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Everything posted by So_crates

  1. Embellished? His whole life was a work of fiction. And not really good fiction at that. SoCrates
  2. Or the original seven astronauts (Link-list at bottom of page) SoCrates
  3. I'm guessing this was a typical ministry do as I say not as I do thing. It was a life need for everyone except those doing the administrating. SoCrates
  4. How about the rat pack? Frank Sanatra, Sammy Davis. etc (Link with list) Or maybe the brat pack, a little more up to date version, Ally Sheedy, Emilio Estevez, etc (Link with list) SoCrates
  5. I can't imagine him thinking of himself as even human. Somebody who invents the hook shot in basketball and fast food, why they have to be a demigod at least. SoCrates
  6. A misnomer is something that is misnamed. (definition) For example: the moon isn't really a moon. When you compare moon-planet ratios it comes out too large. This is actually a biplanetary system: Terra-Luna. However, we still refer to it as the moon. SoCrates
  7. That would be a great TV program... And now back to....Misadventures in Believing! SoCrates
  8. But that's the nature of the Gambler's Fallacy, Ham. We're hardwired to forget all the failure and only remember the successes. SoCrates
  9. Its actually saved a wretch like me. Was it changed to a soul because of theology, or maybe Saint Vic felt the original was too harsh? SoCrates
  10. Yep, that sounds like Saint Vic's demented circus. From the "Is that all there is?": And when I was twelve years old My daddy took me to the circus The greatest show on earth And there were clowns And elephants Dancing bears, And a beautiful lady in pink tights flew high above our heads And as I sat there watching I had the feeling that something was missing I don't know what But when it was all over I said to myself " Is that all there is to the circus ? " She also offer ssome good advice: If that's all there is, my friends, then let's keep dancing Let's break out the booze and have a ball SoCrates
  11. You missed payout of lawyers for pending lawsuits and payouts on settled lawsuits. SoCrates
  12. Let's see, Ham. If you averaged 50 words per post, in 12,000 posts you'd have written the 600,000 words, divide that by the average amount of words per page, 250, and you have written 2,400 pages or the equivalent of about five paperback novels. SoCrates
  13. Good thing he didn't choose Happy Birthday to You. That's copyrighted. SoCrates
  14. When I was a WOW, someone in leadership told me that music sinks right into the unconscious. Why the rewording? Quick indoctrination, not only through music, but also through repitition. As far as copyright infringement goes: Musical copyright laws must be more rigid than text copyright laws, because Saint Vic never nseemed to worry about whose text he played fast and loose with. SoCrates
  15. The law of believing says what you think about the most you become, right? If that's the case, we'd all be female. After all, what's usually on the mind of a 14 year old boy? SoCrates
  16. Been reading Crabbe's Synonyms and Antonyms? I don't believe truth and facts are as easily demarked as you say. Cleveland is located in Ohio--a fact, written down has nothing to do with it. Barack Obama is the president of the United States--again a fact, written down has noting to do with it. If there's any demarkation between truth and facts its: truth is a nominalization based on facts. SoCrates
  17. Like I was saying once before, Ham, when I was in TWI2, one of the things they taught on many times was avoiding counterfeits and not being a patron to Lucie's Rip and Gyp Shop. They said sure it may be wrapped in foil wrapping with nice ribbons in a bow, but once you open it there's nothing inside but pony pucks. JL in particular had a limb meeting where he discussed how the counterfeit looks so close to the real thing they're hard to tell apart. "Try and take a 6 foot $20 into the store and ask for change," he said. So, what do all the people warning us about all the counterfeits do? Create their own counterfeits. SoCrates
  18. In some circles truth is thought of as a language distortion called nominalization (definition). Put simply, nominalization is a process disguised as a event, a verb wearing the clothes of a noun. For example, you can't hold ability in your hand, or to use a well worn example, "You can't heat up love in a test tube and have a test tube of hot love." In this case, there is no truth (one absolute thing), there are only things that are true (a constant process of finding out through testing and critical thinking). SoCrates
  19. The only thing I got from Da Vey is I can hold my own in bibical discussions. SoCrates
  20. He wasn't big on YOU being a critical thinker. Nor YOU needing any worldly wisdom. The law of believing: world wisdom. There's nothing in the bible to support giving equals recieving (yes, I know its a misnomer). The original sin: world wisdom palmed off as revelation. The bible makes no mention of what the original sin was. and on and on. This was a method of control that kept people in little boxes. If they turned to some "worldly wisdom" sources, believers may have found the sources he plagerized or realized just how full of horse apples Saint Vic was. SoCrates
  21. Like any master of politics he created a problem: what's your central reference for truth? Then he presented the solution: PFAL, or Saint Vic's interpretation of the Word. It could be argued that his interpretation was not a true interpretation, if for nothing else for the reasons Chockfull innumerated: his fruit and he didn't follow the word himself. SoCrates
  22. You mean go, stand, speak Saint Vic's Word. Be proactive and make Saint Vic mountains of cash. SoCrates
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