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Everything posted by tonto

  1. Yep, I'm glad you like it, and there's more...but I'll wait to post more tomorrow...we don't want to miss "Boston Legal". :)
  2. Socks, this is just beautiful. We feel the same way about our son and daughter.
  3. Hi Keeds! T-Bone and I were cleaning out files and found his old W.O.W. Handbook. There's twelve pages of these drawings in it. And this provided our WOW family hours of free entertainment! Does anyone know who drew these Casper-like creatures?
  4. I always enjoy reading your posts...they just ooze warmth, thoughtfulness and wisdom. Hope you have a very happy birthday!
  5. tonto

    Texas BBQ

    Hey ex, back on the Texas thread I offered to pick up some briskets but I never heard from dooj...I think that girl is up to her eyeballs in cheesecake! I'll plan on bringing two smoked briskets and a load of coleslaw. The briskets will need to be heated slowly for a couple of hours before serving...will you have oven space to heat them along with yours? As far as Texas desserts go...peach cobbler is another contender...right up there with pecan pie!
  6. tonto

    Southern Heritage

    As a native Texan I consider myself a southerner. I don't care for Nascar, don't like most "hat-act" country music, detest the Bushes, and will shoot at cans and intruders but not animals. I would trade our humidity for the dry air and the majestic beauty of the left coast or the Rockies in a heartbeat, but I would miss the sky and the barbeque and the "messican food" and most of all the friendliness of the people here. And yes, I get teary-eyed when I hear "Dixie". It's hard to 'splain.
  7. tonto

    Guitar Talk

    Hey, I always check this thread when I get a chance (although I know zip about guitars), but when I saw Joe Perry (be still my heart) and Kinky Friedman ( I have his bumper sticker on my car) mentioned, I just had to chime in.
  8. Thanks Dot and Shell and Bagpipes (looking forward to meeting you too!) Belle, I loved that picture and thanks for the sweet words. And my favorite gardener, you are too kind. You have a beautiful face and a beautiful heart...you are welcome here at our hacienda anytime.
  9. RumRunner, I have no idea what you're talking about (readily admitting my ignorance), but congrats on knowing someone who won the Nobel prize!
  10. Aw dooj, thanks. The way this month is panning out, it'll probably be the TX get-together before we get to see you guys again, (and looking forward to it).
  11. Thanks you guys! I am stunned, as I have been neglectful of my Greasespot duties. (I have the traveling bug and have spent my down time at work learning about Oregon...gonna have to go there.) Dmiller, I love that picture and sure hope to meet you at the Tx-Italian-BBQ. Johnny and Chef and Top-o, thanks so much and wish you guys could come to the Texas hoo-haw. Sudossuda, ex10 and G St.G...sure looking forward to meeting you guys. And T-Bone...thanks again for the necklace and the way-cool lizard birthday card, and most of all for your love and friendship and faithfulness through the years. (Many ands)
  12. Rodeo school is what they called it, at least back in the 80's. Bull riding, bronc riding...stuff like that. In the corps it wasn't mandatory, but quite a few from Indiana went to Gunnison for a two-week experience. Some people got hurt, some just came away with bruises.
  13. tonto


    Hey jaylawt, good point about the kolaches. David, kolaches are pastries with a dab of fruit or cream cheese on top...it's a Czech thing. I hardly ever go on I-45, but frequently head south on I-35 and the Czech town of West has a place that is a must-stop for gas and snacks. I'll have to do a bit of research to see if there is a good Czech bakery on the way to the Woodlands and if there is, T-Bone and I can pick up some of them for part of Sunday's breakfast. Speaking of food, what is barbeque without cole slaw? We can bring that plus other stuff... David I keep meaning to tell you that you're welcome to stay overnight at our place on your way down. We are really looking forward to meeting the Sudo-Suda's and Bagpipes and all the rest of you cafe dudes and dude-etts.
  14. tonto


    Hey guys, is it BBQ or Italian? If you want me to order some smoked briskets I can bring three...which should feed around thirty. If it's Italian, I can't compete with dooj's cooking but I could bring a couple of pans of my spinach lasagne...then we could call it a pasta-off.
  15. tonto

    Dog Day Afternoon

    Great smile and colorful pic WD, and such a worthy cause.
  16. tonto

    Favorite Roads

    You guys, I am going to have to copy and paste all of these...they all sound so wonderful. Now we just need the time and $ to travel as much as we'd like. We spent Sept 10th, 2001 driving south from San Francisco to Big Sur on Hyw 1 and spent the night there...the beauty of that drive and that day were in such stark contrast to the ugliness and horror we saw on tv the next morning. We want to go back and have a "normal" vacation next time. The Teatons...any road with a view of the Teatons is a wonder.
  17. tonto

    Dog Day Afternoon

    Sorry it took this long to comment, but I enjoyed the pics. Is that you and Mrs. Dove in the booth?
  18. tonto

    Camel Shadows

    Ron!!! What an incredible picture, GT.
  19. tonto

    Brett T Bailey

    My heart and prayers go out to you, your family, and all the victims' loved ones.
  20. tonto

    Caption this ---

    Barber to client: "Hey...I have a purse just like that."
  21. tonto

    Dog Day Afternoon

    Ha! I get it...Dog Day Afternoon. Good one, WW. WhiteDove, those are great pics of the doggies and owners. Glad the event was successful. So which booth and which dog is yours?
  22. Thanks for the clarification, Smitty. Speaking of WVA, did you know a girl named Krintz Church? She moved from WVA to CO. Mike Smith was limb leader of CO in 74-75, I believe. OK, choo-choo...sorry for the derail, and good luck finding Terri.
  23. Smitty, I don't know Terri, but did you used to live in Denver, CO? There was someone there back in the 70's with the same name.
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