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Psalm 71 one

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Everything posted by Psalm 71 one

  1. Psalm 71 one


    LindaZ, thanks, I always love your posts. I got that idea that it wasn't meant to be personal against me, based on his reaction to what I posted. It's evidently his type of sense of humor. It's a sense of humor I have a very hard time understanding. I stay away from the controversial type threads because I DO have thin skin with the type of sarcasm people use against each other. I DID take what he said personally, both in the starting of this thread, since he started it right after I was pleading please delete--(Maybe it WAS coincidence, but the mood I was in at the time, I didn't see it that way) and in his post on my other thread. In hindsight I did see I had overreacted. Heck, I'm used to seeing my threads die a quick death to the second page within a couple days anyway, so if I had just slept on it a day before my reaction in the other thread, I probably wouldn't have typed what i did there, and then if coincidentally, he'd have started this thread then, I wouldn't have see it as somehow connected. Don't know if it 'splains anything any better, and maybe if I had been reading here more frequently, recently, I'd have figured out his style of posting and maybe shrugged it off better. In the time I've been around, I've learned the familiar "faces", and whose posts to just not read, knowing I won't like what i see in them anyway. I can see others do like the way he posts and have said they'll miss him. If he doesn't really leave, then good, they'll still get to enjoy him--controversiality (is that a word?) and all. I'll just choose to not read. (My avoidance of controversy goes farther back than my TWI days)
  2. Psalm 71 one


