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Everything posted by OldSkool

  1. I have been shunned by everyone I knew in TWI except one person. We were told that if we want to come back we know where they are. That alone cemented my resolve to NEVER go back. It also opened my eyes to the shallowness of the "fellowship" I thought I had with TWI's faithful. As long as you are going to fellowship you are called "brother". Stop supporting TWI and you are instantly disowned and considered evil and outside the walls of the camp and lot's of other weird stuff. The fellowship in TWI is VERY superficial.
  2. Weak Christians? Judgmental buffoons! My Grandmother has been in church since her early twenties. She's 83 and going strong. That lady has more fortitude, honesty, charity, character, fervent prayers, love of fellow person, and plain old guts than those goof balls who are running STFI. Oh, she has a very strong relationship with our Lord. I actually get offended by people slamming the churches on the ideal that "we know more than they". STFI has no idea what they are talking about regarding weak Christians, they are pontificating at best. This idea that knowledge is supreme is just nuts, and it's a hallmark of TWI that is DEEPLY ingrained in STFI. It reminds me of where Jesus quoted the Old Testament saying "I will have mercy and not sacrifice." It shows God's concern for mercy, grace, love, etc. over the works that people do. Yet TWI / STFI esteem the works greater than mercy. It's obvious in how they have handled recent situations that they are just as harsh as TWI ever was. Critical too. I could go on but I would only digress into their faults further. At least I can admit mine.
  3. My guess is they have failed to recognize their error. That takes humility. Also, I believe they are endeavoring to preserve their livelihoods and way of life.
  4. You know you are in a cult when you tirelessly endeavor to convince yourself you are not in a cult.
  5. Yep, let's elevate ourselves with hypothetical negative comparisons. This is a page out of TWI's play book. Oh, what else stinks about this? Misapplied Old Testament culminating in the "walk out" directive. They should be careful because I hear a lot of people are "walking out" of STFI over the John Lynn debacle. So the conclusion that we are led to is that STFI is doing these things well. Good grief! How arrogant! Well, here's my response. I've learned I don't need "spiritual heavyweights" to lead little ole' me along the way they think I should go. Until STFI publicly apologizes for it's errors I will NEVER have anything to do with them. Of course that is about as likely to happen as TWI repenting of their errors so I am not holding my breath. Why in the heck do the so called men of God, who are so uber-qualified to lead us sequester themselves in the boondocks and pontificate about what we need to do? It's just creepy.
  6. For me it took being assigned to HQ during the lawsuits. I was swept away by the undercurrent of ....ed off staff telling me all about what was going on there. That was the beginning of my departure. Too bad it took several years to play itself out.
  7. Your welcome! ROFL! Yes, let's meet at the campfire in the GreaseSpot Woods. Fellowship is at 7:30, corps time is appropriate, bring bible, pen, and paper. Dress is casually idiotic. Plan to share...uggghh....FLASHBACK!
  8. I like details. From this link: http://www.precastconcrete.org/~messiah7/tdy_lcmrsgn.htm No point letting the corrupt organization slither away into their hole in the cornfield with their new southern drawled Rosalie at the helm without reminding them about the Allen lawsuit. from: http://www.precastconcrete.org/~messiah7/sut_sxinterogrev.htm Disgusting, ain't it?
  9. This is too funny. We have a wafer trolling grease spot. FAIL.
  10. Break it down this way: by ministry he means SALARIES! The BOD needs to get paid for what they are doing. A LOT of folks are withholding money because of the current debacle in how they have handled JAL and EL. Instead of righting the wrong they are blaming people for not giving. Typical.
  11. ROFL!! Beat out by the Moonies. I'm sure the debil did it.
  12. Let em get day jobs and work the podcasts and such on nights and weekends. I'm not spending a dime to support their business.
  13. Great points. Thanks for the other versions they added some insight.
  14. Ok, I'm starting to catch my breath from LMAO.
  15. This really ticked me off to no end and I'll explain why in a minute. First this is from the December podcast: This is great teaching and helps establish for me the many errors associated with pressing people for the tithe. No problems here. The following is my literal translation according to recent events: "We at STFI are feeling the financial pinch having mishandled matters pertaining to John and Elizabeth Lynn, though we will not correct them because we live amongst ourselves and are blinded to our errors by our own character faults. We are not happy with our followers who are disturbed by John Lynn's side of the story and those of you who no longer want to help us on account of this situation. Therefore, we who "give" all the time would like to tell those of you who do not "give" as much as we need, that you SHOULD give more. In fact, if our numbers are less those of you still with us should give to fill the lack caused by our arrogant mistakes." I'm sorry STFI BOD. You guys have no right telling others that they should give because it goes against one simple point that is seemingly minimized by telling others they "SHOULD" give. As a man purposes in his heart so let him give, not grudgingly, or of necessity, or for God loves a cheerful giver. It is up to the person to purpose what he should give. How about teaching the goodness of God, the mercies, grace, love, compassion, power, the many things to be thankful for that our God has accomplished and our Lord is hard at work to fulfill. That would inspire me and encourage me to do some purposing. FAIL.
  16. Oh, one of his okieisms. "The fur is gonna fly!" This was one of his euphemistic threats used in any threating context. Example: If I hear of any Way Corps spending time on that devilish internet, boy, the fur is gonna fly. Could also refer to times with Rosie and Donnie are alone.
  17. That would be asking the BOD, and ultimately Rosie and Donnie, to play by the same rules that everyone else in TWI is subject to. They are above that and not like everyone else.
  18. Yep. That about sums it up. Rico doesn't fart without running it by Rosalie first. It's likely that Rosalie assigned Rico the topic. Which means it would have been bounced between presidents publications and rosalie many times to make sure it matches all the ministry has published as proven ministry research. Funny they consider themselves above question. Rico is a shallow pond with a lot of potential stymied up by an obvious lust for position within TWI. So much so that he is willing to take his intelligence and kill it in layers of bondage and foot kissing. I digress. To them love is having good table manners at the noon meal. Matters of mercy, grace, and empathy are lost on them. I started to see that sometime in 2003. It's plain as the nose on my face and the paper it's printed on. If you just go and read that section of Romans, without trying to mash it into TWI's legalistic errors, it is so obvious that it is not talking about financial debt. And for them to follow that up in Craig's day by looking over peoples financial records and running them out of the ministry is INSANE! I had never considered that before. Thanks for pointing it out.
  19. I have no doubt that is a large part of the equation. However, they still believe very much that debt is sin. They had Rico do a teaching a few years ago on the subject for the Way Corps and that has been the final answer. The long and short of it is debt was not God's will for his people and it was something that may be necessary in hard times but not as a way of life. Usury was out of the question from brother loaning to brother. So they they take records from the Old Testament and a one out of context record from Romans in the New Testament and devise a debt policy that seriously limits people being able to participate in their classes and programs. ok words are failing me:
  20. The difference is the BOD not having the brains to acknowledge their wrong doctrine, and more importantly, that their policy is FAIL. Honestly, if I wanted to have debt and be way corps, disciple, ac grad etc, I could just do it and they would never know. That's why I said it's like don't ask don't tell.
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