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Everything posted by OldSkool

  1. Yep! I know I am preaching to the choir around here. Sometimes I need to vent a little, and post my thoughts for my own recovery. And by all means, for folks to poke holes in my logic should I have strayed too far off the beaten path. And especially for those passing through and the ever faithful lurkers. I know many of the lurkers are still "in" and some pigeon holed by the same diversion.
  2. And is likely carefully scripted flame-bait designed to get us all to "rage," giving them the cheap thrills that get them off in the first place.
  3. Should this anecdote even be true, it's more like using your authority to force someone to laugh at something really disgusting and teaching your staff that this is acceptable behavior in a food establishment.
  4. Or any wonder why the numbers are so embarrassingly low.
  5. It seems a common argument for present day followers of the way international to cast against those who speak against victor paul wierwille and his proteges that those who tell what happened to them are "living in the past." They would go on to infer that things in the way international are so much better now, with reasonings such as "we don't do that anymore, we are kinder, we are gentler, et.al." Ok, so tell me something....I was in TWI up until 2008 and from craig martindale's departure onward the way international's focal point shifted from martindale BACK to wierwille. "dr. wierwille this, dr. wierwille did that, dr. wierwille said this, etc. (you know he wasn't really a Dr., don't you?)" Now. who's living in the past? The way international is supposed to be a Biblical RESEARCH, Teaching, and Fellowship ministry. Yet, you redefined research to mean: RE-search: to look again at what has already been researched. <_< OK...then, so by definition you would seem to acknowledge that all you do is look again at what someone else already did. Not to oversimplify. Except you don't ever come out and SAY THAT! Oh, Rosalie I remember you saying on more than one occasion "Most people don't really know what RE-search is." Perhaps they don't know because you have made a new definition and people aren't as stupid as you would like to think? I digress. But maybe, just maybe, a good synonym for research is scrutinize and another is investigate. It would stand to reason that Wierwille has not stood well when scrutinized and the way international were so afraid of investigation by the court system that they settled an untold (and no doubt vast) sum of money to Paul and Fern Allen for abuses committed against them by the way international's leadership, trustees, directors, officers, agents, employees, and John Does 1-50. Scutiny: http://www.empirenet.com/~messiah7/cultsthe.htm Investigation: http://www.greasespotcafe.com/main2/waydale/waydale-lawsuit/allen-complaint.html'>http://www.greasespotcafe.com/main2/waydale/waydale-lawsuit/allen-complaint.html http://www.greasespotcafe.com/main2/waydale/waydale-lawsuit/paul-allens-last-comments-regarding-the-settlment.html'>http://www.greasespotcafe.com/main2/waydale/waydale-lawsuit/paul-allens-last-comments-regarding-the-settlment.html http://www.greasespotcafe.com/main2/waydale/waydale-lawsuit/ (Looks like the Allens won - they got their much deserved settlement (that no doubt pales in comparison to the injuries inflicted,) and exposed the belly of the beast!) ....but hey I don't want to live in the past. So where is the new light? Are all the apostles gone from the way international? What's new? NOTHING! Everything the way international has in place is old and dated and based on works that victor paul wierwille plagiarized from numerous sources; and the way international perpetuates these lies. It is all mind numbingly the same - WEEK after WEEK! Same programs, same classes, same sales pitches timed to promote the same classes and programs year after year! So....who is living in the past? Really, I could at least give the way international credit if they told the truth about victor paul wierwille and sought restitution for the wrongs they have committed. Then, they could dissolve all assets and donate the money to a charity of their choosing. Heck, they could even form the charity and keep the works except credit the sources and compensate where necessary and continue in a newly found, upright direction. Those truly interested in serving Christ could follow the Lord's will and do some real good in the scheme of things. Ya, I know....I'm dreaming. God and the devil will smoke a peace pipe first. But hey, it would at least be honest; standing to scrutiny and investigation. So. Those truly interested in serving Christ CAN follow the Lord's will and DO some real good in the scheme of things. It beats selling classes where people will eventually be indentured to the way international. or Just leave and get a handle on the fact you are in an abusive cult that is sucking the very life out of you and there is LIFE outside of the way international and it is Life, more abundant. but not the more abundant life, which is not true anyway. But hey, what do I know. I only wasted 12 years of my life, and my wife nearly 20 with this cult. And lest I forget: http://www.greasespotcafe.com/main2/editorial/editorial-items/nostalgia.html O.k., I am off to live in the past a little more...
  6. Dig that. My cause since leaving the way int. has been to get my self deprogrammed and my family taken care of.
  7. And when did VPW ever go lead, or solo, or duo, or...etc, etc....when? So....did he "miss the mountain?"
  8. My corps didn't go lead. Thanks God!! Of course we were given some schpiel about God had already prepared us without needing lead...blah...blah. I still don't know the real reason why we didn't go, but I have never complained.
  9. Oh...."There's as much learning in hitchhiking as there is in studying Genesis; because it's gonna take a little believing." --- Vpig
  10. http://sowersonline.com/LEAD.aspx shhh....don't tell Wierwille Jr. Jr. the news.
  11. I sent them a letter of resignation that told them what I thought of them in no uncertain terms. And I never once had to type in all caps or curse at them.
  12. I won't tell anyone either. Stringing chairs has to be one of the goofiest things I was exposed to in the way. And as soon as people sat down all that work was obliterated.... <_<
  13. OldSkool


