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Posts posted by HAPe4me

  1. This is about Westboro Baptist, but sounds oh too familiar. The Mark and Avoid revelations start about 5:15 into the video.

    <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50r0CnKq7_k?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50r0CnKq7_k?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50r0CnKq7_k?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

  2. We didn't pay any rental for the charts and tapes during my time (72-86). We did have to sign them out, and had to travel sometimes to pick them up from whatever location the few sets were currently located.

    There was an IRS reason for not allowing us to write a check for the cash in ABS. They were afraid someone would claim that amount as a tax deduction. Sometimes I would save the cash for several weeks rather than go get a money order each week. (Yeah, I just reported "no cash" on the blue form- bad bad twig coordinator) When that was questioned by the BC, I began to take the 50 cent Money order fee out of the cash ABS. sigh, no wonder I never had the abundant life while in TWI.

    It just seemed silly for me to use my own 50 cents to get a money order for sometimes as little as a $1.50.

  3. I am a little foggy on the details of the Buckstove thing, however.....

    The time frame was late 70s or very early 80s.

    It was suggested that Buck Stove franchises could be a great way to employ believers (installation paid well)

    I think it was the pellet stove rather than the later "corn stove" that was being pushed.

    Here in Colorado the Sta@da#es (Bill and some of the boys) had a franchise. I am not certain that either Rick or Jamie ever participated, but it does seem possible, mostly about Rick, as the time was right and he was around and ..... money making schemes was Rick's forte. I think Jamie was selling cars at the time, but it is possible he got involved too.

    At some point the Buckstove was marketed as Dovestoves. (wonder how they came up with that name :D ?)

    Carroll Buckner held the patents on several of the innovative stove designs, and has been successful and whupped several times in his career. A search of his name will reveal some disgruntled customers, but mostly he seems to try to make things right with them. I did meet him once, seemed a likeable fellow. Like many other successful businessmen recruited by TWI, I felt he was being used and abused, and he probably was.

  4. people might need to try out Chat before they really want to be there. I had several warnings pop up trying to get in.

    First I got a thing from Firefox that said Meta 3 was not enabled. I deleted Viewpoint and that cleared that up.

    Then I got a few Unsigned or expired Certificate warnings- I said I didn't care about them.

    Once I got in I had a great time with Shell and then Gen2 :)

  5. I am sure one of the several former TWI musicians who drop in here can clarify the Starship question. As several have mentioned there were a number of nationally recognized musicians and athletes who dropped in from time to time. Some like Gar@b*^di are icons in their field. Skip M recently passed away as was noted here at GSC

    I personally know one of the featured athletes in that 1980ish campaign, and I can assure you he was NOT paid for the use (or rather ABuse) of his name by TWI.

    As far as I know, Dave Br~b~ck was not himself involved with TWI, other than by way of love and attachment to his wonderful daughter. One of her corps family might stop here and verify. He did attend at least one day of a ROA, possibly about the time she graduated from the Corps, and I have a sweet pic of him sitting next to the leechmeister, VPW

  6. I too am saddened by this news. My condolences to his kids (of whom he spoke proudly and often), and to Dooj, and his life-long friend Groucho.

  7. hmmm that is what we want...radioactive ocean currents. It would make night fishing easier, the creatures might glow in the dark. ;)

    In the movie with John Wayne...was it "Hellfighter's"? They set an explosive device shore 'nuf. But it was to blow out the FIRE so that the well could be capped wasn't it? The explosion did not close the well (as was seen when they all got black with the stuff.

    I knew a guy you thought he could fix his sewer clog with an M80....that wasn't a very good idea either.

  8. Hey Lingo, I see it is your birthday today. I'll buy you a bottle of hooch, but you have to share it with Clay Jay. Make sure he gets half.

    greetings to you both :smilie_kool_aid:

  9. Roy- If you are referring to a song called "ship those ni-----s back" it was not Johnny Cash. The story has been making its way around the Internet for a long time, and recently went viral with a youtube or something. Cash never recorded that song. Most likely it was Johnny Rebel (aka Clifford Joseph Trahan) a white supremest country singer, but it most certainly was NOT Johnny Cash.

  10. "Tinfoil hat" guy is Pope Pius the 1st,

    I am so far lost as to the bold 29 on the right

  11. so now this thread is open for posting solutions! Let's get it on! What is common to each of the pics Paw posted?

  12. well that means you refuse to believe what GOD says in his WORD about homosexaulity. i thought greasespot cafe was a place for believers who were wrongly kicked out of the ministry. i see that unbelievers reside here to. if your not into GOD and HIS word why are you here ? is it to stir up trouble amongst people ? GOD says homosexuality is wrong. and no its not o.k. for homosexuals (male or female) who know THE WORD to stay in the closet and attend fellowship. i never typed that and dont go saying i did. you should read what i typed again. end of story !

    Firstly, you are wrong about what Greasespot is for. Nothing in it's design has anything to do with whether one is a "believer" or not. Many of us were never kicked out of the ministry....we just left on our own for a variety of reasons. In my case it was because of the hypocrisy.

    Secondly, ya know Shiftthis, in your profile you talk of your "interest in outrunning cops"? And yet you look disparagingly at people who don't want to do the "Word". I have known people killed by others recklessly speeding away from cops.

    Finally, if you insist on posting your hypocritical BS here, learn to use the "Enter" key once in awhile.

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