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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. Blake Shelton had a song called "Honey Bee." (It's on my girlfriend's playlist.) Is that it? If so, a couple of things: I may be the only player here familiar with country songs, so that pretty much eliminates them as "songs remembered from one line." I tried "The Chair" in "Name That Tune" and got crickets. Ideally, the song is memorable from the first line. If the title is in the first line, however, it's perfectly permissible to use another line in the song. In other words, if this song IS "Honey Bee," those words shouldn't be in the clue. As Human pointed out, etiquette on all the game threads requires one to correctly guess another's clue before positing one, oneself. (Unless the previous poster declares a FREE POST, effectively giving up his turn to anyone who wants it.) Also, googling is not allowed to find an answer, though you can ask friends and family to help. These games are memory tests, not tests of search engine skills. It IS acceptable for the one giving a clue to google, in order to ensure that the clue is accurate. (An exception is in "Triple Movie Links," where one may google after three days, to keep the game moving. Do not let the preceding paragraph deter you. We ALWAYS welcome new players to the games. I hope you stick around (and try some of our other offerings)! George
  2. A number of ex-pro football players were in The Longest Yard, but Karras wasn't one of them. Back to the drawing board. George
  3. This show is part of a franchise that includes several movies. In fact, one might say that it takes place after the 2nd movie and effectively "retcons" the third. The show went only two seasons. I'm sure it had nothing to do with one of the stars, who has appeared in MANY short run series. Fans tried to get it revived for three years after its cancellation. FOX President Kevin Reilly canceled the show due to the show not doing well in the ratings as it was moved to Friday Nights and didn't do well in its new time slot. (No surprise. Friday night is where Sci-Fi shows go to die.) Fans accused the star of the movies of killing the show because he wanted to make more movies in the series. The star wasn't involved with the show and the next movie didn't come out until 6 years after the show had ended. George
  4. "Winter must be cold for those with no warm memories. We've already missed the Spring." "This is probably my last chance." "Mine too." "Oh, it's nobody's fault but my own! I was looking up... it was the nearest thing to heaven! You were there..." "I thought everything was fine until I saw you last night. Then I knew there must be something between us, even if it's only an ocean." "Oh darling. Don't - don't worry darling. If - if you can paint, I can walk. Anything can happen, don't you think?" "Yes, darling. Yes, yes, yes." "I'm getting married and I want you to be the first to congratulate me." "Marriage is something to rush to?" George
  5. Robert Klein Nobody's Perfekt Alex Karras George
  6. Superman and Lois will end after a ten-episode season in 2024. Hopefully, something will take its place, or a run of DC super-hero shows starting with Smallville in 2001 will come to an end. (Yes, I remember Lois and Clark, but it ended several years before Smallville.) George
  7. This show is part of a franchise that includes several movies. In fact, one might say that it takes place after the 2nd movie and effectively "retcons" the third. The show went only two seasons. I'm sure it had nothing to do with one of the stars, who has appeared in MANY short run series. Fans tried to get it revived for three years after its cancellation. George
  8. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (I could get it from at least half of the lines in the movie.) "Danger! Danger, Will Robinson!" George
  9. Creeque Alley. Let's try another: "[TITLE], The Earth says, "Hello" You twinkle above us; we twinkle below." George
  10. A good guess. I think Berlin may have had over a thousand compositions, but I believe the one I'm thinking of had over 1600. He was primarily known for his jazz works, but had many spiritual and other popular works, as well. George
  11. None of those. Most of the actors in HTTM aren't well-known, but a few of them are. George
  12. No. I'm surprised WW or Raf hasn't chimed in. (Or Redrock or Nathan, for that matter.) "Scene" isn't in the title, but "Alley" is. George
  13. I doubt Williams has 100 songs to his credit. This was a 20th-century musician, most famous for a particular genre but who wrote hundreds of other pieces. George
  14. The last one gave it away. M*A*S*H George
  15. "The Martians had no resistance to the bacteria in our atmosphere to which we have long since become immune. Once they had breathed our air, germs, which no longer affect us, began to kill them. The end came swiftly. All over the world, their machines began to stop and fall. After all that men could do had failed, the Martians were destroyed and humanity was saved by the littlest things, which God, in His wisdom, had put upon this Earth." George
  16. When the Party's Over The Vanishing Fire on the Amazon George
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