the heck knows what's out there.
  19. Bolshevik

    New Museum

    That is what my physics profs taught. We know what we know from our time in the lab. Well, if you're comparing archeology and paleontology, show me the fossils. I still just see a record of "An animal was here". Not a progression of a developing species. You can arrange any group, fossilized and living, and make an evolutionary tree. Then rearrange it, make a different one. And again.I see no proof in the fossil record. And what about the fossils that turn up that don't fit the "status quo"? (I hope to see those at the new museum). none of it is based on direct observation. Vestigial organs. How many of them turn out to be actually serving a function? Why should I simply accept evolution to be true? It's not like the other theories. For the others the profs send me to the lab and say "prove it to yourself." There's a lot of work involved. Math and experiments. And then application. And nothing is absolute. Evolution is different. Pull out a book on evolution and you'll see they talk religion. It's just talk. A verbal argument. It shifts and changes, whatever new discoveries are made is explained in light of the evolution idea. Instead of saying, "hmm, this doesn't fit our previous ideas," they say "How does this fit in evolution? Because it has to fit". And how is it applied? What's the practical application? The more science I learn, the more I honestly doubt it. (And I began believing evolution to be true). Garth, I'll take your answer to be "I believe in evolution because a bunch of other people say it is so."
  20. Bolshevik

    New Museum

    We are assuming an observed mechanism of advantageous mutation in addition to the previous genetic code. Then we are assuming single-cell life forms evolved into multi-celled that acted as a single organism. Then that group of cells reproduces in a method different from mitosis. A spore? An egg? A womb? What?
  21. That is the equation I was referring to Garth. Thanks. Now take that equation from our high school science class, and add the factors in my above post. (Better yet, see the documentary Belle mentioned.) The numbers get significantly smaller.
  22. I was just talking with some "innies" at the gulag and was reminded of a not-so-pleasant daily life fact. The toilet paper twi provides is way too scratchy. I now know of at least two people who went to the doctor thinking they had problems. We now believe the toilet paper is to blame. So now you have a doctors bill, on a $4 an hour salary, and your butt hurts. Seriously, how much does leadership hate its people?
  23. Bolshevik

    New Museum

    Garth, What convinces you that all species evolved from a common ancestor?
  24. Nope. I haven't maxed all my credit cards.
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