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Everything posted by leafytwiglet

  1. leafytwiglet

    Shout Box

    I looked I don't think you can delete it. BUt I found a better way to read a bunch of shouts when I haven't been on or a bunch of people shouted!
  2. Hi Roy... Good to see you or read you as the case may be.
  3. What a great subject and thanks everone for sheding some light and perspective on this. The trouble always was that VP spouted that the order was God First then your spouse then your kids and in his rendition God first meant the Ministry. I find it interesting that God's order is God first by making sure your family is taken care of. and no where in the word does it say god first means TWI first. And VP could no more be a good example as a father since he had no clue how to do it and never bothered to figure out how to do it. The best example of a man of God and Father I have ever run into in my life is my father in law... I thank God for him every day of my life... with out him and his wife I never would have known the proper way to be a family... Certainly not from what TWI taught.
  4. Actually Bolshie in light of all you and others have posted yes it does make sense.
  5. leafytwiglet

    May I ask?

    As always Shellon... Eloquently stated!
  6. That just is all kinds of wrong...THe were supposed to be shepherding us peons.
  7. Oh you did not disturb I just know that sometimes when you type things on teh computer people can't see your heart and I didn't want you to think I asked the question out of anything more than respect. I am learning on GS that the most difficult threads to read are always the most healing and informative, and thought provoking You and Wordwolf always are informative respectful and helpful as are others on here.
  8. leafytwiglet

    May I ask?