    Okay, I hope this comes out right--I hate these kinds of threads, and it seems every time i post in one of these, my words in print come out different than what I was thinking. So bear with me. . . Rascal got jumped on because she alluded to something she knows about--about someone getting hurt by something Bumpy posted. That was me. Before someone gets their undies in a bundle, I did NOT go running to her crying "bumpy hurt my feelings". But I did pm her with some other info and explained a post I made and why i said it. And i don't ususally even do the PM stuff--I forget to look! I'll explain and also paste this in a pm to Cowgirl, since she said she was leaving this thread and she asked a specific question to rascal, "Rascal, I'm curious as to who stopped posting because of Bumpy's input ?? " First of all, I didn't actually stop posting forever, because of what Bumpy said, but I did entertain the idea for a bit, based on the mood I was in at the moment--and grouped all of Greasespot in a "see they're ALL like that!, why do i come here"-type-thingy. (A knee-jerk reaction--I doubt I'm the only one who has ever had that thought) I hadn't been posting or reading here for a couple months because I got pretty busy over the summer. Came in to post a prayer request, then started reading at the open forums, and post some stuff. Decide to post a a link to a You-tube video my sister sent, because it was very moving--and I was feeling down about stuff that's happening in our lives recently, and this video was really moving for me. (A reminder God really is faithful and will help us through our stuff too.) So I post it. Come back a few hours later and the only post is Bumpy--and his post was, er "less than nice". (Well geesh if ya don't like it, ya don't have to get rude about it.) Then later, only one other reply. I replied then, but I was hurt--"Nobody likes my thread, I shouldn't have bothered with THIS crowd" yada yada yada "I haven't posted a new thread in a long time and THIS is how they are-- SEE? SEE why i don't come here? I nursed that feeling awhile, came back and deleted my posts and begged Paw-- or anyone to please delete my thread cuz i didn't want to share it anymore. I overrreacted. I'm glad Paw didn't delete it. I got over my funk. But I still felt Bumpy's post was rude-- geesh how long has he been around? Why me? I'm not much of a threat-- I don't get into the serious debates, and if i don't like what someone says, I don't come back at them with rude comments and then start a new thread about "why don't we delete everything in GS" right after I beg the mods please delete my thread? What's with that? Heck he doesn't even know me! I ended up looking up more of his posts--oh--okay, I guess it's not just me-- he definately has a rudeness in his posts--I guess that's his type of sense of humor--evidently some people like it. I don't. Never have liked that type of humor-- I take it personally--as you can see. Call me melodramatic, but don't attack Rascal. Incidentally, I didn't dump all this on Rascal when I PM'ed her, I'm dumping it here for all to see. There you have it. I can't help but wonder, if my "please delete my thread" isn't somehow the cause of this whole thread in the first place. There, now Bumpy can go out with a bang! Have fun. (I'm not really leaving GS myself, and i don't really think that the whole of GS is bad or mean or rude, those were just the thoughts I mulled for awhile til I impulsively came back trying to delete my thread. Call me whatever you need to. :P )
  3. OOOOOOOOOOO! You've done it now, MISTER! (Psalmie waits fer Dooj to take cover) SPLOOT! (HAHA! How's THAT fer a change?) I just flung a soup ladle fulla chocolate pudding atcha. followed closely with spaghetti sauce! (In keeping with the thread, ya know-- nasty, messy) That looks pretty gross on yer breakfast now! And for my finale, I've rigged up this here humoungous slingshot, filled it with chili, jello and WAIT! STOP! MY ARM wing is still in there! (something tells me the piggy is going to do a high-fly over Canada!) WHOA! ZINGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. It IS powerful, isn't it? Larry, me too--when the audience started to clap, that's when I really started bawling! The Lord is pulling for her the whole time, too, but he can't step in til she falls to her knees--seemingly, crying out to him. (When I am weak, then I am strong) Rascal-- I'm glad I didn't delete it, too, and that Paw didn't delete it too--can't let the pearl-tramplers ruin a good thing, huh?
  5. I'm working. uh hunh! really, I am! Yep, I've gotten a LOT done here! (this is why I can't let myself check in here during the day--it's Hotel California! LOL!!!)
  6. LOL Yeah, Dooj, you're right! heehee! ("course when my 14 year old comes in and asks what I've gotten done for him, uum, I'll say I've been reading teacher materials online! Yeah, that's it! )
  7. Eat more chikken TURKEY! I s'posed to be working on school stuff for the kids--my family left so the house would be nice and quiet-- and what am I doing? LOL!!!
  8. I'm the cause of the nasty messes here, 'cept i don't use words, I use pies! HA! Yeah, Dooj, we could call it white chili!
  9. Dooj, You'd look good with a cheesecake hat! SPLAT!!!! Gonna have to put this big metal chili pot over that durn bird again and clang on it with a metal spoon. . . CLANNNNNGGGGGGGG!!!!
  10. Turkey! Bird Brain! Pigeon-butt! And then there's that fiddle-pickin guy! He likes pies! hahaha!!! SPLAT! SPLAT! SPLAT!
  11. DOOJ, Thank you, and you are right! As always, you give good advice. Cindy!, Thanks, too, I'd edit out my request to delete if I could. Here's the link:
  12. Thank you, 70'sHouston, Dooj and Rainbow I appreciate your responses! I REALLY liked it too. I didn't expect anyone else to post here, because of my 3 requests to delete it. I was not expecting a response like the first one here. I shared it because to me it was a pearl--and to have it trampled like that was discouraging. I'm not gonna un-request my request to delete--I'm sure Paw and the other mods don't have time for that. I also know I shoulda just slept on it before reacting like I did. I'm reminded one bad apple. . . and for the most part, most GS-ers are nice folks! And that's why I DO come here
  13. Cindy! you said it so well! I always liked her too and was sad at her death. The tributes given her today were sweet
  14. A pig? a FLYING PIG? WELL, geesh, Feathers! ya don't have to be so MEAN about it! Now you've done it! I'm gonna call ya TURKEY-BUTT from now on! SO THERE!
  15. Thank you, YID deleting my posts cuz I don't feel like sharing it anymore Mods PLEASE DELETE this thread
  16. whoops I thought I could delete my own thread Moderators, can you delete this please?
  17. Silly dmiller, that would be my pie SAFE! INCOMING!!!!!! SPLAT! SPLAT! SPLAT! HA! GOTCHA! Now look! I've messed up Rottie's thread! Ah, well, first time fer everything. . .
  18. My fine feathered friend-- you are sooooo wrong! Sheesh! stya on topic, anyway!! Now, back to the topic at hand: I have a closet! I went in there this morning, grabbed my clothes off the hook on the wall, and came out! So there!
  19. The closet? what kind of closet? how big of a closet? Is is a walk-in closet, or one of those little skinny closets you can't even get a hanger to fit properly in? Or is is a linen closet? Is it in your bathroom? the kitchen? WHICH CLOSET??? I HAVE TO KNOW! P.S. White Turkey is NOT the Thread Killer, I am!
  20. Thank you all! I did a Craigs list look up and found one guy who was selling 5 bunk bed sets and 10 dressers. The beds were sold! <_< But he still has the dressers. We're getting them. Another place-- a church camp, was selling 50(! )sets of bunk beds-- military, camp size, etc. When we talked to the guy-- I think he might be the pastor of the church--upon hearing what they were for, said he'd be happy to donate them! YIPEEE! God is good! AND this guy wants to hear more about what this Restoration ministry is doing-- his church gets involved in this kind of financial support! The pastor of this restoration ministry was thrilled! We will get to go with him to tell this guy about this ministry. Cool chef, I'm gonna follow up on your suggestion, these guys usually have to have fundraisers to make sure they have enough food, etc.
  21. Psalm 71 one

