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Everything posted by leafytwiglet

  1. God was saying... Eat your vegetables, try to get 8 hours of sleep a night, Love your Mom and Dad, Love your kids, Try to be honest, try to be fair... Love your self and your neighbor... oh and take a moment and be thankful for what you do have. Listen to your Mom and Dad.. they may know a thing or two... Mom's and Dad's Listen to your kids... They know stuff too and above all be still and know that He is God. I am sure some one else will come out with a good wise crack but I think that mostly sums it up
  2. Good for you Ham.... I don't suppose you could try to Come to California and work at my community College just long enough to teach Statistics could you. I may end up having to take it from the evil professor. Blargh!!!!
  3. Here you go Sowers Web Site Victor Paul Weirwille, the grandson of VP has started his own program. Built on his Grandfathers teachings and his grandfathers design. One can only hope that VP2 is not a rerun of VP1 but it seems to be shaping up to be just that.
  4. We have a new Scardy cat... well not entirely new but a new semi feral kitty. he is another tuxie.. he does not have a name yet I am toying with Hank and Buster but nothing is settled yet. He still will need to be captured and made to sing soprano. He is another six toed cat and i would not be surprised if he doesn't have the same mom and dad as our Bongo. He is so close in markings and body shape and the six toed thing. Any way thought I would throw this out there. I am not sure when i will have a picture of him he is so illusive.
  5. LOL of course it is because what good is a garden if you do not eat the produce.. and why bother eating if it doesn't taste magnificent! LOL which brings us back to Bacon... Food of the gods!
  6. Ahhh Refries... I love refried beans excellent recipe.
  7. Just greens for dinner with a sprinkle of egg and bacon oh yeah now there is a filling dinner. :wacko: I love kale and many greens. but I like a bit of some thing with them
  8. I remember the Lady one... and I think the chicken one but I don't think The chicken one ran very long... I am still surprised they continue to run those really creepy Burger king Commercials. There is a new teenager burgercommercial... one that hits a ton of topics. all in one... girl, teenager obviously very thin going on about not eating to keep her figure but oh oh h wouldn't give up her burger for anything.. Soft porn sells
  9. I would have loved that ROA. Children bring us all back to earth.. it is hard to be thinking bogus ethereal thoughts while changing a diaper. I love it when there are kids around .. they are so much fun.
  10. Well there is the just and then the Ummmmmm just choose your verbal repetitious habit carefully it will permeate all your sentences before you know it.
  11. Hmmm I didn't see options for my kind so I will just throw my info up here I did not go thru the program I was a spouse Corps (non Corp Married to a corp grad) we left on his second year on the field after Graduation We would have been booted a few years later if we stayed in. I would never recommend Corps to anyone. When I married Hubby I would have but a full year into the marriage no. and by the time we left... no not at all. The arrogance and expectations that all believers should comport their lives just like the Corps Grads used to infuriate me. Add to that the attitude that one need only study PFAL and don't bother to try to study anything else becasue you are too stupid to get it Yeah that makes me feel warm and fuzzy.. Sorry I know I have said this all over and over again but there it is. and don't forget to add a full scoop of VP's arrogance... I was beginning to question it all by the time we beat a quick retreat. Granted we left because we thought we had failed God and TWI but there were lots of questions for me.
  12. I wasn't in as long as some of you but for me (because we did leave early on and until recently I didn't know all this stuff) For me it went in layers.. and it has been a very slow process... It began with the first couple days after we left .. then when I joined a bible study with my sister in Law, I learned there are some very nice Christians out there... and God's word is being taught all over the place... and a more balanced look at what God really holds me responsible for. More when I began addressing the child hood abuse I survived. and finally the final throwing off was with the information I have learned here at the Grease spot. Perhaps it would have happened faster if I had found Grease spot sooner but maybe I wasn't really ready to deal with it until now, hard to say. I was busy raising kids. I find that throwing it off now so long after leaving is easier than when I first left. and I still do stupid things but with time I expect that will all fall by the wayside. Especially as now I can see things in perspective.
  13. Okay color me completely .. okay only a little confused... can you confirm if I have an understanding of what you are saying you are not talking about whether or not some one can or can not speak in tongues or if they are faking it or not but that how it is done and what we were taught about it in TWI was/is incorrect.. not to mention all the splinter groups out there. and that how it was presented to us was erroneous from the get go... (how am i doing so far) as in just because some one appears to be speaking in tongues doesn't mean they are.. and also doesn't prove or disprove their born again status. Only God and the person actually speaking in tongues know their spiritual status.. and since mankind tends to lie they may or may not be genuinely speaking in tongues. Speaking in tongues with Interpretation may or may not be a correct usage of speaking in tongues. in fact due to the large amount of misinformation in the way all types of operations of the spirit may be fake or being used incorrectly. This is the extent of my meager understanding of the TWI doctrine...I think anyway but all the time now I am finding little residual TWI teachings popping up in my life that I am having to rethink and modify. I know what I do is speaking in tongues but If I heard someone else doing it that would not necessarily mean that they were speaking in tongues.
  14. leafytwiglet

    Shout Box

    LOL Dmiller I think at least for me I like to fix my stupid spelling errors not remove the whole shout! but point heard ;)
  15. Waysider, THanks also for that insight.. I guess I really was lucky that I was just a little twiglet and didn't get to hear that stuff.. Lucky that I left before more of the poisin of VP corrupted my brain. Plenty sure did in my short time there. I am stunned at the sheer arrogance of it... :(
  16. Thanks T-bone..and Geisha I am constantly stunned here when I realize how much (probably all) of VP's stuff was stolen and repackaged as his own with no credit to who the original author was. My heart sometimes aches over it. So much misdirection and muddled ideas mixed with some truth ... IT is like a knot that you have to untangle to find the beautiful thread of God's word that this person twisted up for their own personal gain, that I foolishly followed with out much question because they presented it in what seemed at the time as a logical explanation. And all compounded by my own lack of knowledge of the bible.
  17. Ohhh Pretty Shiney Different. Looks around slightly confused... wanders off to play in the new toy!
  18. T-bone do you know when psalm 22 was written time wise in David's life . and it seems so much to mirror Christs time on the cross and directly leading up to it. I am wondering too if Jesus Quoted the whole psalm.... Any way lots of food for thought here. Oh and one more question that relates to all this is... where did VP get the "for this purpose I was spared" from because his track record of stealing other peoples works suggest he had to get it from some where else.
  19. Hi Oakspear Happy Birthday. I accidentally knocked your Happy Birthday off the front page of the shout box so I am putting up a new topic. To wish you Many happy returns of the day.
  20. OMG I thought the sam4e thing and wondered if he (yes i think it was a guy) was still drunk and could not feel it as he was obviously posing for a picture immediately after the explosion.
  21. LOL Roy I only ever can stand a few days away myself. Keep writing.
  22. leafytwiglet

    Shout Box

    Woo Hoo Okay I figured out the shout box thingy... NOw first off let me say you can not delete your comment but you can change it ... HEre is what you do there is a box around the shout box and to the right there are little links and one of them says preferences.. click on that and you have moderator status.. when you make a shout from that box your shout has a pencil right next to it.. if you want to edit your shout you click on the pencil and it tells you to select the function you want to use .. the only one available at that point is edit.. but that opens the shout you clicked on and you change what you want to say then shout it again.. it will take a few seconds but when you look again it will be fixed! COnfused yet????? LOLOL
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