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Everything posted by Rocky

  1. Old age.... I have a few more gray hairs and whiskers now than I did two years ago, however.
  2. Simon, There you go daydreaming again. -->
  3. And last I heard, he was doing so in Hawaii... either that or making PBS documentaries on baseball.
  4. niKa, did you tell your students to go easy on Baylor this week? That MIGHT be a more effective approach in this case.
  5. Well, everyone knows that we welcome the prodigal brethern and sisterns back into the fellowsheep! Hopefully, he did not suffer a lobotomy of the cpu.
  6. Speaking as a veteran, thank you. The American values I value most are tolerance for intellectual and political dissent and religious freedom.
  7. HA! @$#&*%( To you, and just wait until I call the INS on you! ;)--> Aw shucks, I'm just kiddin too. mwah Y'all wanna see pics I took of Wesley Clark today?
  8. ((((Excie)))) There's that hug you needed. Btw... come closer to the window... ♥ ((((niKa)))) tanks fer the smooch... almost thought you were gonna smack me one for being such a smarty pants! But you're too kind! And in case you were wondering, I wasn't looking for a kiss from a fellow... just playin with words. And if no one else were here, it would be doing so by myself... but that's not as much fun.
  9. Yah niKa, don't be such a stranger... btw, are you sure he kisses fellows?
  10. I hitchhiked through Purgatory the summer before we went in res... it changed my life.
  11. Simon, what a fantasy you just shared there... however, if someone did that to me, I'd probly have a str..., er, NO, a heart attack!
  12. Tassy? Would that be Tasmania? What's that like? And no wonder you don't hang out with us that much... hope it's all wonderful for ya Shipper! :)-->
  13. I WAS wondering about that Simon... Thanks Dot... :)-->
  14. Simon, You are one twisted MF! LoL. ;)-->
  15. What's ♥ wrong ♥ Excie?
  16. Garth, your comment implies that Franken was not truthful in his latest book. On what do you base such a ridiculous claim? Have you read the book? Are you intimately familiar with Fox News to the extent that you can show specific things in Franken's book that are untruthful? If not, then why make such a silly claim?
  17. Hey Keeds, How's about a few Lo Shantas for the saints and sinners in Southern California, from San Diego north to Ventura County and east to San Bernardino County. And that people get that stupid 1970s song out of their heads (It never rains in Southern, Cal-i-fornia). Besides that, I'd rather not be breathing their second hand smoke (which is making its way to the Phoenix area now).
  18. Yep, Excie, that's the pertinent acronym.
  19. One does have to wonder if Harve opened a Pandora's Box with the letter, n'est pas?
  20. Raf, LOL! btw, reading the pdf, which is a re-read for me, from the html Paw first posted, it is very apparent this letter was written by an attorney. It is direct. It states that it challenges JP's motives, and it does so. Does it do so credibly? I don't know. A lot of the posts on this thread carry baggage from people's history and experience in twi. Some of it might be good insight into the letter's ulterior motives. But from my view, the letter does two main things: first, the challenge to JP's motives. Second, it sets a standard for care for themselves. That they have released this publicly is noteworthy. It is something that JP and his sisters can use for accountability, whether they agree with any facts as set forth in the letter or not. But the bottom line is that it was written by an attorney, not by Harve Platig. Harve just signed it because he is the ranking male on the BOD, which appears designed to give it the appearance of authority.
  21. Karm, Lol... I finally turned the evap cooler off last night (it will be back on here in a few minutes until after sundown)... it's still a few degrees warmer up north on I-10 about 110 miles. It won't be 100 today (I don't think, but still in the 90s). Tanks for calling that party, niKa.
  22. Dougie, You definitely don't contribute enough of your own insights here. Thanks for that one, however. your ol' buddy from Sacred Heart in Roch, NY. Rocky
  23. Socks, That's "One bad habit" you've got there. Anyway, on the subject of the letter, I think it is noteworthy that HP would contact Paw and request publication of the letter. I wouldn't immediately write it off completely, as it is very detailed and painstakingly direct. There are points that JP may be able to clarify which could show us whether there is any credibility, or not, to twi's apparently official response on the subject. It obviously (the letter) is not completely professional, and therefore not necessarily objective, as noted by those who have reflected on HPs snide comment about inheritance. Now, I did notice the other day a name of someone I thought was a part of twi leadership as a gsc member who had signed in (as shown at the bottom of the main forum page), and that person's public profile said something about being interested in learning about GSC content. What does all this mean? Maybe nothing more than that GSC has indeed gotten "under the skin" of the BOD.
  24. as long as there's plenty of ventilation on the patio... a cool breeze?
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