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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. Janie is the girl that I'll be with tonight. George
  2. That's not the episode I have in mind, but the "conscious or not" line might have been used there, as well. George
  3. The hints helped. "Higher and Higher" by Jackie Wilson. George
  4. "I assume your hand will activate the door whether you are conscious or not." "To try or not to try. To take a risk or to play it safe. Your arguments have reminded me how precious the right to choose is. And because I've never been one to play it safe...I choose to try." George
  5. Somewhat off-topic here, but this isn't necessarily true. In fact, I doubt it's generally true, anymore. It's often less expensive to settle than to win. And even if you're in the right, the jury might not see it that way. George
  6. Joaquin Phoenix Walk the Line Reese Witherspoon George
  7. Darn! I knew "Eve of Destruction," but I kept thinking "The End of the World as We Know It." Waysider's tune is hauntingly familiar as well. George
  8. Gene Hackman Wyatt Earp Kevin Costner George
  9. Ayyy! It's "Happy Days" (daze), Dooj. Richie Cunningham always sang "Blueberry Hill" when his romantinc attempts seemed to be succeeding. If someone else would like to post one, go ahead; otherwise, I'll post one this afternoon. George
  10. "To try or not to try. To take a risk or to play it safe. Your arguments have reminded me how precious the right to choose is. And because I've never been one to play it safe...I choose to try." George
  11. I found mah thri-ill, on Blueberry Hi-ill.... George
  12. Correct. I wanted to use teh scene where Rusty is making out with a German girl and bells ring signalling a catastrophe. To which Russ immedietely jumps up "DAD!!" I just couldn't find the girl's quote that sets it up. George
  13. The third pic is an ace. Raf is up! George
  14. I don't think that I'm going to get this one... George
  15. Okay, I don't remember the title ("The Big Goodbye," maybe?). The Enterprise has to make contact with a species particularly picky about protocol, having done something unmentionably vicious to the last group who had tried to meet with them and inadvertently misspoke a word or two. Anyway, Picard decides to unwind in the holodeck with a Dixon Hill story and is joined by Data and Dr. Crusher. I forget what ensues in there (safeguards get messed up?), but Picard gets out just in time to make it to the bridge and recite a particularly guttural greeting to the aliens. He hits it, and the aliens welcome the Federation. The "Step on it" line is the end of the episode. (Right after Data, also still in costume, begins to recount the adventure: "It was a dark night in the city by the bay...") George
  16. "I think he's gonna pork her." "He's not gonna pork her." "I think he's gonna." "He may pork her, finish your breakfast." "Aw, there's Buckingham Palace, kids. That's where the Queen lives and works." "She works? What does she do, Dad?" "She queens... And she vacuums." George
  17. Oh, all right. "The Partridge Tennis Club." George
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