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Everything posted by hiway29

  1. Sometimes, just having a good series without the emotional involvement is the best way to go. Enjoy the games without chewing the sofa cushions. This series could be a humdinger. Two hard hitting teams with some great pitching. Neither team prone to folding. As much as 4 and out for the Yankees takes the stress off, I really see this one going 6 or 7 with a good deal of momentum shifting.
  2. I realize the season is over for most on here, and I'm talking to the air, but I'm of course happy to see the Yanks in the series (and sad that the Dodgers didn't get there). One reason I'm sick of sports is Ken Rosenthal interviewing Jeter moments after thhe game last night... in essence Rosenthal-"Derek, you guys haven't won anything yet-remember 2003, 2004, you haven't won since 2000". Jeter-"Yeah-thanks for the negative" (and nice timing-1 minute after winning the AL) as usual, Jeter had too much class to just walk away after that from the exchange. It's one reason I still root for the Yankees to shove it down their throats.
  3. arrgh-I've been too jammed to come up with one. Anyone is welcome to jump in, while I re group.
  4. "This side of Paradise"-there are days I wouldn't mind a shot from those spores. i don't have the next one ready, though.
  5. Now it's Yankees-Angels, and every commentator I've heard so far has the Angels as favorites (they certainly had the Yanks number during the season)-so does this make the Yankees 'underdogs' ? Division series are weird-one mistake and poof- and they usually seem to be sweeps. Some really exciting finishes , making some of us happy, and some sad, of course. I hate-really hate-those lingering shots of anguished fans in the stands when the home team is losing. And I can't decide what's been worse, the umpiring, or TBS announcers.
  6. I just saw the recap, having been out all day. It never 'felt' like the Red Sox year, for whatever that's worth. Problem is, it does for both the Yankees and Angels. We'll see who wants it more. Yankees-Dodgers ? Angels-Dodgers? Both series are exciting out here. Rockies-Twins not so much-but I know I'd be rooting for the Twins.
  7. Just a reminder that Yogi knows all-it ain't over till it's over. After hearing John Kruk's analysis, I was almost convinced the Sox have the Angels right where they want them. Of course anything can happen, and the Yanks could still blow it-it has happened, and can happen again. The comeback in game 2 was just like 'old times' though. I suspected Arod would not fold this year, and for once I was right about something. The Dodgers looking good, but who knows what woulda happened without Holliday's crotch getting in the way of that catch. Baseball is endlessly amazing in the way fortunes turn on a moment. Yankees -Dodgers works for me-though that's a looong way off. Of course I have to root Yankees, but it's strange living out here, and Dodger Stadium my 'second home'. It's all still anybody's (but the Cardinals) game. They should issue parkas for Colorado ball, though.
  8. I know I had a devil of a time getting to see Mothra. I was on summer vacation with my family, when it was first released, and missed the Saturday matinee at the Stratford theater that specialized in cheap sci fi. I heard it about it when I got home, and was sorry I missed it, having to be content with grainy pics in 'Famous Monsters of Filmland'. I rushed home one afternoon in 1965, because Mothra was on TV that day, and I was finally going to see it. A few minutes into the movie, the Great Blackout of 1965 hit the east coast, and all went dark. It was a few years before I saw it on tv-by that time, my critical faculties had sharpened enough to know it was not very good, but I was relieved to get it out of the way in my head. You had to work back then. With any and everythig at our fingertips now, a lot has been gained, but something has also been lost.
  9. I spent many an evening watching the Yanks play the Twins in old Metropolitan Stadium ,growing up. That pic , plus Harmon Killebrew, gets me right in the nostalgia. Jeter starting the playoffs off right-game still has a long ways to go though. THANKS MSTAR for the pure maple syrup !! Found it on my stoop when I came home, and couldn't resist trying it out (with a frozen waffle, but I couldn't wait). I very much appreciate a touch of New England.
  10. the NY pressure on the Yankees is there EVERY year-I hate it myself, but they have won a few championships despite it. We'll see soon enough this year. Looking forward to the Twins getting out of the dome. They did play outside for years before, and the climate hasn't changed that much , has it ? Is it me, or is that drawing of the Twins new park reminiscent of their old park-it certainly doesn't look like the Camden Yards style used so often of late. Good luck to everyone and their teams. Some of us will be happy, and some of us won't. It's only a game, by the way.
