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Everything posted by OldSkool

  1. The cover ups and defamation of character is what sickens me the most with the way international when it comes to these victims. Otherwise, it breaks my heart to see what has happened time and again with people who simply needed help but were involved with the way international where no true help is given. Thus the results.
  2. OldSkool


    I forgot about part. We dug Mrs. Wierwille's by hand too. Maintenance headed it up with support from some other departments. I dug my share. For some reason or other thought it was some kind of honor.
  3. OldSkool


    Mrs. Wierwille's service was the same. I was one of her pallbearers. From hearse at the BRC to her site next to Vic. I felt sorry for her, really. I was there when she fell and hurt herself outside the EOB. That was the last time I saw her on grounds. She went to the hospital and then to a nursing home where she died a little later. She had become somewhat unmanageable and would slip off by herself at odd hours and was usually found a little later wandering around on grounds. With the Wierwille family not being able to separate themselves from TWI they had no choice but to put her in a home. Let me not stray too far off topic.
  4. I have to say there is nothing inherently wrong with memorizing Bible verses in and of itself. With the way international it was how they taught us to go about it that was jacked. It was formulaic. They made Jesus seem formulaic when the devil tempted him. Too much of what they do removes thinking and replaces it with y = x. With them retemories seem to numb a person's senses and reduce their thinking to mindlessly quoting scriptures.
  5. That's all good, except when you or I are the kid that needs to take care of our parents. Rosalie HATES that she has to deal with that reality with aging way corps whose parents are in need. She would rather assign the people wherever she feels the need and quote the scripture about letting the community take care of the aging parents. I hope her turn in the barrel comes along one day.
  6. Yep!! I personally heard Rosalie say that the consequences of leaving the way international are that much worse for way corps because of the salt covenant they took at graduation. I dunno, my so called consequences are living a happy life in a city of my choice with decent business income and freedom to enjoy myself. Maybe if I go back and leave again I can have some more consequences. Heck, just gimme a salt block if it makes them "worse."
  7. Was anything with that man what it seemed to be?
  8. I threw up in mouth a little when I read that.....ewwww.... :blink:
  9. Oh, as far as I'm concerned she is complicit in his shenanigans the same way the get away driver is complicit in a bank robbery.
  10. I wonder if this sort of thing is one reason why he was so crappy with his wife? I mean, personally, I have a good relationship with my wife and if some other woman was calling me every night, etc, there would be smoke in the city. Just saying. Sorry to go off topic so much.
  11. How come we were supposed to say happy hearts day? WTF is so wrong with Happy Valentines day?
  12. Sage advice. Really, get jobs and quit sending them money.
  13. Well, I will chalk it up to design flaw for now. Who ever heard of the front of a building facing nothing. Technically it should face west for curb appeal. Leaking windows - Yep! Leaking roof from time to time as well. Also, a lot of deferred maintenance just like the rest of that place.
  14. One would think they would have spent some of the money they were hoarding at HQ that everyone else was giving them. Wouldn't that have been the ... uh ... how you say ... uh ... ETHICAL thing to do?
  15. Ha!! Another thing is the building faces to the north where there is nothing but a circle drive that cuts through the woods. To the west entrance is an overflow pond, pump house, and a couple transformers. MAJOR oversight. Of course I have heard that the PWA faces north so VPW would face north when he taught; as if that was some reverential thing for his holy piousness to do. Can someone verify the facing north thing? or is it just a screw up with a convenient cover story?
  16. OldSkool


    Ha!! They put one of those up in Gunnison when I was in-rez. Of course it was a work project for the in-rez corpse.
  17. I agree that wierwille stumbled his way along to become what he was. It really goes to show the importance of a so called man of God to stand upright before God and men. Abuse in God's name, when one supposedly represents God and supposedly speaks for God is extremely damaging to the victim's. I know first hand. I post on Grease Spot to decompress after being involved for 12 years. Every time I think I have run my course it seems another series of waves come crashing on the beach. I have been out since 2008. I don't think I will ever totally remove the residue left on me by that false ministry. Yet, there a lot of people who caught far worse abuse than I ever did. I still believe in God and that there will be a day when men will give account. I would hate to be wierwille on that day.
  18. OldSkool


    More like modus operandi. In present TWI the way corps on the field are the ones to really catch the brunt of the systemic cheapness. For example, branch coordinators usually work full time and then run the branch on their own time, unless it's a really large branch. In most areas their limb coordinators will question every expense that is turned in on petty cash. There is always downward pressure to do things as cheap as possible, get people to volunteer to bring cups, etc. Turning in mileage is frowned upon by most field leadership. And of course the pat answer to justify this so called frugality is for the person footing the ministry's bill to consider it abundant sharing. Drive 300 round trip on ministry business miles while gas is 3.50 a gallon? Just consider it abundant sharing and God will bless you for it. Never mind all of these people are shelling out more than %10 of their net income each pay period to the way international for the continued movement of God's Word!!! So what is the ABS actually used for? I know - that is the 52 million dollar question, now isn't it!
  19. Let me tell you something about HQ. All of it with the exception of the Wierwille, chalet and corps-tel are CHEAP, and in bad repair due to deferred maintenance! An absolute money pit. Not to worry though, they treat everything like an old farm tractor. If it ain't broke don't fix it. Too bad "maintain" and "fix" are two totally different words. - OSC - warehouse with offices thrown in as an afterthought - BRC - utter homespun garbage. That place has blocks nailed together as studs in some of the walls, I ain't kidding either - Founders Hall - Actually a quality building in some respects. But it's a DORM!!!! Not a place for families with small children!! - Unit Park - Garbage modular homes - Trailer Park - Needs to be demolished. The trailers are BEYOND garbage - Wierwille Home - Actually nice place but no credit to the way international. I would credit the Wierwille family with that one, and not Wanda and the family either. They just occupy the joint. - Maintenance Complex - Basically a storage building with offices installed as an afterthought. On most days you can get a real nice whiff of the water treatment plant next door. - Way Woods Home - should be demolished, in very bad repair. - Chalet and Corps-tel - Big money project to put a d@mned log cabin in the middle of a wooded lot. Really a nice example of how the higher ups have no problem spending large sums of money and having their followers sit on metal chairs and drinking out of used Styrofoam cups. What more can I say? - PWA - Victor Paul Wierwille Prevailing Word Auditorium Really nice building with really nice craftsmanship. Too bad they can't fill more than the first two to three rows. But let's look at the bright side. It's the building they claim as their "Church" building. The one that justifies them operating as a church. So it probably pays for itself in preserving their tax exempt status and from having to fill out IRS form 990 I could get into all the "keystone cop" like efforts to maintain the place, but I will spare you for now. It's a lesson in inefficiency. Multiple departments backtracking on each other doing part of a job and leaving the rest undone for another department to come along, etc. Utter waster of money and resources. What's this have to do with HQ on the cheap? HQ is CHEAP. It's thrown together by amateurs and without planning. As numbers increased they rushed to accommodate without the slightest care for what problems they would encounter with their facilities years later. The occasional professional that comes along is treated like a novice until they learn to do things the HQ way - bumbling and bass ackwards in other words.
  20. I only wish you were kidding, though I know you are not.
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