    I found this on accident while looking for grease spot removal... actually not long ago.. (as soon as I saw the title of the site I knew it was about the Way international and about that whole grease spot on the road thing.. and since we were essentially grease spots hubby and I I gently perused the pages for a while to see what it was. I had left before the passing of the poo and all the LCM weirdness.. so for me it was an exercise in discovery and confirmation of some things I suspected but as i left long before there was an internet I never had the opportunity to find all this stuff out. IT has been an interesting voyage so far. I had often wondered why I never ran into any Way people after we left but after coming here I found out it was because there was the beginnings of a huge exodus after we left and by the time I had time to really wonder the Way was a shadow of it's former self... Thank God.
  9. Well if he was quoting Psalm 22 which when you read it in the NAS Bible reading the whole psalm it is a rhetorical question and posed as such in that passage. IN the Psalm David crys out in anguish about his current condition but in the crying out he is also recognizing God's glory, and Gods purpose and that from the womb David was (devoted is the only word I can think of but that isn't the right word for it) That from birth he was connected with God. In the beginning of the psalm he asks God to stay with him in his great time of need and that he David knows God has delivered Israel in the past... HE asks again in verse 19 on for God to be with him to hasten to his assistance. Verses 22 on are about Gods love, deliverance and Davids exhortation to praise God and glorify him. IF Christ was quoting these passages It would be in keeping with the teachings of his vast knowledge of the scriptures and if so then he was in essence saying to those around him that he understood why he was on the cross. But I still wonder what the actual Aramaic words said as Word wolf so eloquently stated.. I realize it is perhaps not possible to know but none the less I wonder. Geisha... I know that What Christ did was enormous.. please don't think I was asking my question in any disdain... for me ... my salvation which came long before TWI was built on the sudden knowledge while watching a reenactment of Christ last days that I was forgiven my sins and that Christ's act on the cross bought me forgiveness... and by God's mercy I was made clean. For me when VP in PFAL said Christ's Cry was one of Triumph I wanted it to be that .. a victory cry that he knew he had done this great deed. I didn't want him to be there on the cross all alone in anguish feeling deserted by God ... because for me God reached down with his word and lifted me out of a very dark place. One of the things about TWI that was so attractive to me was the supposed teaching us to read and understand the Bible... because for me the words I read were healing and gave me strength... So really if he was quoting psalm 22 it would be an affirmation that Christ knew what God's plan was .. that he know God was with him and would be with him in his darkest moments and that there was a reason for it all. Edited for more clarity
  10. I spoke in tongues at the end of the class and it was genuine... I still do it when I pray .. Sometimes I sing in tongues.. There is a specific feeling I get when I do it .. that has nothing to do with TWI and everything to do with God and when ever I encounter the real thing I get the same feeling .. I also got to see some real miracles and not the parking space kind either... I have no doubt that some people faked it.. but for some people it was genuine. What VP taught regarding SIT and manifestation of the spirit was wrong and the whole SIT at every TWI with word of interpretation.. I always found that forced and weird.. but me praying to God in private that has always been real.. and I supose next will be the whole argument about feelings being false and it has to be logical to be true PErhaps but I have learned in my life to pay closer attention to my gut feelings. They are usually spot on!
  11. I like looking at the pictures people post on here so I can see who I recognize or knew.. we, hubby and I had some but when we left we were hitch hiking so all that stuff got left behind. Sad... I don't care about TWI but I knew some really nice people... and since it was earlier in TWI time they really were nice.. Not yet worrying about devil spirits or bossing everyone around.
  12. Oh Hot mail ... no I think you have to live with them but try taking it out of your exceptions list and don't forget to clear your temp files and your cookies. that usually keeps it nice for a while.
  13. Okay I was on the thread about the guy pilferig TWI's aramaic work and this was semi refered to and I didn't want to derail that thread so any input would be appreciated. If that is so What actually did he say?? Was I spared for this Purpose??? or My God why have you left me??? Sorry probably needs to be another thread. As in star Trek I will make it so!
  14. If that is so What actually did he say?? Was I spared for this Purpose??? or My God why have you left me??? Sorry probably needs to be another thread. As in star Trek I will make it so!
  15. Okay the irony of this is just too dog gone rich not to savor and enjoy it.. HE plagiarized a plagiarizer and now there is a lawsuit. Some how I keep hearing in my head what goes around comes around! O-o
  16. Easy Sneezy in your firefox browser go to Tools then on the drop down... select Options,,, in options at the top select Content... and at the top of that box select Block Pop up windows... then select exceptions and verify that only the sites that you are okay with using pop ups are in the list if you don't recognize the site delete it from your exceptions list. and Waa Laaa you are good to go!
  17. A bastard pretending to care for God's Flock!
  18. Hi Exie... I totally understand. IT took me a long time to forgive Step father for his crap and he was not a christian when it happened A man of God is different it is the fact that they claim to be working for God and then do something so heinous so far from what God wants for us. VP was a %^$^$^# for what he did to you and countless others.
  19. LOL JT you reminded me of the nicest man I ever met my WOW year he was theis old duffer he drove a 48 Ford Pickup "YEs he did" lived in an old house on teh edge of town and was the RICHEST man in Montana. No one would ever know just to look at him. Jesus example was to love all mankind not just the rich or wel off but every one. TWI never seemed to really get what our life as men and women of God was really supposed to be. NO surprise there look at who started TWI!
  20. Hugs Roy and prayers for your continued progress and I will miss you on here.
  21. Even with anonymity on GSC posters here still for the most part try to be honorable in their posting and seem to readily admit to being wrong if it is pointed out. I find it like that on other forums I frequent also. There is a kind of camaraderie and an effort to some restraint. Of course this doesn't mean there are not drive by posters who spew venom and filth and lies in an effort to rouse regulars to a flame war but Most of the time people tend to be civil even with being anonymous. (of course since I avoid a lot of the more viral forums I may just be posting with a more gentler crew) Personally for me when racial slurs get flung I tend to discount what the person is saying even if I generally agree with the rest of what they are saying. it kind of goes along with the more a person flings swear words out the lower their intelligence appears to be... I don't mean a swear word here and there, I mean a full scale foul language assault. Just my two cents.
  22. Jealous of your corn and you squished the roly polys???? were they eating your beans??? I usually only have issues with them on carrot tops and cantaloupe but I am wondering what they are chowing down on in your garden so I can guard against their onslaught. Okay and I am wondering is roly poly a back east term because in Cal I For Nie Aaay they call them sow bugs which i always have to stop and translate in my head to roly polys and which I thoroughly indoctrinated my children with calling them this name which fits their habits. besides Sow bug sounds disgusting to me. By the way they are a beneficial bugs in your mulch pile... They eat litter debris. And of course poop out compost. Began my watering yesterday but we went to the coast for a romp in the afternoon.. of course not much got done... but the tomatoes are doing very well as are the peppers. I finished reading a book about composting and it has several different interesting methods and ways to enrich flower beds and areas of your yard. I think a worm box is out of the question until later this fall. but we will see.... I am anxious to try the straw and manure method as well because I have tons of Chicken manure.... okay not tons but a lot.
  23. At home I use Mozilla Firefox And since that is where I access Grease Spot that is what I put in the survey but I have explorer 7 on the home computer too, and wont do the upgrade to 8 anytime soon as I did it on my work computer and I don't really like it.
  24. Nice post but I want to add this little tidbit for you all to chew over. IT isn't just judges and law enforcement that do this add to it parents relatives friends and acquaintances... Most people DO NOT believe the victim... In fact most rape victims (Not to even mention children of physical abuse) are told point blank to their face that they are lying or exaggerating, Made teh story up or caused their own tragedy. This happens every day and every where not just in TWI!. Edited to add THIS JUDGE SHOULD BE DISBARRED! (yes I am shouting)
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