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Everything posted by Rocky

  1. http://donotcall.gov early reports had it receiving 1K hits/sec. I got through about an hour ago. YeaH!!!
  2. Tom, How bad is it behind the curtain? And SimonVanna, you may not have a U. And who is this too gray character? And btw, TS, do you know who any of us are?
  3. Oh, Ex, Dr. Strangelove isn't really that tall, and when I knew him in Ft. Worth and Emphoria, his hair was much lighter than jet black. Right, DW? And of course, we all love to hate the borscht in our past. And lest Loy Tuttle check the time on my post, it's just after 9pm here in the land of firey pines.
  4. And Davie, it's about time you joined the fellowship of the brats!
  5. So, Meester Wheelson, how is TAXess? And have you been in contact with the Warbler (now in Colorado, me thinks) in the last 20 or so years?
  6. Welcome Tommy Strangernomore. What about Frank (the Man) Manesseri? whosoever has joined us seems familiar with the ways of the cyberunderworldcorpse.... and Exxie, who gonna lead the kareoki, or the solemn hymns (or hers)?
  7. --> Better get that kitty some prozac! Paranoia is a double edged sword...
  8. niKa, I might read it when it gets to the library. I see no need to fund her $8M fee.
  9. Oh, niKa, really. How DO you feel about it? (just kidding). Actually, comparatively speaking, the hit and run was probably mostly carelessness (just guessing, not trying to justify or minimize). I'm mainly glad I don't have to listen to His Arrogance (double entendre, intended) on the news anymore. They say the new sheriff in town, er, bishop, has a no tolerance policy for the sexual misconduct and cleaned things up (NOT the way Tom O'Brien did) in Santa Fe, firing about 20 priests and NOT placing them in work elsewhere. Of course, there is still the question of whether those bozos should have been prosecuted...
  10. Yes, I will bring my camera, and since Karm is hostess, it would be most ungracious of me to not honor that request.
  11. 2 in my party. (me and a 13 year old offspring) and I already have a class 1 fingerprint clearance card (same thing teachers have to get to show they had a criminal records check). Now, what's this about an agenda? How about we meet, greet and sit down to eat?
  12. great idea niKa, I'm going to have trial run on the reunion thing with first union of sorts with some in Tucson next month... simon has also sounded like he would be there.... weekend of July 20, I think. And simon, you think the POPE is private interpretation, don't even talk about the head guy in Phoenix...
  13. Many thanks to SZ for help us to maintain (or regain) perspective in this quasi spirchal quest.
  14. Well Sir... I live in Chandler (West Chandler, near Rural and Chandler Blvd). Where's the art gallery? And YES, it is an open invite. Of the people who have expressed interest, I met 1 last year (Zshot), first met another one more than 22 years ago (Simonzelotes) and another one about 15-18 years ago (Jen O).
  15. niKa, I knew a pharmacist once upon a time (really) that was probably about our age and played (plays) hockey (in the desert?!) from time to time. He used to tell about taking the 800mg motrin like it was candy. And of course we missed you. With ex-kabible, I will promise to aim better next time, however.
  16. One has to admire rancid verbosity? Well, mebbe.
  17. weren't we talking about a mid-week date? if weekend, then at this point, July 20 is better than July 12 for me.
  18. where were YOU? recovering from NJDebilry?
  19. Wow, niKa that's some hot, or at least steamy, prose... for a cool day (when the kids are away, and your honey is near). And simon, to edit: if you are properly logged in (accepting cookies), click on the icon with the pencil eraser on the folder (lower right, next to the posted time and date). That image represents a request to edit.
  20. Simon, Do you need cookies and socks? Or should we say,"put a sock in it?" (jus kiddin) Been pretty hot out lately, eh?
  21. tnks niKa. my real mom gives essentially the same encouragement, with emphasis. :)-->
  22. btw, the judge ruled, affirming custody with me, pending a review in Sept. More or less a thoughtful ruling with the possibility that he will find less reason to hedge after the summer.
  23. Or as close as possible thereto anyway! :)-->
  24. Why IGO, I bet they are falling in the isles, or aisles after having the OhShanta Shakes! But, do the OhShanta sNakes (on the other side of the menu)taste like Cheekin?
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