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Everything posted by OldSkool

  1. Same situation here. One tall skinny kid that looks just like Craig and hardly anything like his siblings.
  2. I know beyond the shadow of a doubt Craig did. I have a picture to prove it but out of respect for the family and innocent individual, I will not post it.
  3. Not to be picky, TWI teaches that life begins at first breath at birth, never heard labor before. I was pulled aside and counseled by a Reverend that I should "Just pull the plug" on my yet unborn child because the child would be born with health problems. Never mind we were five months into the pregnancy and would be hard pressed to find someone who would perform late term abortions. For us it was not an option because....IT WAS OUR CHILD! So, not to steer things off topic. TWI is to be damned for having that awful doctrine and double damned for counseling people to terminate their unborn children.
  4. I only wish. He prints off GSC forums for rosie to read. Psst....tell her I said this: They lurk here looking for threats and/or something that can be used against GSC. Since they can't do anything about the truth that is published about them they would love nothing more than to find something incriminating. I wonder if rosie is making people sign non-disclosure agreements yet.
  5. What planet do these goof balls come from? http://www.lebtahor.com/truth/trimm/jamestrimm.htm
  6. Oh, that is James Trimm's group. He posted here for a while but seemed rather on a recruitment outing. I also seem to remember him getting a little testy when called on the carpet to answer charges such as the following: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Hebraic-Roots-Version/ I guess us Grease Spots are a little wary of anything even resembling a cult leader.
  7. Ya, that one is a little older. The way international will sue anyone, anytime over anything the deem someone else has encroached on their copyrighted works. As for the not suing your brother ideal - they seem to ignore that. And if anything rationalize it away because their true brethren are amongst their own. Everyone else are unbelievers.
  8. OldSkool


    Your welcome. I am gonna get to it soon, just found it a few minutes ago and was wondering if it's well known or not.
  9. OldSkool


    Anyone familiar with this blog? Blog
  10. I'm not better or worse, but I am trying to throw out the baby with the bathwater and then make sure I go back with a towel to get up all the drops spilled from chucking the both of them! It's mostly for conscience sake. I was way corps and seek to stand upright because I now know I perpetrated a system of lies and enslavement. Therefore I will work as hard as I can to sort this out and leave it in writing on a public forum as a warning to others.
  11. OldSkool


    No doubt, I will come back to it again soon.
  12. It goes further than that in present day TWI. The way international claims to not use deductive reasoning in their biblical research, defined by them as starting with a premise and seeking supporting evidence to substantiate the premise, but inductive reasoning where no premise exists until the research dictates one. Guess they lied about that too.
  13. That's just nasty, or as my son would say (with emphasis added) yuc-KAH! I really imagined them as some doofus, 20 something, not know any better, young couple. ewwwwww...
  14. The very same things rosalie has never faced but demands from the field way corps!
  15. Too bad they weren't arrested. Would have made for an interesting headline. And that is freaking weird. But not sure which is worse - doing the deed - or telling people about doing the deed in a "Christian Ministry" where you are supposed to be a leader.
  16. He never really has. But since he knows where the bodies are buried (so to speak) they can't just get rid of him. Frankly, rosie and donna would love nothing more than to be done with him. But.....hehe.....things just aren't that simple sometimes.
  17. Oh, a way corps meeting held in the morning instead of the evening. I remember a mass correction coming about to refer to them as corps meeting because they were being called corps mornings without official sanction. Thus the forced correction. I was probably too hard hearted to care by the time the corrections came about since it was in close proximity to my departure.
  18. I agree with him and usually find myself disagreeing with you. Disagreement is not moral superiority, it's simply disagreement. The topic made it's way to a related sub-topic, namely efforts people have taken to remove the way international's effects on their lives. No one is claiming moral superiority. In fact, it is an unnecessary requisite to disagree with you. Leave the red herring - straw man logic fallacies out of it.
  19. OldSkool


    I read it a few year ago through my way goggles and had to remind myself that VP was full of it. Sort of does away with all the offshoots when you realize that.
  20. Def. a poster child for the self deluded. He is the only one I know where Rosalie could have him publicly flogged naked at a corps morning and when it was over he would declare "It's the word, it's the word!"
  21. ROFL@ test kitchen in d-con factory! I am drawn to this whole idea of biblical research and the way international. Once their research is exposed then the rest of what they have falls to pieces. It's taken me three full years to get my mind wrapped around their research being nothing more than a plagiarized fraud perpetrated by a sexually abusive, alcoholic, narcissist who called himself the MOGFODAT. The biggest piece of wool pulled over my eyes by this group was they supposedly had "the truth" and NO ONE else did. I have heard so many people who were in the way international say "If only there was somewhere else to go, where they taught the truth." Some were no doubt insincere. Others, and the majority very much meant it. Biblical research is their claim to fame but if those inside actually took the time to read the real inner workings of way international biblical research I doubt very many of them would remain. Guess you can't blame TWI for telling devil spirit stories about all the fiery darts the adversary has out there on the internet. ROFL! I guess GSC is the adversaries fiery dart factory or something. Really, they warned us adamantly about the internet and specifically not to read what was out there. If their biblical research was real and their character pure what would they possibly have to fear?
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