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Everything posted by justloafing

  1. He should know how it all works. ;)-->
  2. I have done the same thing Ham.....never with the mindset you did but you are so right. Ask any search engine and they all will give you the same answer, "they suck".
  3. Okay it was 19 years ago so I don't remember what class it was but vic showed the pyramid scheme. Where the top person is at the top of the pyramid. He said twi was just the oppisite and inverted the pytamid and showed (on one of those great charts) one block supporting the whole pyramid. Vic said he was at the bottom supporting twi. My butt
  4. Foundational class.......vp went through all the men of god and how there always was one. God also showed him the word by revalation and vp was going to teach it like it had not been known since the first century. What do you think he (vp) was saying? I don't know if I ever heard him come right out and say it but he said it all the way around without using those exact words. He may have said it I just don't remember.
  5. diazbro, That is true........There was a threat. That is when I graduated High School :D-->
  6. GC iam with you.I too am close to the water. I am 13 feet above a mean high tide. Hurricane fran put 1 1/2 feet of water in my garage, I lost half of my trees, 3 piers washed up in the yard and 2 boats not to mention a couple of feet of marsh grass. Yep nothing fun about them IMO.I know I live in the way of them but I still don't have to like them and I can still bit*h about them. :)-->
  7. Yeah I like that rascal. Funny thing about that whole thing. No one could ask the question, vp did not want to see anyone as he lay on his death bed. ole lcm went in and fainted. The whole logic of him willing himself to death is a joke. To lay that guilt trip on people was so "wayish" Makes me think since Geer knew this (The Question), was he the one that killed vp? If it was my friend on that bed.I for sure as hell would have grabbed someone, anyone to ask that question so my friend would see a reason to live. How is that for a guilt trip? The logic of it all?
  8. I agree Linda, He was ate up with it before he went to Gartmore. He did not seem right in Emporia earlier that year before his death. He struggled physically and imo was not as sharp. Someone mentioned a stroke in this thread. I can see that may have happened. Gartmore did not kill him, he was suffering way before he went there. I think he was dying from the cancer and I think he knew he made a huge mistake with martindale. 1.) twi trustess all but shut him out with any decision making. 2.) He hated Atheletes of the Spirit. It was wrong by the "words" standard. 3.) He felt useless. I think having his eye removed was the starting of the end.JMHO
  9. Here is a great hurricane site. You can get the models when storms are going. Good message board also. People reporting as long as they can on the message board untill the power goes out. Good info and tells you when to duck. Hurricane City Yes Raf your right on accounts. I don't know what the longitude is that they change from Hurricane to Typhoon
  10. Thanks Belle for the explanation. You described Paul very well as far as I remember him. I really hate he turned into a bad guy for some because of those bast*rds. Yeah I guess you could say he was intense but I always saw it as a good intensity (a very sharp person). I never saw the bad side of it. I bet that could of scared some people. I guess people need to understand the gruff part of him, that comes with working construction.
  11. A little off the thread.............. When I was in res. at HQ, mainley I worked on the concrete crew. Most of it was building the dorms. P*ul Br**ks ran the concrete crew. P*ul was great with me. Not to say we were great friends or anything but was always very fair and knew his job very well and yes a very hard worker. I found out about what he was doing through friend tracker and then what Belle just said about his concrete buisness. My question is. Why was he not liked by many? I just always thought he was a very stand up person and am saddened that he is still in. You may PM me if you wish if you don't want to say here. Sorry for the derail.
  12. No there was never a public announcement by vp or the bod that I am aware of. The only thing I ever heard is "he fell asleep because was tired". After all was said and done after his death there was very little talk of vp until POP. There were teachings where it was said vp said this or that but never about the man vpw or his sickness. It really makes me wonder what stupid f'tard idiots these people were that no one was going to ever find out. I can't believe I followed twi (that's another thread all in its' own). About the lighs and his eyes. Know doubt that is what he told us all "It was the lights" Never "the damage from the lights caused cancer". It is amazing to me how the bod kept it (cancer) under wraps as long as they did even though it was a public record. It goes to show you how good these people were at deceiving. Okay, back to work. :)-->
  13. vp's illness was never told to us. It was only through Waydale did I find out the truth about the matter. What I am saying in my post that ChasUFarley linked. No I did not know he had cancer I just noticed the quick decline. There was no mistaking it. He was pretty well shot before he went to Gartmore. As far as his eye. vp announced on a sns that he had it removed. I don't recall the year off of top of my head I am not an expert on cancer but that steep and quick decline can be and often is the nature of the beast. lcm is such a freakin moron to blame the quick decline on Ge@rs head. Not that I am fond of Ge@r either. It was lie after lie and it still is lie after lie.
