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Everything posted by tonto

  1. tonto

    11th Corps

    Hey Too Gray, Thanks for your help and for your suggestions...which are tonto-mount to an order. I think we had 60 hours to get the 1,400-odd miles from RC to Tinnie...if Jardinero is around maybe she can remember... Out There, Yep, it was pretty pathetic that we were so grateful for a crowded floor, but we were corpse and that built character (???). I don't think we had any drinking drivers, but we had at least one offer us a joint (we declined). In fact, he kept trying to roll a fresh one while driving an 18-wheeler full of frozen chickens. Feeling a wee bit unsafe, hubs offered to steer but Mr. Trucker said no. He did, however, let Mr. Tonto roll the J for him...it wasn't pretty because it had been about 10 years since he had any practice rolling, but you did what you must to make that deadline...
  2. Hope it wasn't a turkey! Thanks for the hard work! :wub:
  3. tonto

    11th Corps

    My very own sign...thanks, Too Gray! Roswell...Pete somebody and his wife provided a nice warm floor and stew. We all headed there to spend the night before the final trek to Tinnie. Did they do that for you Emporia folk also? We had such a long distance to travel, so I'm wondering if it was just something they did for us Rome City geezers.
  4. tonto

    11th Corps

    Why TGN, you're just Bee-yoo-tee-ful! Never mind that they tried to throw you out with the bathwater. Thanks for the help, but I just might be beyond help. It would have worked if I could get the URL for my picture to work. I opened an account in Yahoo photos but when I tried to do it I got some message about the dynamic pages and IMG tags not being allowed. So here I sit by the side of the internet highway, holding my shabby cardbord sign that says "Tinnie", waiting for someone to haul my a$$ to Goshen. :D
  5. tonto


    Thanks for keeping the Spot going, Paw. Thank you.
  6. tonto

    11th Corps

    Hey TGN, I'm enjoying your posts. How did you post that picture right there with your comments? For what it's worth, we were going in the 11th corpse but I got pregnant on our apprentice year so we waited and went in the 11th familly corpse. Must have been some spurtchal significance to us 'n 11. ;-)
  7. Does anyone else here have a problem with shows that start at 10:30? There's many choices for live music in my neck of the woods, but unless it starts earlier I'm just too tired...and I used to be a night owl. I love John Prine also. Our son saw him and a whole slew of artists at the Austin City Limits music festival this fall. I guess I'm living vicariously through him...concert-ally speaking. And Johny, for what it's worth, I recommend Blue Man Group as well.
  8. tonto

    The Onion headline

    Oh David how funny! Thanks for the link...now I have somewhere else to look when I'm bored at work.
  9. tonto

    The Onion headline

    Hi keeds, I saw this gem from The Onion (a fake newspaper) and thought it might give someone a giggle: http://www.theonion.com/content/node/42376 I hope the link works...I haven't done this before.
  10. My mom died before I got into TWI but I maintained a relationship with my father all throughout the cult years. He was always suspicious of the way but didn't lecture... We left in 86 and moved back to my hometown and he just breathed a big sigh of relief that we finally bailed from that cult. He died last fall. I am so thankful my kids got to be part of his life and that I was able to be there for him.
  11. When we were in the family corps there was a married couple in residence with us, M & B Fi$#er, who supposedly owned the Texas farm. We were out LEAD with them and they talked about the corps picking their peppers. I never heard about the "extra pickings" the owner received...
  12. Glad you had a wonderful day, David! I've been out...sorry I missed it.
  13. tonto

    red neck woman

    You're right, mooney.
  14. ((Ex)), you've dirtied their little god by exposing Wierwille and they are threatened by that. Eff'em. I'd like to hear about things God did for you to get you through.
  15. tonto

    red neck woman

    David thanks for displaying the "Copenhagen" lyrics for all to see... I know what you mean about some of the country music coming out of Nashville, but I really like Brad Paisley. We saw him in Vegas a couple of years ago and were blown away by his talent. I didn't care for George and Tammy when I was a kid, but now I can appreciate them. Hank Williams senior was always one of my faves. Jim Lauderdale and Ralph Stanley, anyone? 70's, what other Austin-type music do you like? Jerry Jeff Walker's "Viva Terilingua" album back in the 70's was one of my favorites. I am so pleased that our 25 year old son has embraced it as well. Likeaeagle, it's fun discovering "new" music, isn't it?
  16. tonto

    red neck woman

    Anyone hear of Robert Earl Keen or James McMurtry? They're more "ya'll-ternative" singer-songwriters...not straight Nashville country. Possibly hard to find if you're not in this neck of the woods, but they are worth hearing. I remember "Red Necks, White Socks and Blue Ribbon Beer", Ex-70's. Who did that?
  17. tonto

    A couple GSCafe'rs

    Jardinero you look fantastic! The years have been kind to you, my dear. All of you weenies look great, and it looks like you had a fun time.
  18. Hi Shaz, Believe it or not, I have always wanted to see AOS on tape again just for grins. I guess if anyone has an extra copy I'd be willing to buy it. Shoot, I've been out for almost 19 years but I can still picture one move he did that I can only describe as a little roll of the hands then poofing them up to the right, then another roll with a poof to the left. To this day if I copy that little move, my husband recognizes it as craig and says "get me behind thee, satan". When we were sent out lightbearers that year we had to use AOS as a "public explanation" kind of tool. I remember thinking that was a real whacked-out decision. I am happy to report that I couldn't convince one person to attend. :lol:
  19. You guys are so funny... You know how when you're driving along and you smell a skunk and it smells so horrible but you just can't quit sniffing? Watching Craig dance was like that. It was so awful that I couldn't take my eyes off of him.
  20. Thanks Ham and thanks for the picture like Belle!
  21. And thanks to you too, Tom. Hey look! Tom found this lovely picture of me!! Thanks, David. You're still in my prayers, by the way. (Not THE Way).
  22. Aw shucks, thanks Jardinero! I haven't yet had time to have a cuppa joe at the new cafe but am hoping to find time to sit and chat soon. You are such a cool person to know. Have a safe trip to the weenie roast!
  23. tonto

    Where Is LCM now?

    Yeah Ala, I'm laugghing too, but my favorite is Dan's Argentinian scenario.
  24. TheEvan said: At the risk of torturing a metaphor, our "fruit", by which I mean the fruits listed in Galatians 5, aren't there so much to decorate the tree. The fruit is there to provide sustenance and nourishment for others in need. Sure, I want peace, love joy to decorate my life. But I have it to provide for others. And you know what? It's in giving the sustenance that seeds are scattered and some actually grow up to be trees planted by the river. Thanks, Evan. Lightbulbs are going off in my head. I thought it was too good not to repeat.
  25. Yep, 30 years ago this month I left a good job and an affair-in-progress to go WOW in Washington D.C. ( I still get a twinge when I hear Joni Mitchell's Court and Spark). It was a rough year, but I met my husband there (one of the 28 sent in 7 "families"). Yeah, I'd do it again because of him and our kids, but I've often wondered what would have happened on that road not taken. If I could do it differently I would have asked questions of leadership and demanded answers, but I was too young and naive. Besides, the way environment was never friendly to anyone with real questions.
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