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Everything posted by CoolWaters

  1. Yeah. I remember being 'reproved' over and over again when I gave outside of twi. I would always bring up 'the two great commandments'...and always, no matter who was speaking or where we were at, always the response was, "It says 'love your neighbor'. That means only those you know are in the body." Of course, my next questions were along the line of, "Hmm. And how do we, who are not God, know who has or has not dechomaied?" And the response would always be, "If you hear them SIT in twig after they've taken the class, then you know they're your neighbor." Sheesh. I just realized that based on this mentality, much less than 44,000 will make it to the final resurrection.
  2. Sigh... What would life be without PIMP added into the fun...
  3. I know toppie!!! I really tried to ignore it...now I'm gonna try to deny it.... LOL BTW... I did exactly the same thing you did! I purposely did 'bad' things like have gay friends, watch 'off' movies (watching What Dreams May Come and Stigmata freaked me out because I thought fer shure I'd be full of debbul spurts afterwards), even 'went over' to paganism for awhile. I've had a blast! And I've learned a whole lot. In fact....dare I say it...I'm better all around!
  4. I love what Garth said..."Wow! ... All this stuff? ... Just for you?? Instead of feeling cursed, it oughtta make you feel *special*." Fer real!!! The very idea that we saw such things as directed specifically at us...OMG! what twits we were! But, girlfriend, I was there in my brain! I nearly gave up and died over believing some similar crap. In twi our 'circle' was very small. We didn't associate with non-innies very much...and even then we shunned close contact...and gawd forbid a non-innie should touch us! Is it any surprise that we didn't get as sick as an innie as we did as an outie? We just weren't exposed to as much...and when we were, we took great precautions to avoid 'catching' anything (usually 'devil spirits'...but that practice also served to keep us from being as exposed to germs, too). And the absolutely anal cleanliness we had to live up to in twi? Well, it kept us from being exposed to germs, but I do know that it also was a major contributor to the auto-immune disorders we now suffer...as did the rest of the anal living in a bubble mentality. Add to this the adamant denial that we were ever sick. So many disorders, diseases and underlying health problems were just blatantly ignored and/or denied. People are now paying harsh prices for that mentality. There were some parents who even refused to allow their children to be immunized...because it was 'fear'. So, for me and mine, twit brain about germs and cleanliness was initially preventive...which led to a false sense of 'health'...but in the end was damaging to our immune systems. And the 'believing' of denial kept many health time bombs hidden...which led to far more problems than if we had just had regular checkups every year. What I'm saying is that had we stayed in twi, these things would have shown up, anyway. Hurricanes and car wrecks? Chit happens. And it happens to everybody everywhere regardless of twi. That we ever thought that it happens because of not being in twi is testimony to the cult mentality of twi. Sprained ankles and other such things? Accidents. To think we were not subject to accidents in twi is to deny the accidents that did happen...which is what twit brain told us to do. Which brings me to another point... These threads are full of the things that did happen while in twi. More than anything else, I think that being an innie and reading what happens in twi regardless of 'being in the household' is helpful to getting out of twi if/when one wants to take that step. And reading that we have survived, and how we survived, helps, too. But also reading about those who have not survived and how we all come together in such situations...that's one thing twi never, ever taught...or allowed...so it's gotta be helpful...if for no other reason than to see that death is something to be mourned...and that mourning is OK.
  5. LOL=Laughing out loud/laugh out loud (you got it!) ROFLMAO=rolling on floor laughing my a$$ off
  6. For me, listening to their pov and understanding that, a)it doesn't really matter in the end...because if it matters soooooo much as to divide, then it's no longer about God or Jesus but about arguing, b)most of the time (notice I said 'most' and not 'all') the question isn't about Jesus=God, but about the divine nature of Jesus, and, c)if anybody makes such a big deal out of the issue, then that person, no matter which side they fall on, is more concerned about dogma than about following the example of Jesus. No matter where one stands on this question, if one stands so staunchly as to stir up strife, cause divisions and cause others of the body to be shunned, humiliated or in any other way castigated for not agreeing...well, then, that's a cult mindset. IMO. And I would avoid participating in any group that accepts such a stance.
