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Everything posted by WordWolf

  1. "She's offered her body to science. Time and time again." "I've gotten "Thank you" notes from people I said I'd never see again." "I've eaten a river of liver and an ocean of fish! I've eaten so much fish, I'm ready to grow gills! I've eaten so much liver, I can only make love if I'm smothered in bacon and onions!" "I'm reminded of a story, you've probably heard it. The king and queen of this country were playing golf with five clubs. Their son Jack remarked how strange it was that they only had two hearts between them. And just then his sister Little Deucey and her dog Trey started singing 'For Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend,' whereupon the whole family beat her to death and buried her with two spades." "Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice." "I have this peculiar metabolism. If I don't eat regularly, everything solid in my body turns to liquid. My shoes are full of water." "When they came for me, I ran like a thief right into Grand Central Station. They trapped me in a pay toilet." "Beautiful." "Cost them four dollars in nickels to get me out." "I love a volunteer."
  2. Apparently, I did this one in this thread in October, and I'd forgotten.
  3. One letter off, but that's the correct answer. CSN & Y's "Marrakesh Express." Your turn.
  4. Correct! "It's the official beer of Ireland!" *all the Irishmen pause and stare* "KATHY Ireland!" *celebration resumes* Too easy?
  5. I thought you might jump to that conclusion. You are correct- the answer is "It's A Wonderful Life." The Sesame St muppets in question were named after the characters in this movie.
  6. It is not. And I just checked that song's lyrics to make sure this line doesn't appear in it.
  7. Ok, here's something frivolous. A US TV commercial had a (former?) supermodel appear in an ad for Budweiser. This ad aired around St Patrick's Day, and was set on St Patrick's Day. She claimed that Budweiser was the OFFICIAL beer of IRELAND. Considering Budweiser's a US brand, and Ireland has their own brands, how was this claim explained in the ad?
  8. Johnny Baker Hap Andrews Tommy Curtis Ben Dixon Hans Muller William "Bill" Robinson Don Farrell Donald Forrester Jimmy Trotter Dave Kerlin Fred Clarkson Andy Walker Paul Edwards Charles Jones Phil Corrigan Henry Dreiser Johnny Steele Silas Holmes Red Cates Avery Wilson Ray Douglas Jerry Sykes Steve Mallory Dan Redfern Joel Collins George Browning Eli Whitney Virgil Cordt Tris Stewart Paul Donovan
  9. This 1990s suspense-drama spent a lot of time on the Douglas firs, the local pie and the local coffee. I feel bad for whoever had to try to go to court to prove the big villain did it.
  10. Not the first line. "All aboard...that train. All aboard...that train."
  11. I'm thinking. If anyone has an idea, they can jump in as a FREE POST. Otherwise, I'll need another day or so.
  12. Next actor. Johnny Baker Hap Andrews Tommy Curtis Ben Dixon Hans Muller William "Bill" Robinson Don Farrell Donald Forrester Jimmy Trotter Dave Kerlin Fred Clarkson Andy Walker
  13. Oh. Haven't seen that one in a while. That's "SOUTH PARK."
  14. When Ringo first appears, he's standing in a spot recognizable from "Hard Day's Night", and he's wearing the ring from "HELP!" George is introduced with the sounds of sitars playing. John is introduced with the line that he has to pull the lever. "I'm a born Lever-puller."
  15. Old Fred and Ringo passed a room with statues or something of all of them, including Mandrake the Magician. The exchange is something like "Can't we take one of these guys along?" "No, I only work with my mates."
  16. YES. I'm glad someone got it before I posted about the main characters traveling in a yellow submarine.
  17. Most people would say that this movie had exactly 4 protagonists, and I would agree. For an animated film, it's pretty well-remembered, especially considering it wasn't/isn't a Disney product.
  18. "I have a coffee for...oh, no.... 'Primrose Everdeen'?" "I VOLUNTEER!" "Come on guys, that wasn't funny last year!" This was the first "HUNGER GAMES" movie, when the first volunteer from District..12? from that district actually volunteered for the Hunger Games.
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