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Posts posted by wrdsandwrks

  1. Firkin: (n) small ground squirrels, genrally having two stripes down the back, infesting the former campus of the former Way College of Emporia, so named by former Corps Director (and honorary 9th Corps graduate) John A. Lynn. Taken from the verse in the Gospels about Jesus turning water into wine; refers to the size of the vessels in which the water was kept: "containing two or three firkins apiece."


    How about those world-famous undefeated Sliding Firkins?

    I happen to know one of the star players.

  2. Well, Jim actually found me. I am not hard to find. I look at this website about once a year or two, mainly at this forum if I get an itch to see who is where.

    In a nutshell, I live in the Columbus Ohio area. I've been working for a company called OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. for 17 years in the Office of Research. If you want to see what I do, and an old picture of me, go to the corporate website and look under "Meet the people of OCLC Programs and Research".

    I have two kids: a girl now 21 who attends OSU, and a boy now 18 who is at Columbus State (JC).

    My wife is working as an architect.

    We have two birds (daughter has one too).

    I still love God and his Son the Lord Jesus Christ, and have a fellowship in my home.

    We are part of a local church that we call Scriptural Study Groups in Central Ohio.

    As far as TWI goes, meh. To me now, they are simply an organization in Ohio with whom I have nothing to do. God's word in Ephesians states: Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.

    So, I have forgiven them, and moved on.

    Hi Roger! Nice to hear you're doing well! Karie (Tourne) Masterson here. Say hi to Darlene for me.

  3. Nice article. Thanks Shortfuse.

    I've been touched by Lonnie Frisbee's story. Learning about him and TWI's historical connection to the Jesus Freak movement is just one more of the many things I've gained here at the GS cafe.

    This may be off topic but, talking about contemporary Christian music, you know you're getting old when you can't understand what your son's crazy music is about but you're just glad it's Christian.

    Ever hear of this band, Haste the Day? It's one of my 15 year old son's favorite bands. (Not mine) If you're brave enough, click on the name below and let me know what you think. It's not exactly what the Slate article calls "saccharine" is it?

    Haste the Day!

  4. snip---> The group with which I've been revisiting the Gospels at times jokes about how in a sense we've become a support group for recovering intellectuals (!) At one point we were reading and discussing something Jesus said, and although I'm often quite verbal there, as others shared varying viewpoints, I remained silent. This was one of those times where I felt quite "attached to the Vine," and at that moment, what was coming through the zylum or phloem (I'm not sure which, or even how to spell them!) was a sense of being present with the Lord himself. After the discussion wore down some, someone turned to me and asked my thoughts, and I replied, "It's beyond analysis!" The whole room erupted in laughter. I felt that everyone knew exactly what I was saying.

    A favorite quote of mine comes from Isaac Newton. I can only paraphrase him from memory, and seem to have misplaced the book. Something like

    I don't know what others think about me, but I feel rather like a child by the seashore, busily turning pebbles this way and that, and little shells, while the whole sea of truth lies before me, undiscovered.

    actually, it's a pretty bad paraphrase, but the best I can do at the moment :redface2:

    "I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me."

    You got pretty close for a paraphrase. It communicates well! Great stuff.

    I recently read Madeleine L'Engle's fiction book, "Many Waters". It communicates in fiction a vision of how the Nephilim operated in the time of Noah. If nothing else it was an entertaining read.

    PS (Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I also recently read George MacDonald's "Lileth". She is a character from Jewish mythology who was said to be Adam's first wife, she appears in C.S. Lewis' the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. If you remember the Witch is said to be not a daughter of Eve but of Lileth. Not sure it relates here but it's an interesting read also.)

  5. I remember a few years ago the topic of Nephilim was brought up and I was vehemently against it. I thought it was ludicrous, it was obviously Seth's line. No way could angels produce offspring with humans.