  7. CoolWaters


    FWIW allan doesn't bother me like those who try to cover their disgust in 'niceness'. You know them...this thread was started about them...the "Oh honey, I can help you! All you have to do is...blah blah blah." crowd. Fault-finding is acceptable when it comes to fat. Not even junkies, alcoholics or smokers get the bum's rush that fat people get. I need a special diet that is very expensive. Not for obesity, but for diabetes. My husband's boss thinks like allan does...and adamantly refuses to carry insurance that covers any cost associated with obesity treatment. And since I am Type II diabetic, he figures I did it to myself. The insurance covers the prescriptions and some of the doctor visits...but none of the treatments. He does, however, buy tons of insurance to cover drug, alcohol and smoking addictions...because he does have or has had those problems...and he has surmised that none of those problems are the fault of the 'victim'...like obesity and Type II diabetes is. The result has been that I often go up to 3 weeks without the right medicines I need. The diabetes gets way out of control...and I end up having to get secondary treatment for the resulting infections and organ damage. Eventually this is going to kill me faster than obesity-related problems would have. But the boss just keeps telling Bill to tell me to quit eating and I won't need the medicine. Gotta love him, though...the majority of his employees are paroled murderers, drug dealers and general thugs. This guy is a FINE pillar of the community. The 'Who's Who' of the area say so!
  8. Elliot ruled last night!!!!!!! Chris made me cry, though...even on the recap at the end! Taylor looked and sounded constipated. I didn't get to see Kat until the recap...and I wasn't impressed. Paris didn't listen to advice and got too big for the song. Kellie...just sad. She looked like she had come off an all-nighter...and sounded like she was still asleep. I tell ya, though, I've never seen anybody come from barely even close to rule like Elliot has done! I spent another hour or so voting for him last night. I just can't say enough good about him!
  9. Fluffy Dippinfanny here. :unsure:
  10. When a raw nerve gets touched...it causes a quite painful reaction...like biting into ice cream when I have a cavity...or stubbing my toe against a brick. OUCH!!! And I gotta tell ya, 'ouch' isn't the only thing that comes outta my mouth when something like that happens. That used to bother me to no end...that automatic string of expletives...'cause in twi I was taught 'better' than that... But omg! I LOVE to cuss!!! When me and Louise Darlene Thelma get on the phone together, we just cuss for 15 minutes or so...'cause it's just so danged fun...and it makes us laugh...and get over ourselves...and gives us a humorous, effective outlet for the frustrations of the day/week/month/whatever. I do not recommend that for GSC, however...unless it's in PM, email, or something. Anyway, something that was said way back in trancenet days was, "hurting people hurt people". Meaning that those who are hurting tend to hurt others. I don't think for one minute that the vast majority of those who are hurting intend to hurt others. I certainly don't...and never did (well, except in one instance)...but absolutely not now at all. One of the things I was denied in twi...and in my life before and after twi...was the opportunity to work through very bad situations with others. The very first place I was afforded that opportunity was right here at GSC. It took being banned and moderated heavily on more than one occasion before I began to grasp what I was doing. Even then, if folks had not continued to communicate with me via email and telephone calls, I would not have understood anything. Because I plain old had no clue. Really. That simple. I had no clue how to express all the things inside of me without also dumping all that horridness onto everybody else. How would I have had a clue? I didn't get it from my parents. I didn't get it from twi. I didn't get it from other people I was around. Every time I tried in life to rage against the machine, I was beaten down in some way...physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally...you name it, I got it. That made me