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Everything posted by So_crates

  1. Yep, not only that but he also plagerized the works of Galileo, Copernicus, and Carl Sagan. :o :( SoCrates
  2. Or the one that told me just what the ministry was really about: "You got tricked." SoCrates
  3. My point was he was still going by the constellations we view. Fifty thousand years ago, those consellations didn't exist in their present form. SoCrates
  4. The candle sketch, ladies and gentlemen, the candle sketch. SoCrates
  5. Or "They had the vault door wide open." Or "They were bragging about how much they gave out in loans and I couldn't stop thinking about all that cash." SoCrates
  6. With the fear of waxing snobbish, sounds like a half-wick. SoCrates
  7. Or he's burning a portion of his anatomy. SoCrates
  8. T-Bone: Talk about burning the candle at both ends... SoCrates
  9. My point was I think it was the wrong side doing the teaching. () How else would the robbing of peoples works, the stealing of people lives, the killing of peoples spirit, and the destrution of peoples willingness to question fit? SoCrates
  10. I don't doubt god told Saint Vic he'd teach the word like it was taught in the first century. The only question I'll ask: which god? SoCrates
  11. Skyrider, i would agree with you. In one of the taped teachings I heard, Saint Vic was bemoaning the fact that many in the Corps were looking at it to build their ego. He said many thought they were great because they were ready to be limb leaders. "Limb leaders!" he bellowed. "I created the corps to make good twig leaders." SoCrates
  12. Another one with tiger blood and Adonis DNA SoCrates
  13. I don't know, johniam. Why do women return to men that have beat them to a pulp? Why do they protect these men with their lives? Why do families stay together sharing the secret of child molestation? Why did Jaycee Lee Dugard allow herself to be held captive for 18 years by Phillip Garrido who fathered both of her children? She worked in the copyshop, sometimes alone, so she had ample opportunity to escape. Why did Elizabeth Smart stay with the guy that kidnapped her? Again, she was in public, hidden under a veil, and I'm sure they encountered police before. What I'm getting at is the psychology of someone whose been raped or abused is not as easy as why didn't you.... For example, there's a thing called the Stockholm Syndrome (definition) (Love and The Stockholm syndrome) Granted, we all have good and bad fruit. But there's bad fruit and there's bad fruit. I doubt many of us ran around claiming we represented God while plagerizing someone elses work and trying to sleep with everything in a skirt. This isn't just bad fruit, this is rotten fruit. The whole ministry existed for one purpose: To please Saint Vic. Any good that was done was an unintended consequence. I beg to differ. I think Saint Vic needed to prop his ego by seeing how many notches he could put on his bedpost. Not all rapist take pleasure in suffering. The guy who raped my niece only wanted pleasure. The guy who molested my ex-girlfriends seven year old daughter only wanted pleasure. Look at Garrido or Brian Mitchell, there was no pleasure in their victims suffering there. They only wanted to victimize. SoCrates
  14. Its possible. But those are usually the most pathetic form of con men. They believe their own line of bull. SoCrates
  15. I'm sure if we worked at it, Waysider, we'd eventually come to the conclusion that PLAF is one long contradiction. How could it not be? Its a patchwork quilt of how many different sources. The only thing that made it work was Saint Vic. Why else do you think they didn't want you asking too many questions? Because you'd eventually see the man behind the curtain controlling the Great and Powerful Oz. SoCrates
  16. What no Dramuie? Only Coors? Noooooooooooooo!!! SoCrates
  17. To further re-enforce the Lo Shanta schtick being faked: Remember in PLAF, Saint Vic talks of snake handlers: how they SIT while handling snakes. "The speaking in tongues is real," he said, "but the handling of snakes is devilish." This is something I can't logically reason in my mind. You can operate the holy spirit while doing a devilish act? I thought the two were incompatible. What happens to light appears and darkness flees. Also, how are you giving up you body to God (for the SIT (you do the talking, God gives you the words)), yet your in a trance to handle the snakes (giving your body to Satan). SoCrates
  18. The Lo Shanta thing could have been faked. As for the spiritual aspect, there was a lot more going on there that was half a bubble off plumb then meets the eye. What's the odds someone would just fall into an organization that would give him unlimited power, just happen to find the right books to plagarize, and just come upon the right people to carry out his nefarious motives and cover up his adultrous ways? SoCrates
  19. There's your error: the case was never closed, it was dismissed. So a mistrial can be declared. SoCrates
  20. According to your chosen belief system: If you believe people are attacking your credibility, they are attacking your credibility. But its your negative believing causing it SoCrates
  21. Most of the menial jobs I've had, the bosses always told me I was very detail minded. I wonder where I picked that up. SoCrates
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