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Everything posted by TheSongRemainsTheSame

  1. 1.God's Royal Household = The current BOT 2.God's Call to Abundance = Support God's Royal Household (see 1) 3.The Way of Holiness: Walk YE in it = All with disinct exception to The Royal Household (see 1)
  2. I do not have my concordances or lexicons out of storage. I just know some of you have an answer here for a simple question. The Bible does state that 1/3rd of the angels "sided" with Lucifer. This means there are another 2/3rds remaining. My question: Where in the Bible does it say the other 2/3rds totally sided with GOD and against Lucifer?
  3. (I was gonna copy some parts of that links article and comment, but I found this at the bottom So I'll just Comment. :D--> Good Angels Bad Angels. Do the Bad Angels wear Black and the Good Angels wear White so when they appear to us we would know the differences between these billions year old entities? Do these Billions year old entity's ride around in ice cream trucks and play that theme to PopEye?YukYukYukYukYuk TooT TooT What about those angels that that just wanna hang out somewhere else in the universe (s) or other dimensions, powers and mights and dominions? Ya know those who prefer peace. Are there those who protest with signs written "No More WAR!" and chant the same? What about those that love the beaches on Nirvana 7 in the 9th Dimention? Or just dig to walk the Himalyas and develope Gurus. Now we have believers and non-believers, and God favors the believers? I had no freedom of will ,that I know of, to be born in this life. Nor to choose my parents and so on. I got stuck with a Body Full Of Sin? I had nothing to do with whatever Adam and Eve!!!! And in God's Foreknowledge "He" knew who would be good or bad, so he sends the Good Angels to the Good Folk of this world as Guardian Angels? And all these Bad Angels get to perform their badness on both those the rain freely falls upon. Smoehting is aiisms hree And God is limited as well the Devil? Who made those rules? Is this God Omnipotent or sometimes OmniIMpotent? And ya know what really sucks about my Guardian Angel, don't even know the entity's name. Can I talk to my Guardian Angel? Or would I know which one I am talking to? "I don't own a telephone because every time it rang and i picked up~~~ I heard voices." Tommy Chong That 70's Show. Anyway, I thought it was written that the "Ring that ruled them all" was thrown into Mount Doom. ;)--> Enjoyed the simplicity of the "excellent research". Whew Man I thought my Gaurdian Angel left me. Why didn't my own GA just tell me that? Hmmm :D-->
  4. Then again, maybe that’s why WE got to hear PFAL, so WE could go the distance Dr wished he could cover.”Nice one Mike. I suppose LCM was martyr to that type o think
  5. What a "kewl" relay of words~~~
  6. Whoops, Radar sounded like a dude to me. Forgive me DUDETTE Radar... Seems in context this thread. ;)-->
  7. Accusations have been going on since I was involved TWI 1974, but actually grad '75, and onto when i left in '95 and now here from WD its last 6 months this current post at GSC. So what else is new? Is "The Way Living In Love" the actual testimony what we all were involved? according to lcm "Dr's last will and testimony was TWLIL... Main Entry: tes·ti·mo·ny Pronunciation: 'tes-t&-"mO-nE Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural -nies Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin & Latin; Late Latin testimonium Decalogue, from Latin, evidence, witness, from testis witness —more at TESTAMENT Date: 14th century 1 a (1) : the tablets inscribed with the Mosaic law (2) : the ark containing the tablets b : a divine decree attested in the Scriptures 2 a : firsthand authentication of a fact : EVIDENCE b : an outward sign c : a solemn declaration usually made orally by a witness under oath in response to interrogation by a lawyer or authorized public official 3 a : an open acknowledgment b : a public profession of religious experience Pronunciation Key © 2001 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated Merriam-Webster Privacy Policy
  8. Did the people that VP learned from lived the same life "style" VP did? Did they base the truth upon their lies or the lies upon the truth? How honerable were those VP learned from? Or did VP learn the same from those that taught him? Catcup, Am I saying the same thing as you?
  9. George Aar Yahahahhahhahahhh. Yeah his hand in a glove, one those latex ones... drop your pants and... well ya know what I mean. "It's either The Word of God from Gen 1:1 to Rev 22:21 or NOT!!!" VP Wickedville Something like that. I took that one hook, line, and sinker because it left no margin for error. It was for me, "The Word, The Word, And nothing but what I say the Word is to you." Or something like that too! Jeesh mabe I should break out the "Life Lines". "All aboard The Mystery Train" ... or did the Beatles write that? :D--> Hey year2027, Dig your thread. Song
  10. Eagle... You appear younger than your words
  11. Go for it Radar!!! Expose it dude!!! Rok On Song TWInty years and 9 yearz after...
  12. did atom have an innie or an outie? Main Entry: at·om Pronunciation: 'a-t&m Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Latin atomus, from Greek atomos, from atomos indivisible, from a- + temnein to cut Date: 15th century 1 : one of the minute indivisible particles of which according to ancient materialism the universe is composed 2 : a tiny particle : BIT 3 : the smallest particle of an element that can exist either alone or in combination 4 : the atom considered as a source of vast potential energy :D--> &
  13. How about the five gift ministrys... i was told he operated all five of them???!!!
  14. Bowling allys, malls, door to door, apt comPLEXES (no soliciting), family... oh my the heart of wc and those hearts involved with them.
  15. That is exactly why i hang on to those rags, tapes, books! For twi was the only body of christ would mean that LCM was the Prez the BOC. and anyone who really believes that sends me back to '75!!!
  16. WordWolf I would think DR? and "THE TEACHER" would be one and the same. Both he claimed to be true since he did claim those titles. Both titles are extraordinary the claims. I would suppose that "THE TEACHER" exhibited a more valid claim than Dr? since he did teach as proven in PFAL, etc. But what he taught and where he gained the info can be documented in part as plagiarism. His credentials as a Dr?, it seems, can not be actually documented for some reason. WW, "THE TEACHER", kewl the obvious that was not mentioned until you brought it to thought. Thanks, Song
  17. UncleHairy Hmmm hmmm, I remember that one. But what I heard from VP on a stage very very far away was that he declined the personal invitation because he did not want to blemish Reagon's Presidency because TWI was considered a cult. I thinks it was a ROA or maybe a Word In Your Business. Well, that's what I heard from VP's lips. Whoa, quite a difference between your experience and mine. Here's another one. I asked why DR? smoked. I was told that it did not matter and via tests his lung tissue showed no evidence of smoking because of his believing. Then I asked what about the glasses? I don't even remember what the answer was to that one. Rok On Song
  18. I think mick has a point of some sort... and been here a few times...
  19. whoops hula hoops... so many derails so many thoughts, "Hi it's the real me..." WHO?
  20. Map... Vey well said your love for JAL.
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