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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. In fellowship today, I was reminded of how GODLY reproof is supposed to go. In II Cor. 2, Paul describes the anguish HE had in having to reprove the Corinthians. He chastened them (in I Cor., of course) not to grieve them, but to show his love for them. Not exactly the way it went down in TWI.* George * Disclaimer: Yes, I know that there were very many good men and women who reproved out of love. But that wasn't the norm (at least not by ca. 1995).
  2. I've added comments to the two group pics, giving screen names. There was one gentleman and two ladies I'm not 100% sure of. George
  3. Here are the names for Rocky. There are two women I'm not too sure of, so please feel free to correct me. Standing: Lori; Templelady; Tonto; Kris (1/2 of RichnKrispy)?; Ex10; Countess Kneeling: ?; ILoveBagpipes; Doojable George
  4. Here are the (screen) names for Rocky (though I'm not absolutely sure about one): Back row: Ex10's hubby (not a GS poster); GeorgeStGeorge; Tom Strange; Pawtucket Front row: T-Bone; Rich (1/2 of RichnKrispy)? George
  5. No. It's absolutely true that she keeps saying that. George
  6. Happy birthday to the man who just won't let go of the past! Have a great one, old man! Please join us with the lovely Suda at the BBQ! I'd love to meet you in person. George
  7. Maybe you'll join us this year and meet us in person! George
  8. This one always bothered me. (Well, other stuff bothered me, too, of course.) Even IF someone really HAD gotten possessed, why wold his past work be any less godly? "Sorry, Solomon. We're pulling Proverbs and Ecclesiastes now tht you've married a bunch of pagan wives." George
  9. Hey, there, you purty young filly! Maybe you should mosey your keister this-a-ways for the Texas BBQ! Happy Birthday, adn many more! George
  10. You've got all te clues, Suda. You just need to sort out th right ones! To be fair, this movie has a rather bizarre title (though all the words are English) George
  11. Enough with the funny talk. Let's get down to bidness! George
  12. Sorry about that. Should I change the picture? George
  13. Try this one... 7 pics (2 on one line); you need the folks' names George
  14. Of course, let Ex10 know you're coming... George
  15. I finally decided to google this. It was a TV-movie. Anyway, Adrienne Barbeau Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death Shannon Tweed George
  16. CSI Miami. I don't have one to post right now, so Suda, go ahead! George
  17. I'll guess "Grace under Fire," although I think that was too early for the term "hooking up." George
  18. I wouldn't even make an IMPLICIT promise like that! George
  19. Now I remember it. The Worf/O'Brien part was the most memorable to me, as well. "They're not soldiers, sir. They're engineers. Give them a problem to solve." (Or something like that.) I agree with WW. If there are other Trekkies out there who would like to play but haven't recognized the recent quotes, jump in now. If you'd lito post one but aren't sure of the quotes, many can be found on IMDb, Memory Alpha, Startrek.com, and TV.com. WW gave a link earlier to a place where whole scripts appear. I think it's twiztv.com. Oh, and the 70's cartoon series is "out-of-bounds"; but the original series, Next Generation, Deep Space 9, Voyager, and Enterprise are all fair game. The first two series are more likely to get responders other than WW and me. George
  20. Once Suda identified the city as Miami, it became obvious. Suda, what does the curve in the road resemble? George
  21. The official title is "Opus 17." Unofficially, it often goes by "Don't You Worry About Me." It expresses a sentiment that I felt in a number of break-ups. What can I say? I'm a nice guy. Since Waysider was the first at least to name the group, I say let him go next. George
  22. Sounds vaguely familiar. Unfortunately, there are dozens of DS9 episodes that I may not have seen in over ten years, and unlike OS or NG, I might have only seen the episodes once or twice. Some of then are very memorable to me, but others. alas, are not. George
  23. Just make sure you're OK for the BBQ! George
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