skittish, to say the least. Early on at WayDale somebody compared me to a feral animal. I've never forgotten that...because it hurt more than anything else for a very long time...and because I now understand what she was trying to say to me. I truly was like a feral animal. People would try to get close to me...and I snarled and nipped and growled...and bit if I had to. If anybody touched me...whoa! It was all out war...and the war was never-ending...because in my mind I was fighting for my life. But I learned...through the unbelievable patience and understanding of some people who just wouldn't write me off as a lost cause...and leave me to be that feral animal. I like how GSC handles things nowadays. Edit or delete posts that are intended to hurt/inflame/whatever without adding one iota to the conversation. Give warnings. Give opportunity to talk things out one-on-one in PM or email or on the telephone. Moderate if that stuff fails. Ban only as a last ditch effort. Always giving the opportunity to rejoin the community here. I dunno. I have been tremendously thankful that I was not given up on. I have also been tremendously thankful that when it was needed action was taken to separate me and/or my posts from the group...AND every effort humanly possible was put forth to help me learn how to co-exist without ripping anyone or anything to shreds. It was something I needed...not just to be able to function here at GSC...but to function in 3D. Life is not very 'clean' in reality. And, oh sheesh!, life in twi was not sane, much less 'nice', for many, many of us. It's gonna get ugly around here...because we are talking about ugly. I just think that those who are living in the bubble now, or have recently come out of the bubble, can benefit from the opportunity to watch things get ugly...and then watch them come back to pretty good...because of the effort put forth to get them back to good. But that's just my opinion and my experiences. I'm really an extreme case.
  11. Dear White Dove, Yeah...playing with something, eh? Actually, that's a little thingymabob I did over at Mr Picassohead that I call "Twit Brain". I think it aptly portrays what it was like for me in twi.
  12. OK...I hear ya. However it has been my experience that the 'helpful kick in the butt' comes from one-on-one relationships built over time...where trust of one's motives, one's understanding, one's honesty, one's sincere caring has been determined...and the 'helpful kick in the butt' is received as lovingly as it was given. There's no way in God's green earth that anybody who hasn't built that type of one-on-one relationship with me has any clue as to when or even if I need any kick in the butt. Especially someone who swoops in from nowhere, has never even tried to build any one-on-one relationship or even read what is written instead of what he/she selects, points fingers, calls names, pronounces unilateral judgments and then runs away complaining that nobody loves them. Ya know?
  13. Well...yes. Isn't that exactly the point? I mean, if choice is removed from the picture, then it's just doing what one is told/expected to do...which isn't really healing at all...it's just the SOSDD (same old s*it, different day). Having control over one's own life is the epitome of healing. Why would anybody consider that taking that away from people would be 'healing'?
  14. OK...so pfal made you only 70% fundamental...and that makes you just... DAMENTAL.
  15. Fun little game: http://www.hurtwood.demon.co.uk/Fun/copter.swf
  16. Back in the day I was always at bored.com...then I got bored with it. LOL Looks like they've grown up quite a bit! Kewl. More play!
  17. Hehehe. Perty good David! LOL
  18. CoolWaters


    Don't mind at all, rascal. Part of the freeing process was realizing how the shame mentality wasn't just about obesity. Thank you so much for all that you share, girl! {{{{rascal}}}}
  19. CoolWaters

    Stumble Upon

    As you can see from the new topics I've started today, I'm having a lot of fun with new websites I've Stumbled Upon. They are sites I would never have looked for and would not have known about unless somebody else told me about them. Well, that 'somebody else' is a browser tool called Stumble Upon. I love it!!!! Hope others will enjoy it, too.