    A couple of years ago, I googled Nephilim. As you know, the internet is full of junk and crackpots, but there were enough wonderful articles, I got the jist of it. I also read the Book of Enoch, its history and how and who destroyed it is very interesting. It wasn't until the late 19th and early 20th century that two copies were found, hidden away by Egyptian coptic Christians. It seems the book of Enoch was widely known, is quoted throughout scripture, not elaborated upon, because it was probably assumed everyone knew what it said. He elaborates on who these fallen angels were in Gen. 6:4, he called them the Watchers. Interesting stuff. I'll find some links for you tomorrow. But Google Nephilim and read Enoch. Enoch is on the net. It just fills in missing pieces. I believe there is a reason God wants us to know now. It was not needful to be revealed earlier. But with mankind's knowledge of DNA, it now makes sense.

    Also, a great book, is Patrick Heron's book (yes, he was 12th corps from Ireland), the Nephilim, the Pyramids and Apocolypse, something like that. It was a best seller on Amazon for awhile. I think its ten bucks, I ordered it from Amazon. He gives a great overview, has pics, etc. He really did his research, explaining their names, etc.

    Why do I like this theory? Because it explains why:

    1. God told Israel to wipe out certain tribes. Its not that God was a genocidal maniac.

    2. It explains why Jesus told his disciples, when asking for signs of the coming end times, said: It shall be as it was in the days of Noah. I imagine these fallen angels were doing lots of DNA cross-species manipulation creating their offspring, even the animals weren't left alone. I think the "myths" of Greece and other civilizations of hybred animals, were based in truth. Now, mankind is doing some weird DNA manipulation and will eventually create cross-species - going against God's natural law. Thus, we are now in the "days of Noah."

    3. Explains why there was a flood. All of mankind had been corrupted. Thus, the Savior could not redeem mankind, Satan would be victorious, the earth forevermore his. That's why when Gen. says Noah was "perfect" - I believe the Hebrew word means, genetically perfect. As a descendent of Adam - he was fully human, his genes had not been corrupted. As we know, and Satan knew, the Savior would come through Adam's line. So, destroy it.

    4. Explains why, after all the corruption, Israel were not to worship these strange gods.

    I also note, that all of the ancient Gods, from Maya, Babylon, Sumeria, all had the same names, and Appolyon (Apollo) their leader, all of whom are "chained" up until the last days, will rise again (Rev.), they will be released from their prison. I think mankind, will once again, worship these beings, as gods.

    Tomrrow I'll find some links.

    I know it sounds crazy, but it sure does answer some questions and tie some things together.

    Interesting post, I've also been interested in the subject of the Nephilim.

    I've listened to some teachings by Chuck Missler on the Nephilim.

    I ran across this quote in Appendix 25 (on Nephilim) of Bullinger's Bible:

    "Moreover, we have in these mighty men, the "men of renown," the explanation of the origin of the Greek mythology. That mythology was no mere invention of the human brain, but it grew out of the traditions, and memories, and legends of the doings of that mighty race of beings; and was gradually evolved out of the "heroes" of Gen. 6:4. The fact that they were supernatural in their origin formed an easy step to their being regarded as the demi-gods of the Greeks."

  6. Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican

    KJV Luke 18:9-14

    (9) And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others:

    (10) Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican.

    (11) The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.

    (12) I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.

    (13) And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.

    (14) I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.

    As I see it... here....

    Two believers went to Greasespot to discuss the cult they used to be in and find themselves in a discussion...

    The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God I stand for the truth and will not fold or bend without proof. I stand for truth. I stand for the law and the bearings required by law have not been met. Therefore, I stand before all, righteous, as I did not bend but stood. I stand upon your word.

    And the publican, standing afar off, felt dirty and would not even lift up their eyes, Father, I do not know what happened I was looking for you, truly seeking you God, and instead I was sexually raped by a man who claimed to know you, I feel so stupid and ugly, I have not been able to find my backbone or my core for twenty years, if you will but scrape me off the side walk and breath life back into me, I will seek you again and try to find all I can be in you.... I lay before you, face down breathe your life into me so I may rise up and find myself again.

    It took excat, all of Waydale and about 8 years here to tell her story in one page. She would dribble things out like a child unable to articulate what had happened. One post she may just say ...like Weirwolf did to me. 6 months later sarcastically, "yes, he healed me!" A year later, "watch out for that motor coach."