    Looking for:

    We've had the priviledge of meeting people who work with homeless folks, giving them a home where they can rehab from drug abuse, alcohol, etc, and teach them God's word. It's a restoration ministry. Many have come and gone through their doors, but some have stayed. They usually have around 12 people in their home at any time. We were able to donate some furniture to them, as well as money, but one thing they are in need of is beds. My hubby has been calling around to military bases near us, but is unable to get very far in his search. We would be willing to drive if we find any, but finding them is harder than we thought. Can anybody give us ideas as to how to get to the right people to ask? Thanks
  22. Thanks Bikerbabe, for the link-- I sent it to the people who sent the article to me. I've come to realize most of these things are hoaxes, but fell for this one! I did wonder if I should check with snopes, but was in a hurry. I appreciate all the good insight from you all. I don't like the light CF bulbs give off, so i don't use them. (Those little bulb-like ones you can use in your lamps instead of regular light bulbs, if those are what "CF bulbs" are) I LOVE LOVE LOVE the bright blue kitchen type fluorescent lights, and use a OTT type light for my woodcarving. Slightly off-topic: I heard that it costs more electricity to turn on a flourescent bulb than it does to run it 3 hours. Is that true? (hmm, mebbe I oughta check snopes? LOL!)
  23. My hubby is a horrible tipper. He thinks it's ridiculous that "the going rate has gone up from 10%" and barely gives 10% at that! I try to suppliment, but I don't always have money onhand. It's really embarrassing when the service was good. Now that the kids are older, I ask one of the kids to figure out what 15% would be, and when they come up with the answer, I tell them, "that's how much we should leave". That usually guilt trips him into leaving 15%! LOL! To me, 10% is reserved for the waitress/waiter that did bare minimum(as in, bringing refills only after we ask and having an attitude about it) , less if it's really poor service. The note why is a good idea. Hairdressers, and dog groomer, about $2 for a plain old haircut--usually the cheapie places, and they usually don't do that good of a job. I get perms and such at nicer places, and I give $10 or more depending on the price. Dog groomer gets about $10 also. And I feel I was probably cheap! I hate when the bag boys offer to help me with my bags at the store, cuz i know they want a tip, and I pay for the groceries with the debit card, and rarely have cash. And I don't know what is a rightful tip for them--a dollar? Anyone have an opinion on that? I'm probably ignorant in other situations where it is expected to tip. If there is a tip jar, I'll dump change in, depending on what the service is.
  24. Okay, I admit I haven't checked this out on snopes, I just got it in an email, and read it and thought of posting here Take it or leave it! LOL! http://www.canada.com/nationalpost/financi...84-b62dee548fda
  25. Um. . . I couldn't find the one where "To throw pies and annoy people" was, so I couldn't vote.
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