  20. Write an email today and have it sent to your future self. The subject of the email I sent to my future self is "Remember you're OK" and I referenced the post I did this morning on the "Fat" thread. I'm having it sent to Future Me in one year. Anyway, you can do this at Future Me. Won't this be very interesting to talk about in a year or so? :)
  21. Taken from Evil Bible.com: 10 - You vigorously deny the existence of thousands of gods claimed by other religions, but feel outraged when someone denies the existence of yours. 9 - You feel insulted and "dehumanized" when scientists say that people evolved from other life forms, but you have no problem with the Biblical claim that we were created from dirt. 8 - You laugh at polytheists, but you have no problem believing in a Triune God. 7 - Your face turns purple when you hear of the "atrocities" attributed to Allah, but you don't even flinch when hearing about how God/Jehovah slaughtered all the babies of Egypt in "Exodus" and ordered the elimination of entire ethnic groups in "Joshua" including women, children, and trees! 6 - You laugh at Hindu beliefs that deify humans, and Greek claims about gods sleeping with women, but you have no problem believing that the Holy Spirit impregnated Mary, who then gave birth to a man-god who got killed, came back to life and then ascended into the sky. 5 - You are willing to spend your life looking for little loopholes in the scientifically established age of Earth (few billion years), but you find nothing wrong with believing dates recorded by Bronze Age tribesmen sitting in their tents and guessing that Earth is a few generations old. 4 - You believe that the entire population of this planet with the exception of those who share your beliefs -- though excluding those in all rival sects - will spend Eternity in an infinite Hell of Suffering. And yet consider your religion the most "tolerant" and "loving." 3 - While modern science, history, geology, biology, and physics have failed to convince you otherwise, some idiot rolling around on the floor speaking in "tongues" may be all the evidence you need to "prove" Christianity. 2 - You define 0.01% as a "high success rate" when it comes to answered prayers. You consider that to be evidence that prayer works. And you think that the remaining 99.99% FAILURE was simply the will of God. 1 - You actually know a lot less than many atheists and agnostics do about the Bible, Christianity, and church history - but still call yourself a Christian.
  22. I just posted in the Open forum about spew like this. I'm very thankful and very proud that I lived long enough to get past letting things get to my heart. Otherwise somebody saying something like this would have thrown me into a deep depression. 'Sunnyfla'. I've figured it out.
  23. CoolWaters


    I am not just fat...I am the Momma in the 'yo Momma so fat she...' jokes (found down in the "Just Plain Silly" forum). You know what? WTF do I care what people say/think about me? There was a time when I did (as is evidenced by the crude 'comeback' I posted above). My whole life was about being ashamed of who I am. But that wasn't just about being obese...which is something I didn't realize for too long. I was so tied up in knots over how people thought about me that I let an exway 'pastor' get away with telling me that all of the problems in my life was because, and I quote, "anybody can see that your life is s*it". Not only did I let him get away with saying it, I took it to heart so deeply that I went into a 5 year depression that nearly ended in my death. (Believe me...I use the term 'pastor' to describe this person very, very lightly. He himself admits he's no pastor and never will be and doesn't want to be...but doesn't know what else to call himself since he's ordained and got a church and all that.) Even before this self-appointed 'lord' of people's lives said this to me, for 4 years I let he and his wife dictate to me how I should do things to 'help' myself. I was so given over to the concept that I was lacking in ability to do anything right or good in life that when she--an anorexic, mind you--'suggested' (read 'demanded') that I start drinking soy protein drinks instead of eating, I did. Not something an obese person should do...it causes weight gain. It has only been about 3 weeks since I've been freed from that shame mentality. And my life is so much the better! Being OK with who I am just the way I am is healing. Getting to this place has been a long, painful journey. It's not been easy...or fun. At some point I had to realize that what others think, say, do, etc. is not about me, but about them. I was just the sap that took it to heart when others blamed me for their problems. And that's exactly what is happening when people push their judgments, their 'solutions', their lack of self control off onto others. Somebody makes snide remarks about my weight...that's about their own self-image insecurities. Somebody tells me how I should be eating and exercising...that's about their own inability to do what's right in their own lives. My husband screws around with less obese women (he's never liked thin women)...that's about his own inability to grow up and mature out of the mentality of a 13yo. Seriously. We all get it that the frothing at the mouth BS spewed from many 'leadership' mouths in twi was not about those who were being spewed upon, but about the mental problems of those doing the spewing. How come we don't get it when the same type of BS spews forth from others? I dunno. It certainly took me all of my life to finally get it.
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