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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. Thanks to all of you! The Countess and I are having dinner with one of the children and his fiancee, so it should be a pleasant evening. Thanks again for brightening my day. :wub: George
  2. Obviously NG, and the scenes seem familiar, but I have a hunch they don't relate to the main plot. George
  3. Make sure to attend the BBQ this year! Happy belated Birthday, George
  4. It appears to be the moon, lighting a body of water. George
  5. Hey, Hottie! Have a wonderful birthday! See you in the "game room"! George
  6. Good enough. The title was "The Emissary," referring to Keyl'ahr. For those of you playing at home, it was a NG episode. George
  7. "We are mated!" "I know! I was there!" "How did you like your first command?" "... Comfortable chair." George
  8. Give Sushi a cigar! C. Thomas Howell F. Murray Abraham G. Gordon Liddy L. Ron Hubbard Not so unusual to go by one's middle name (I went by Michael for many years, since my father's name was also George), just odd actually to use the first initial. In "Far Out, Man" everyone calls Tommy Howell "C. Thomas." I thought it was pretty funny. George
  9. Only one of them (as far as I know) is in Scientology. And not all are bald. George
  10. Okay, what do THESE four people have in common? George
  11. Before the clues, a quick plug: If you haven't seen "Free Enterprise," rent it or watch it on Showtime this month. A couple of guys who grew up on Star Trek and other Sci-Fi meet William Shatner. Lots of classic lines. (I'd use them for "Name That Flick," but I don't think it was ever in theaters.) "How did you like your first command?" "... Comfortable chair." George
  12. Is that first picture John or John Quincy? ;) George
  13. Not miners. What's a name for Chinese laborers? George
  14. It's actually the people that are important in the second pic. George
  15. I've been really busy today. I'll post a new clue tomorrow. George
  16. Jackie Gleason Show is correct. George
  17. It's clear that wasway and Raf know it. Why doesn't one of you name it and post another? George
  18. Some Advent calendars had pictures behind each date (you opened one each day). Some had CANDY! Anyway... 2 pics George
  19. Okay, Let's not drag this out too long. "It's clobberin' time!" "I cannot take orders from the underwear model. " "Being different isn't always a bad thing." "Trust me, this ain't one of them times." George
  20. Was it the episode where Picard comes back from some conference on a shuttlecraft to find what appears to be the Enterprise and a Romulan ship frozen in mid-battle? (As I recall, the Enterprise crew was actually helping the Romulans.) George
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