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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. Late is better than never. Good show, too! George
  2. I know how to post links. I just don't put songs on my own server and re-name them before posting the links. George
  3. My laptop's sound isn't good enough. I'll have to check again at home. And though I find the proliferation of "reality" shows infuriating, there ARE a lot of shows out there that I like. Mostly sci-fi/fantasy stuff like Heroes and Smallville, but certain cop shows like NCIS, Cold Case, and Numb3rs are fun, too. A new show that I think is quite good but which appears to be headed for oblivion (I think it competes in its time slot with some dancing show) is Journeyman. It is somewhat like Quantum Leap, except that the hero always returns home, doesn't appear as someone else when he goes back in time, and always seems to be in San Francisco. It stars Kevin McKidd, whom I really enjoyed in the HBO miniseries "Rome." George
  4. If this link works, it will take you back to a picture of me and my grandsons from last year. If it doesn't, just go to my Gallery! ;) World's Finest trio George
  5. I didn't think anyone actually said "throughly"! :) George
  6. Yep. Pretty cool. See you soon, George
  7. Happy Birthday, Ham! Keep us laughing! George
  8. My father-in-law hated squirrels. According to my wife, he once drove up over a sidewalk curb to hit one! George
  9. Caligula Peter O'Toole My Favorite Year George
  10. Happy Birthday, David! See you soon! George
  11. We usually only allow one guess per visit, but I'll give it to WW. "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" (Jane Russell wasn't in HTMAM) George
  12. It's a pretty well-known film, if not too recent. This should help. George
  13. "You kept it." "Kept what?" "The flower." "Well, I'm a packrat. I never throw anything out." George
  14. :lol: Now they'll probably mandate "doggie seats" for dogs under 50 lbs! George
  15. Yew, it was Barbarella. Made Jane Fonda famous. George
  16. I always thought that retirement wa wasted on the old. Better to party until you're 35 and then work until you die! As that is not really an option, however, one must consider a lot of variables: How long am I likely to live? How long will my wife live? (Retiring with $50,000 is fine if you expect to live a year!) What is the likelihood of a debilitating illness? (family history, etc.) Am I out of debt? If not, how will I manage what I have? I have a reasonable amount in my 401K, some Social Security due me, some liquid (or liquefiable) assets, and no debt. But I wouldn't want to retire--yet. George
  17. Hey, George! I think we need your help in "Name That Flick." :) George
  18. Here are a couple more> "Don't you know that a man being rich is like a girl being pretty? You wouldn't marry a girl just because she's pretty, but my goodness, doesn't it help?" "It's a tiara." "You DO wear it on your head. I just LOVE finding new places to wear diamonds!" "You know I think you're the only girl in the world who can stand on a stage with a spotlight in her eye and still see a diamond inside a man's pocket." "Have you got the nerve to tell me you don't want to marry my son for his money?" "It's true." "Then what do you want to marry him for?" "I want to marry him for YOUR money." "Say, suppose the ship hits an iceberg and sinks. Which one of them do you save from drowning?" "Those girls couldn't drown." "I like a man who can run faster than I can." "When love goes wrong, nothing goes right." George
  19. You might be walking by the five senses if you think that living 5 miles from work and 50 miles from Twig makes more sense than the other way around George
  20. All right. "Mannix" This should be easy... two pics George
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