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Everything posted by oilfieldmedic

  1. By the way, if ya can't see it, there is a mouse in that piece of cheese...ain't it cute? Thank you Janice
  2. Really now... Wouldn't you want to just be showered with pleasantries? Who wouldn't want some sunshine pounde up the old wazoo? I am from PA...I live in Alabama and I have been accused of being ..how shall I put it..."too bold"--"too honest" by some, not all! If I may quote Patrick Henry (I think it was he that said this)..."as for me, give me the truth and stop pounding sunshine up my wazoo" Well he said something to that effect
  3. Dotsie and if I may one more time...Mrs W exuded quiet dignity IMO Thanks all
  4. "Dear Heavenly Paw" I'm sorry, it just isn't working, I tried, I really tried! Greetings from Baghdad by the way (pardon the pun)
  5. oilfieldTHE....I am really weird, I know
  6. Right-on Allan...I am in agreement...It IS The Word! As hard as it is though, I try to remain somewhat of an open mind when someone, be it a minister or pastor shares something from the Word...it is however hard sometimes to sit and listen to some of it.
  7. I was born and raised Greek Orthodox. (never even heard the two words, 'born-again' mentioned together in a sentence until I was 21-22 years old. I believe I was born again one evening long before TWI. I was witnessed to by a dear couple, Brethren or Baptist or something...they were Christians, that much I believe...soon after that, I knelt by my bedroom window and asked GOD about this SIT's business and if He wanted me to do it? I had heard about it in a church service. I opened my mouth, spoke a few words, then shut-up...I had no understanding about any of the pneumatikos. Nevertheless, as I look back at the moment (remains clear as a bell some 30 years later), I believe I in fact did speak in tongues, be it only a few words. I still do!
  8. WOW (pardon the pun)...30 years? Are y'all getting old or what? Let's see, I met Chuck & Margie in Lancaster, PA...took the class, never did go WOW (is that my saving grace?) I don't know, I don't worry about it... They, along with Chuck's brother Bob, Janice, Skip & Danny...literally changed my life. Oh, Bo and Sandy too! Truly awesome examples of what the Word says! The Word may have had a little part in there (wink-wink) So many men and women have crossed my path since then, yet I thank God that most of my memories have been good. Chuck sleeps now and is awaiting the return; but to Margie and the girls, Janice, Skip, Danny, Bo & Sandy... My heart remains big, open and I am not afraid to love because of y'all...I will always love you and have never ceased remembering you in my prayers! After 30 years...y'all are the best and I will not think otherwise! As far as all the rest of the stuff...God put us on here on this planet for a little while, He put us together for some reason, I suppose we will continue to work it out...one day at a time! Thanks
  9. As for me...well I just keep "working it out, here a little-there a little".
  10. I remember in 1976, my twig coordinator and his wife were entering the 7th corp...he'd forgotten his hunting bow back in PA...so I bring it to the ROA and come walking (proudly I might add) into the Shelby County Fairgrounds carrying a hunting bow WITH ARROWS ....it gets better! Behind me are approx 1 gazillion security personnel talking on their radios, all were wondering I am sure, who in the hell this idiot is with a hunting bow? Anyway, I see my twig leader and start waving the bow in the air and saying, "Here are your bow and arrows"! LOL...now some of you may be thinking, so you're the guy OFM! Listen...my intentions were honest and pure, ok?
  11. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ex! from all of us in Baghdad!
  12. Happy Birthday Oakspear --> Spanikopita...Yum! This is coming from someone raised on Greek food. Glad you had a great BIrthday...try the bas-teet'zo next time! -->
  13. "I was just trying to get under the hood"
  14. Ok...I'm Looking for some Good Seed CD's or anything from the 70's from Way Productions...help me out here folks Thanks oilfieldmedic@hotmail.com
  15. If I may quote Belle...simply AWESOME! Thank you...er, shookran!
  16. Today's Arabic Lesson: Shoo'kran : Thank you
  17. http://www.oilfieldmedic.net/ Here is a link to some photo's that paw set up for me...enjoy...be proud...be thankful as I am for all of your responses. at something called Anaconda Vickie? This whole place is "a something"... Thank you all again John
  18. Years later and I am still picking up those bananas!
  19. No Butts left Behind!
  20. Thanks MT...I will surely pass anysoldier.com onto the men here! Thanks again...you guys/gals are just too cool for words!
  21. WIll do Dennis...thank you again John
  22. and thank you Belle, excathedra, Safari, Steve and all the rest of you brothers and sisters in Christ...God continually bless your socks off or on, or whatever the case may be and remember...there is Mastercard for all the rest
  23. Hi all: Just got back (5 days late) from another camp here...between two mortar attacks and a sandstorm...I finally made it back to my puter...so, sorry for the delay...these terrorists just won't listen to me! Anyway back to the topic...60 minute cards will be great...again, I spoke with the 1ST Sargent and he will gladly disperse them to all the men here... Coolchef...please extend my appreciation from all the 3rd Calvary here and from me for their generosity, care and concern. Now, if the Sadrist (followers of Al Sadr) behave themselves, maybe we'll have peace on earth! ...and I'm the pope!
  24. I've talked to the 1st Sargeant here and I expressed your interest for donating phone cards. He will personally disperse them to all the soldiers and he expresses his gratitude...and so do I! Thanx again
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