    When she drizzled her story out, she has been met with wrath and distain. She would delete the fragments she was brave enough to write - then withdrawal. One time, tired of her taking YEARS to drizzle the story out, and having people think she looked like she couldn't complete a sentence, I put all her sentences together and posted them. She called me hysterical 'cause she could not look at the words, they hurt too much.

    Now, she put it all together finally. In a readable format. And she was met by insensitivity, pharisaical attitudes and inanity it has been beyond cruel.

    From people telling her that maybe VP was trying to heal her, yes, heal childhood rape – by adult rape. To saying, perhaps she choose him, to demanding blue dress proof...

    I am glad that our Lord does not treat us the way you people have treated this woman excath, Catcup and poor Marsha here. It was so bad, I bet the heavens wept. And to think some of you are comfortable with that is appalling. And what gets me is YOU people think you are standing for the God of love written of in the Bible.

    One of you, even seemed to derive pleasure out of her crumbling. May God deal with you accordingly. I have loved some of you, one of you ordained and a favorite of mine, and now I am in a state of shock that YOU people who have shown warmth and compassion for animals, could rise to such meanness. Shame on you and your hard hearts.

    Again, Dot, this is a really deep thread. I think VP had a pattern of picking on those he sniffed out had been abused as children.

    Excie, God bless you for your courage. I pray that all the precious things that were stolen from you will be restored in a deep way within your soul and in your life. You are a precious gift, and a feisty one at that!

  7. Hi Dot! Great to see you. Yes, I put my two cents in this thread somewhere, I don't feel like slogging through it to find it.

    This is another GS classic thread. Yeah, it does seem we do this once or twice a year or so.

    I was thinking of this quote during this thread:

    The author is expounding on Christ's saying: Come hither, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

    He says:

    "Come hither all, all, all of you, with Him is rest, and He makes no difficulties, He does but one thing, He opens his arms. He will not first (as righteous people do, alas, even when they are willing to help) - He will not first ask thee, "Art though not after all to blame for thy misfortune? Has thou in fact no cause for self-reproach?".... But he will put no such questions to thee, He will not be thy benefactor in so cruel a fashion. If thou thyself art conscious of being a sinner, he will not inquire of thee about it, the bruised reed He will not further break, but he will raise thee up if thou will attach thyself to Him. He will not single thee out by contrast, holding thee apart from Him, so that thy sin will seem still more dreadful; He will grant the a hiding place within Him, and once hidden in Him He will hide thy sins.... He does not stand and wait, he goes forth to seek, as the shepherd sought the lost sheep, as the woman sought the lost coin. He goes - yet no, he has gone, but infinitely farther than any shephard or any woman, He went, in sooth, the infinitely long way from being God to becoming man, and that way He went in search of sinners.

    S. Kierkegaard.

    This is for Excie, Marsha, Dot, Rascal, Catcup, et al. For all who have been hurt, yet still open their hearts and lives so others may learn - He does but one thing, He opens his arms.

    Wow, that is an awesome quote, gave me goosebumps, amen to that!


    I've had rape and near rape experiences. The near rape was tougher to get over than the rapes. The rapes were by strangers. That was one thing to deal with. I don't feel any leftover pain or scars from them - this all happened no less than 30 years ago and today really feels more like a movie I saw than something I actually endured, except for the near rape. I can still feel it today.

    The near rape was by my brother. I didn't speak to him for close to 6 years after that. When we did speak it was only because our mother died and there were decisions to be made. We had no dad. I was barely 18 at that time. My brother acknowledged the fact when I called him to tell him Mom had died and he needed to get to the hospital. He offered to pick me up to go to the funeral home and I told him I'd NEVER be alone with him again as long as I lived. He said he understood and would have his fiance along. His acknowledging the fact somehow allowed me to feel safe enough to be around him as long as there was someone else with us.

    I was 12 at the time of the incident with my brother. He was a drunken 16-year-old. We were unsupervised children. He tore my clothes off of me and fondled me here and there. When I quit fighting, he seemed to sort of snap out of it and stopped short of actual penetration, but he was 'right there'. He picked me up off the floor and apologized about 10 times, kissed me on the forehead and then told me he'd kill me if I ever told Mom.