  11. That was one exciting playoff game between the Twins-Tigers. I've always been kind of a 'closet' Twins fan, and like the way the team and organization operates. I'm also happy the Yankees don't have to face Verlander now, but I am certainly not assuming they'll beat the Twins. I've got so much going on in my 'real life', that I'm not sure how much time and passion is left for the playoffs-but here we go.
  12. well, this guy was a master of 'wayface', but he was also genuine in his love for the Bible (in my opinion, not always in a healthy way-but that's another topic). I can't for the life of me relate to him finding excitement in pfal teachings that had been endlessly shoved down our throats, but if anyone could, this guy could, I suppose. If I had a visit from a friend I hadn't seen in 10 years, I'd have skipped class that night, knowing that 4 crucified could get along just fine without me.
  13. "The Savage Curtain", if I'm not mistaken like I said, TOS I usually know
  14. I visited an old friend who was a corps grad, about 10 years ago while traveling through his city. We had worked together for years , I hadn't seen him since the 80's, and I was only going to be in town that night. He invited me to stay the night , but unfortunately had to go to Geer's class, but there was no problem because even if he's a few minutes late, they'll still let him in ( as opposed to the legalistic way classes). He also had to get up at 4 am to wash windows, so my visit after all those years consisted of seeing him come and go to class,sleeping on a futon, and locking his door when I left in the morning. Nice to see ya. I wondered why he couldn't have just taken a night off from class, but I also knew old habits die hard. He came back excited, telling me Geer made 4 crucified 'really live'. I guess the 500 other times he heard that teaching didn't for some reason. And that's as close to Geer's class as I will ever get.
  15. I don't get it either, but I doubt it's a midwestern thing, given that most of the players probably know little about the midwest outside of the ballpark. This is a fun and frustrating time of year. As I've groused about too often, I'm tired of the winning and losing wars, and all the strife that goes with it. I've become a laid back old man, looking to relieve stress in my life. Of course, I'll be 12 again if the Yankees pull it out.
  16. doughnut is right-zero is of course the answer even then, I knew that there was no way he was going to hop on that bike and show up at twigs-though that's exactly what he should have been doing-after all the life was in the twigs, the corps was all about training twig leaders, the whole twig thing was his 'church'-what would make more sense than him to enjoy retirement by visiting and blessing those who have supported him and his mission I know-I'm laughing at how absurd it sounds even as I write it.
  17. If the Rockies sweep the Dodgers and win the division, it will be a blow to LA, since they led the league, and all of baseball, for most of the year. The way they're playing does not bode well for the playoffs. Don't get me started on Manny. I expect him to sleepwalk at times-but that time is long past. He came to LA in a display of hitting like I've never seen before. It continued into this season until the drug suspension. He hasn't been anywhere near the same player since then. I'm not blaming the lack of drugs so much as his mental state. He had LA wrapped around his finger, and now plays like he doesn't care. When Manny doesn't hit, the teams fundamental weaknesses are exposed-mainly that they're mostly young players that are talented, but need to mature. I'd be playing Juan Pierre every day, and sitting Kemp or Manny, just to get him in the game. The playoffs are the 'second season'. Anything can happen. It's like the end of spring training, when the slate is wiped clean once the season starts.
  18. yeah, Poppo was the giveaway. In re watching this odd series, which wasn't funny, had inane scripts, but somehow worked due to the talents of Patty Duke (and William Schallert), I was reminded that when Patty wasn't saying 'bye-ee', the characters had this slang word for 'so long'-'longdelioso'. I'm sure the writers were hoping that it would catch on among America's teens. For obvious reasons that didn't happen.
  19. I thought this would be too obscure-I'll add a word that may help- "Longdelioso, Poppo" no, they're not speaking in tongues
  20. Many thanks, Mstar ! I may be drowning my sorrows in pancakes and syrup in a couple weeks. There are worse fates in life.
  21. major props to anyone who can get this one word clue. I had more than forgotten this, until I was watching the dvd the other day, and had a weird flashback to this catch phrase. I will be real impressed if anyone gets it-and I'm also certain I'm not spelling it correctly, as each character pronounced it differently. "longdelioso !" good luck.
  22. whew-figured out the pm. why do I break out in a sweat every time I'm computer challenged ?
  23. A generous offer like that is too good to pass up. If I can't be in New England, a taste of NE is most welcome. Thanks ! For some reason I've forgotten how to send a pm in here. I'll pm you as soon as I decode it. The Dpdgers are not looking impressive as they try to get 1 more win. If they somehow blow the Padres sereis, and the Rockies keep winning, they could lose the division to Colorado, when they close out the season with them this weekend. It would be a good time for Manny to wake up.
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