    I doubt he ever dug much of anything.
  14. OldSkool


    Ahhh....makes sense. The trustee and director household. Separate altogether from all the serfs. Amazing when you think about it. Any jackass can start a corporation, name directors, and then say they are God's special little group that will lead and guide the people.
  15. OldSkool


    They have a whole stack of plywood for this very purpose. Oh, almost forgot. Another reason was they didn't want any evidence of the presence of heavy equipment (flattened grass for example) when they had the memorial service. And they excel at rural living to the degree Donald Trump is a good farmer.
  16. OldSkool


    Because they don't want to tear up the grass, as far as I remember.
  17. Hard to say. I would bet he either left and remained a loving person or stayed and became corrupted like Geer. That has been my experience anyway. At some point well meaning people have to choose either to stay around and carry out evil directives from these false teachers, or take a stand for what is right and leave.
  18. Same here. It's beyond me how anyone could be in a position of authority and use it to hurt others. But apparently some folks have a proclivity for such things. and thanks!!
  19. I was always the smallest, youngest kid and was usually the brunt of all the crap around my hood. So, yes I was bullied. So by the time I was around 14 I got into weight lifting, spent several years kick boxing, spent several more year studying Ju Jutsu. I also have a concealed carry permit and have had a good number of hours in firearms training. I am a really nice person with a really nasty side. This is a by-product of being picked on, it taught me I had to learn to fight and I became pretty good at it. Therefore, I have nothing to prove and understand there is always someone tougher. I simply want to be left in peace and do my best to treat everyone with the utmost respect. I can honestly say I am not afraid of anyone, but am the type of person who will do everything humanely possible to avoid trouble with people. I don't like violence and don't want to see people hurt. I simply will turn away unless I have no other choice. I conducted myself this way in TWI and had no problems for many years. I think Rosalie and the gang misread my kindness for weakness. When they tried railroading me and my family I fought on and off for a year and a half until I could extricate myself from their midst. And I did so on their dime. Rosie - you were outFOXed and never saw it coming. I didn't know they were bullies until I saw them treat others that way. I wrongfully assumed that if I did the best I could for them then God would open doors where I could change things for the better. Instead God opened doors that eventually opened my eyes and the rest is history.
  20. This is a pretty apt description of my scenario.
  21. I appreciate the insight. Personally, and I know others feel this way here as well, I am only interested in the truth about VPW. The truth is the most damaging enemy the way international has.
  22. Now-a-days ordination is something very nebulous within the way international. I don't understand how it works, and I am not sure there are too many that do. When I was in-residence not a word was spoken about it in terms of requirements, candidate selection, what it really means to the one ordained, expectations once the person has joined the clergy. In all likely hood there are no such things and they want the goal posts mobile. I'm sure there are recommendations to Rosalie but I can guarantee it is her that makes the final choice. And they are done in private with the ordained usually presented to the household after the actual ordination, this used happening at the advanced class specials when I was around. Though, the ordinations were seldom.
  23. You got that $h1t right!
  24. The question was posed in another thread several days ago and it has taken me several days to work through my heart to understand how I stayed asleep inside the way international while I knew their past and present workings to be evil. I knew the way international had a long history of scandal and corruption. Heck, when I was in TWI I took the time to read as many of the Allen lawsuit documents as I could find and was enraged. Enraged at the hypocrisy of Rosalie and others who knowingly covered up Craig Martindale's sexual predations. Then I found out the truth - he learned to sexually victimize vulnerable women from victor paul wierwille and wierwille had spent years doing the same. I could go onwards with the offense list. And knowing the offenses I still stayed, worked for them, furthered them, gave my money to them and I knew they were CORRUPT! Looking back I was asleep. I had told myself that I could wait long enough to make the wrongs right, to change how the way international was run. I mean after all, they had "The Word!" So where does this delusion come from? I was never the type to support people like this and here I was, their servant. This delusion is carefully indoctrinated into way international followers as early as the foundational class. We were taught that we needed to stand even if we received evil from those closest to us, as was the case with Job. In that same series we were taught to stand even if our leadership was abusive, as in the case of the son's of Eli in the Old Testament, where Samuel served under abusive leadership. We were taught to stand even if our leaders committed adultery as David did with Bathsheba. Way international followers are carefully and methodically taught to follow corrupt leaders, even though not all way international leaders are corrupt. As a way international follower I was taught that no one out there taught "The Word" like the way international and that no one had been taught "The Word" like we had since the first century Church. I was to stand and follow and further the way international at all costs, even if it meant supporting corrupt leadership. Stand, stand, stand and God would bless us for it!!!! Only problem was we were taught to stand for the way international in the name of God but not directly for God or Christ in any real relationship based manner!! How carefully spun is this web? Wierwille was as corrupt as they came. Plagiarized his materials, lied about it, sexually victimized unsuspecting women, oh and the list could go on. I will stop now, wanted to throw out my initial thoughts on the subject and see what else I could learn.
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