    He left home when I was 13 or 14. I left home when I was 14. I was never able to tell my mom although it remained in the forefront of my mind every time I spoke with her - I couldn't trust her not to tell him that she knew. I knew he'd kill me if I ever told her. I did confide it in a foster mother when I was 15, and she told my mother. My mother died accusing me of making the whole thing up.

    My brother had raped all of our siblings as we grew up. I was the least of it. He'd been "fondled" by a step-uncle that had to babysit us one night when my brother was around 12. I understand that's what triggered him becoming a rapist. He went on to have 4 kids of his own and a stepdaughter. He molested the stepdaughter when she was 2. He left his own kids alone as far as I've heard.

    We'd enjoyed a friendly relationship over the years as we'd never been alone anywhere and I had always believed that he was as much a victim of our upbringing as the rest of us were. I never felt in danger of him raping again. Our kids grew up knowing each other. We talked a few years ago about some of our childhood horrors and he made an interesting comment to me. He asked me if I ever found it odd that both he and I very rarely allowed our children to be cared for by anyone other than ourselves. I told him right off the top of my head, "No - supervised children are less at risk of rape." It was in that conversation he told me what had happened to him when that uncle babysat. All the remaining pieces of the puzzle fell into place for me.

    We've since quit talking as a result of a conversation between his wife and me where she told me what he'd done to her daughter. I then called him and was foolish enough to think he'd talk honestly with me. I've stopped all communication now and didn't even attend his daughter's wedding as I just can't be anywhere that he is. All these years I thought he had dealt with his demons. Today I believe he never will.

    I have a full-grown son who's NEVER had any sexual contact he hasn't wanted and am raising a daughter now - my goal is to be able to say the same thing when she's the age my son is at now. My children are never left unsupervised.

    Dear ((((Bowtwi))))

    Thanks for sharing this. I pray and believe that your children are blessed and protected by your vigilence.

    ((((Rascal))) too!

    I'm glad to know you both!

  9. Wow. This has been a very deep thread. I tried to read through all of it yesterday, I think I got through most of it. I understand that some people think the original topic was derailed by the sexual misconduct of the "Teacher" of the class.

    But it just goes to show that you can't really separate the message from the messenger, especially if the messenger severely wounded you or someone you love. I think Paul talked about being "living epistles, known and read of all men", in Corinthians. People are going to read your life by how you treated others, not by how much Bible knowledge you spouted. Bottom line is VP's life didn't line up with what he taught in PFAL. There have been many Bible teachers whose ministries are derailed by the discovery of sin in their life. However, those that I've studied that were genuine ministers of the gospel, "fell" into sin and either repented of it or lost their ministries over it.

    VP's life doesn't seem to fit into that mold, he had a "doctrine" that he taught to his inner sanctum that was destructive, selfish, manipulative, and evil. Many were hurt, some died because of it and because of the lack of loving care for God's people in TWI.

    I did get born-again during PFAL, I spoke in tongues during PFAL. I had some great adventures in TWI, some not so great. I met my dear husband and some awesome friends. I still feel a connection to those who were in TWI, which is why GS is such a cool place. I'm thankful to reconnect here with some people I knew and to meet those I didn't know. I don't think God is done with any of us.

    I'm eternally grateful to God for reaching down to me and graciously saving me and delivering me from the kingdom of darkness into the light of His marvelous Son.

    I personally think that most of what was taught in PFAL is doctrinally suspect. The most important thing IMO to learn from the Bible is how have a relationship with God, the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Sprit. PFAL taught me to confess Jesus Christ as Lord but not how to make Him my Lord, Saviour and friend in day to day life. Without a relationship with Jesus Christ, I think we miss out on a huge part of the Christian life.

    I've learned since leaving TWI to run to Jesus for everything. When life is great I run to Him with praise and thanksgiving. I run to Him with all my questions, I run to Him for healing and emotional deliverance. I run to Him when I'm hurt or I don't understand something. The worst times in my life are those times when I've felt like I can't get a hold of God.

    Jesus is the Great High Priest who sympathizes with us in all our weaknesses, the one on the throne of grace where we obtain mercy and find grace to help every time we need it.