  14. I did see the last days of vp. Up close? no, sorry. I was in the corps and went to HQ for our last block. It was amazing what 6 months or less of cancer did to a human being. Despite the bitteness and spite I hold for twi. I saw a human being going from dealing with cancer to being over taken by cancer. He was in Emporia during either the fall or winter a couple of times. Then I went to HQ. The events maybe not quite be in order. When we first got there he taught a sns. He was not in good shape. He rambled a bit. You could see the pain he was in. As believers you looked past it. Off to Gartmore he went. We had updates at lunch I know and maybe at sns. I was on the grounds crew the day he came back to hq from Gartmore. That bus rolled in 50ft away from me into the Weirwille home. vp was looking (a stare) out the window and looked like a ghost. The trip and the cancer had taken it's toll. After he died the corps was called into the Weirwille basement. Bill Greene was the corps cordinator at HQ but I remember JAL announcing to us the death of vpw. He read what lcm read to the AP.. "He fell asleep because he was tired" It was amazing that night in the basement how people handled it. Yes there were tears shed but in all I would say a very brave and stiff upper lip attidude. No one was out of control at all. What amazed me was a lot of the "Heavys" walking around hq like it was the end of the world. I really did want to slap them and say 'Hey wake up" I really did. After all we had ole lcm that was going to lead us.
  15. What Ham said coolchef, I wouldn't beat yourself up over that. Your son will only do the name proud I'm sure. :)-->
  16. He was not a man that could live "It Is Written" He is not a man who is a serial rapest that is not in jail He is not a man that handled anything in love. I keep saying "He is not man that .........." Maybe I should have just stopped with my first 4 words. "He is not a man"
  17. WhiteDove, lmao, even us bitter people like that :D-->
  18. Well I consider myself very bitter towards twi. Does it consume me? Nope. There are to many other things that are way to wonderful to consume me. To be lied to face to face, brainwashed, know of my sisters and brothers to be persecuted for no reason what so ever, raped either physical or spiritual, some driven to suicide (to me that is murder), destruction of families and just to be played with like a pawn and being told just the out and out lie that it is Gods only ministry. Damn straight I'm bitter towards twi. Not towards life in general. Would I like to forgive them. Yes I would. I just don't see that happening yet in my life. To forgive them I think I need to see twi go down the tubes and not hurt any more people. It sickens me to know what they are doing to this day.
  19. Just from reading about lcm and how some think he could come down to earth and repent. He may, repent, I just don't see it happening. If he still is being paid and lives in a twi house. I don't ever expect to hear a public apology with the BOD that is running twi now. They were to involved in the coverup. Maybe a new BOT will let the cat out of the bag? I doubt it very much since they are hand choosen and very well groomed. Lets hope that two bit outfit closes before then. As far as lcm himself as far as repenting to God. Maybe but I bet he has a million excuses why he did what he did so as to make it valad in his own mind. I just can't fathom him thinking it was right when he was doing his preditor act or any of his other actions. If he did not think it was wrong what would change his mind today? After all it was a 5 senses that got him thrown out not a Godly one. He blames the world IMHO not himself.
  20. Yeah I am sure it was a compliment........."Hey baby want to f***?"
  21. Insanity doesn't need a reason. I knew martindale and wierwille though I left before WayII. I don't think either of them consciously believed they were ripping people off, or abusing people (though of course they were). People with the kinds of emotional problems these men had don't really think like normal people [he said, speaking as a "normal" person who spent 16 years in a cult]. In fact they don't think as much as they just emote and then string words together after the fact to justify what they've done. You can see similar patterns in other leaders today who think what they are doing is god's will. This happens on both sides of the war on terrorism. I just have to disagree. Wierwille New exactly what he was doing every second. Making a ton of money and satisfying himself. Oh no doubt he worked hard. It was money and sex, that's what he worked for. lcm learned from vic. lcm was just a loose cannon that people covered for (that is fact). lcm's ministry was not to nurture or love people but to leave a wake of destuction in his wake. He did not care who he hurt as long as it was to his benefit. lcm was a HACK. RR. I am still learning about her but she seems to fall right inline. Same ole story with RR (I think) (Husbands keep a close watch on your wives and the single girls keep your leggs crossed.)
  22. I just don't see it. Just because he has followers does not mean he was good. I look at the overall scheme. Yes VP did seem nice to people a father figure if you will. I think he always had his agenda in mind. That was foremost in his mind all the time.if he had shown how evil he was all the time no one would have stood with the man.
  23. Just about the same intrest here Belle as far as people wanting to know about twi and what it was like. People are intrested in what happens in a cult. I don't think people look at exway people as strange. They more or less want to know how we got suckered in and what it was like inside twi. As far as the church classes and money go. I would not mind if I had to pay for material if the price is not inflated. If a church is doing well and can afford to pay for material, fantastic. I hope you all have a ton of classes. :)--> Twi's classes were making twi money. twi said it was for commitment. My butt. It was for the ministry to get rich. No other reason. twi said they were not into "numbers". My butt again. That is one of the big reasons I left. The more and more I learn from you people I can see twi is everything and was everything they said they (twi) were not.
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