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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. kay i like your attitude i don't know really people tell me lots of interesting things and i'm so much more tolerant than when i was a wayfer faking how much i knew
  2. shortly before GS on ezboard finished, dot matrix was sharing some pearls of wisdom from a reverend splinter who was emailing her with God's matchless loving doctrine, reproof and correction i was shocked to find he was ordained into the CFF ministry a few months back sorry you missed the thread, it was interesting it would have easily answered your question about whether wierwille is still heralded as the great man of god
  3. well he is newly ordained in this group so he must be of God dot, i think you may have had a deceiving spit or spurt or something just like the old days in fact let's go to the reunion, it'll just be like old home week, i mean corps week
  4. dark shadows ! ha ha ha ha ha ha barnabus and angelique
  5. oh i liked roseanne did anyone mention fantasy island ?
  6. what does the word say ? if the word doesn't tell us we just don't know!! ha ha ha ha ha ha i don't know dottie. we have a family story -- aliens visited 2 of my brothers. they were short grey with those yucky black eyes. one put a device up one of my brother's nose (he doesn't have two noses, i mean just one of my brothers). everytime he got a nose bleed after that we knew why. and one time sister theresa appeared standing at thebottom of my sister's bed. that may have been like an angel or something because we kids were having a very very hard time in life.
  7. thank you waygone and really all of you posting here, you're great the other day my son and i were sitting in a theatre watching a happy movie but the kind that has a sad part in order to get to the happy ending we were holding hands and sniffling because of a bad time a kid had to go through, it was really nice
  8. i don't think so, oenofil, i sure hope not my prayer for that little girl and others has always been that somehow God numbed their sweet little mind (brain) and they didn't know what was happening i see thru a very very dark glass
  9. one answer i was looking for when i took THE CLASS (hold it 'til the end please) was why God caused so much suffering then i learned he doesn't cause it, he just lets it happen
  10. looks like you're already cracking it my dear hugs and more hugs
  11. "Is it all the years of ignoring my feelings finally being able to be let out? Or is it something else?" socketcreep, it's because you're a wonderful person
  12. are you going to the reunion ? you'll get to see reverend splinter maybe he'll even teach others how they could not wipe their a** if not for PFAL just for their edification, exhortation and comfort
  13. oh a muffin, stud muffin no less, covered in spam ooh la la am i in spam heaven or what ! you little spam ham you
  14. oh cripes, why did i start that thread about private threads. y'all keep this up and i'm telling !!! pirate, yes sounds hilarious !!! why isn't that tv thing about women going to alaska to find husbands on that list ? adios ? i watched, what is wrong with me. i felt very yucky and embarrassed for everyone on there.
  15. not true about hogan's heroes wonder what woops was about
  16. i just noticed rev. splinter was ordained by CFF last march wow kinda makes me want to join
  17. CFF's site says it's August 2-4 i don't know about their pictures, but their web site calendar has: - WOW training in Venezuela - Weekend in the Word in Missouri - Trustee weekend, doesn't say where i believe
  18. then how's come you have no spam on there stud muffin ?
  19. hi rottie!!!!! how are you? who is listening, RR or the grim reaper. lol. or internet bless patrol. ha ha ha ha ha eewww rottie girl i did not mean the way's RR, i meant the real man RR !! [This message was edited by excathedra on July 16, 2002 at 13:21.]
  20. the natural is very very devilish. i remember walking away after it worshipping robert redford. saints preserve us, ginge
  21. he had a longsuit in discerning of toys !!!!! in grammar school my best friend told me her chatty cathy and other dolls dolls talked to her at night when she was in bed. i discerned i didn't want to sleep over !!!!
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