  10. I think white dove believes these girls could have said NO and i also believe they could have said NO.

    but i do not get what his point is either. is it to blame the girls who had sex because they had sex as well as the man ?

    so it is BOTH of them that is wrong. ok.

    does that make it right or something?

    that does discount the drugs and alcohol and the mog and the power play , the man kind of had an advantage there .

    no both were wrong. but both were not victims.

    I don't think it's as simple as saying "No" and I don't think you can say these victims were wrong. They were wronged. Even without drugs there's a power that someone in VP's position exerts over a young person's mind that doesn't allow for a rational decision to be made. He didn't "ask" them to have sex with him. This is not consensual sex.

    When my dear friend confided in me what had happened to her in VP's motorcoach, after VPs death, she told me I was the 1st person she told about this. I knew that it had been a traumatic and deeply hurtful experience for her and I asked her if she felt guilty about it. The way she explained it to me was that she didn't feel guilty because it wasn't a choice that she made. It was such a powerful compulsion to what he told her to do that she didn't have a choice and therefore guilt wasn't the proper word to describe how she felt.

  11. Is not a parent responsible for a 17 year old teen? Why was she out there alone on the wow field? the age of adulthood is 18 always has been.

    sex is 17 , but a parent is always responsible for their children till legal age which is 18, how could she go "out wow" without them? at 17 she could not make medical decisions for herself legaly, she coul not sign any contract "lease for apartment" she was not even responsible forher self finanacialy, a parent still carrys the full load at 17. any decision she meade would have fallen on her parents to support and be responsible for how can twi legaly allow her to go? did your parents sign papers saying they would allow it?

    the law sure wouldnt.

    I haven't read through this whole thread yet but I started from the end and I'm working my way backwards. I went WOW in 1975 the age of seventeen. I turned 18 in January of 1976. My parents, who were not in TWI, signed a paper giving me permission to go. As much as it broke my parents hearts to have me give up a college academic scholarship to go WOW, they gave me their permission. If I remember correctly my WOW coordinator was also 17 or barely 18 and the other 2 girls were 18. Not a lot of combined wisdom among the group. I was also sexually assaulted as a WOW, but I don't think it caused the lasting damage because it was a stranger who broke into our apt. rather than the trusted MOG. Want to blame my parents?

    Not sure what your point is, are you saying that her parents were responsible for the rape? Sorry but that just doesn't cut it. Full responsibility lies with the perpertrator of the crime, which is even more despicable because he was put in a position of trust by her and her parents and then he just used her up and spit her out.

    IMO if TWI truly had any integrity they would disband the organization, sell all the property, collect all the Swiss bank accounts or wherever they've stashed the loot they stole from innocent people and set up a fund to renumerate all those victims of sexual assault whose lives were derailed by having a person they trusted abuse them in such a manner. The money would not come close to restoring what was stolen from them but it would be a step in the right direction.

  12. Just out of curiosity:

    1-I love the stuff and smoke it every chance I get

    2-I occasionally puff some to relax

    3-I thinks it's not a good thing to do but I do it anyway on rare occasion

    4-I think it's wrong and simply don't do it

    5-It's from satan and you will get possessed if you even get near it

    8 - I prefer getting "drunk" in the Spirit to any kind of drugs or alcohol.

  13. Thinking back on time at Emporia, I remembered the absolute best "hide-out". My last year in-rez in the 9th Corps, I was on faculty for the Greek class. G*ne Sl*vit, me and a 6th corps guy whose name escapes me were the faculty team. Being able to "hang out" in the faculty lounge was almost like dying and going to heaven. I can still get excited just thinking about it.

    It was beautifully decorated, had comfortable couches, TV, air-conditioning, all the food, snacks and soda you could imagine. And, I could invite my friends in to hang out with me and watch TV. It was really the ultimate, after being deprived of all these comforts for so long, to have them for a couple of weeks was amazing. The only sad part was after the class was over, not being able to go in there any more. I would pass it by with longing, looking to get a glimpse inside.

  14. On July 26 we will be celebrating our 29th anniversary, the anniversary of a 6th Corps wedding I would rather forget. Although I loved my spouse, I hated my wedding.

    Catcup, Happy upcoming Anniversary! Thanks for sharing all these details. I'm sorry that people who like to control others (from the top on down) had to ruin your special day. It sounds like everything that was wrong with TWI played a part in the debacle.

    Your posts do put a historical perspecive on the corps weddings and how they evolved. I was wondering if the 6th Corps was the 1st "mass" corps wedding? I'm thinking they were the 1st at Emporia since you guys were the 1st corps at Emporia, right?

  15. Hey, don't lay it on too thick, there's only so much you can do with a rusty sword..


    Mr. Hamm,

    I was wondering if, in addition to your wielding a rusty sword, you've been running a spy ring for the British govt. in Iran, or if these are merely some of your relatives?

    Did you see this:

    Iranian Police Smash Squirrel Spy Ring?

    Police in Iran are reported to have taken 14 squirrels into custody - because they are suspected of spying.

    Britain's latest secret weapon?The rodents were found near the Iranian border allegedly equipped with eavesdropping devices.

    The reports have come from the official Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA).

    Is this part of your squirrel cult activites?

  16. To predators, it was a target-rich environment…Weird…really weird…like horror-movie-weird…A bunch of dumb sheep going to work at a slaughter house run by wolves.

    I read something online yesterday that sounded a lot like what happened to those in TWI. It's especially disturbing when the victims were children.

    This is from:

    Shepherd´s Rod 2003

    Bob Jones and Paul Keith Davis

    September 16, 2002



    Approximately six years ago, Bob and I were both given revelations at about the same time, depicting the two forms of "shepherds" identified in Ezekiel 34. In the experience, a very expensive trunk was displayed moving down the highway loaded in the cargo section with closely sheared sheep. The sheep were a pitiful site in that they had been so harshly sheared that their skin was bleeding from cuts and gashes. The individuals driving the trunk were heard commenting on how wonderfully "the Lord" had blessed them with a bountiful harvest of wool.

    In reality it was not the Lord who had blessed them but their own ambitions and willingness to abuse the sheep in order to gain the blessing. Finally, the men became so weary from hearing the crying and bleeping sheep that they lifted a lever on the trunk, expelling the sheep along the road in which they were traveling, which was Highway 78.

    For thus says the Lord GOD, "Behold, I Myself will search for My sheep and seek them out. As a shepherd cares for his herd in the day when he is among his scattered sheep, so I will care for My sheep and will deliver them from all the places to which they were scattered on a cloudy and gloomy day.”

    "And I will bring them out from the peoples and gather them from the countries and bring them to their own land; and I will feed them on the mountains of Israel, by the streams, and in all the inhabited places of the land.”

    "I will feed them in a good pasture, and their grazing ground will be on the mountain heights of Israel. There they will lie down in good grazing ground, and they will feed in rich pasture on the mountains of Israel.”

    "I will feed My flock and I will lead them to rest," declares the Lord GOD. (Ezekiel 34:11-15)

    When this was done in the vision, the Lord expressed in a very grieved manner that He would hear the cries of the sheep and would someday release the blessings of Psalm 78 with the emergence of a righteous priesthood or "good shepherds" after His heart.

    I'm praying that every young person wounded by corrupt shepherds will find their "good pasture and good grazing ground and will feed in rich pasture" and be fed and restored by "The Good Shepherd".

  17. We went to Des Moines right after our wedding. We had a total of $150 between us. I was so glad our wedding only cost us $200 and a tuxedo. I never gave Mrs. Out There an engagement ring and if I had I doubt she ever would have worn it. (She doesn't wear much jewelry). If our wedding had cost us anymore I doubt we would have had enough money for gas to get out of Emporia. We both really liked our "mass" wedding. yea we would probably do something different today but back then it was the best thing that could have happened to us.

    What I am trying to say is I liked our wedding and never would have changed a thing.we have been married for 24 years now. We only had two 'dates' before we were married and hardly knew much about each other. Some might call it a game of roulette that we played and won but we found we love each other very much and always did and always will. we are already talking about plans for our next anniversary.

    Aww. That's so sweet. I have a similar view of our wedding. It was a very special day, and I know God blessed us.

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