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Everything posted by TheHighWay

  1. Okay, the anniversary was yesterday, right? (first weekend of October??) Any of you still-connected folks attend in person? What were the big announcements? Was the place full?
  2. Motorhead... I have a whole case full way-prod cassette tapes... I'll see what I have... it's been so long I really have no idea, but I'm thinking I do have Kerusso. I would be happy to burn you a CD, at cost (cd, mailer, postage... maybe $2-3).
  3. I thought the guy who owned it was using it as a soccer/sports camp and that business was picking up. http://www.bluechipusa.net/index2.html But I understand about wayfers -- current and ex -- showing up and wanting tours. I showed up about four years ago, and just drove up and parked and started walking around. Apparently it was before the guy had done anything to the place because he just asked me what I was doing, and I told him I was just taking some pictures for old times sake because I had lived there once, and he let me. Of course, I didn't ask to go inside (much as I really wanted to) so maybe that was why he was nice to me. It was quite sad, really... the special parking spot signs were still there. The beautiful stained glass near the back cafateria door was still there. The dove gates were still there. It was just so very clear twi didn't give a rip about the place when they left it. Stuff they took so much time and effort to remove from Emporia was just left to sit at Rome City. And of course, most of us are aware of the fact that they just left all the books in the library. Wasn't it CFS that picked those up for a song? Anyway... it was my favorite campus, for a lot of reasons. Bliss, you should seriously suggest to your Rome City local to tell the guy to set up organized tours. Not just for waylets, but for the general public... the place has quite a long and interesting history.
  4. I just heard a blurb about this on the weather channel right before I left for work... they didn't know the cause but said there were multiple fatalities... oh my, these poor people. Seemingly doing everything right in the evacuation and then stuck on the highway in 100-degree heat for days, and now this... geez.
  5. TWI's site has announced they are having a memorial service this Sunday (09-25-05) at 3pm at HQ.
  6. It would be nice if someone who feels there are errors in Karl's book would put together an index of sorts... a listing of what they feel the error is, and what they feel the truth is. I'm not suggesting this to be critical of Karl's book in any way. I think he's done a great service to the EX community. But I wasn't in twi until much later, so I have to accept his accounts as accurate. If some of what he's written can be "updated" I, for one, would gladly pay to get my hands on that information. Granted, many such "corrections" can probably be found here among the threads, but it would be nice to have it all put in one place, and tied back to Karl's text. Radar? Anyone?
  7. TheHighWay

    Where Is LCM now?

    What WordWolf describes is accurate. The doctor in question lives and practices in Toledo. (And, according to some evidence, got financial kickbacks in the form of the buy-off of a family home for his help.) I visited the Bally's in question and saw Craig's "me-me-me" ad myself. He has also been seen visiting his family and attending his son's ballgames in New Knoxville, and some swear he has visited Camp Gunnison more than once... further proof that he has NOT been cut off, as so many of us were, from his family or twi.
  8. Raf... there's an even longer trailer out now. http://movies.aol.com/movie_exclusive_harr...ter_goblet_clip It almost gives you the whole storyline. Makes me want to see it even more!!
  9. Hamm... I think they ran the state of WA and maybe that whole region for awhile for twi... maybe they have some friends there?
  10. "Family Tables" is definately a Florida site. All the pics from meetings, etc. are all from there.
  11. TheHighWay

    A Fat Cat

    I wonder what it sounds like when he roars!?!? (or maybe ligers don't roar... I can't remember)
  12. Well, all I can say is, the silence is deafening!! It is quite clear that innies are NOT inclined to do a search on their precious twi, even if they might find GOOD info. They've been so indoctrinated to stay away because of all the unbelieving liars who post their wickedness on the www for all to see because they might get possessed as soon as their eyes flicker across the very words posted on such evil sites don'tcha know? --------------------------------------------- Rhino... 1) welcome to the 'spot 2) not to derail this thread or anything, but what we refer to as the WayGB absolutely exists. Some of us were thrown out of the ministry because we were "caught" posting on ex-way sites. Not caught by someone who physically saw us sitting at the computer screen typing something on WayDale or Greasespot. But caught by paid headquarters staff, who surfed the forums, and compiled bits of data we naively posted about ourselves, our area, our leadership, situations we had experienced, meetings we had attended, until they had enough to send it out to corps on the field asking if it sounded like anyone they knew. When someone connected the dots, the person was confronted. In most cases, put on probation or simply booted (mark and avoid). Boom. Oddly enough, last year Harve Platig (then a twi VP) asked the moderator of this forum to post a letter to get twi's point across about their treatment of Mrs. Wierwille. The hypocrasy was not lost of those of us who had our lives turned upside down for doing the same thing. Apparently, timing is everything.
  13. Congrats, you two!! May there be many happy years ahead of you!!!
  14. From their perspective, they don't owe Mrs. W's family anything. These are people who sat at the feet of Dr. and Mrs. as children and WALKED AWAY from God's ministry!!! How unforgivable of them. I'm not surprised innies weren't told and I'm not surprised none of them showed up.
  15. Okay... if the situation was that bad, I'm with Templelady: Where the heck were the folks that were supposed to be inspecting this home?!!??
  16. Snickerdoodles... warm out of the oven.
  17. What I'm hearing now is that these were not "cages" but secured sleeping areas, which are actually recommended and used quite frequently for children who routinely "wander" during sleep periods and cause harm to themselves and to others. These were all "special needs" kids with various types of problems. Most of these kinds of kids spend their whole lives unwanted, in various types of public homes. If providing them "secured" sleeping areas helps them live in a loving home, then they should be sent back. It's a far better environment than they would have otherwise. Shoot, people get upset when you catch a fish, kill a chicken to eat, or ask your dog to sleep in a crate... who knows what kind of person reported this "abuse" without all the facts? I believe it was an anonymous tipster who made the call. Maybe these people are truly creeps. But maybe, just maybe, they were doing a good job by these kids. I think we need to wait until the whole story comes out.
  18. Thank you all for posting these messages... please continue. I lived in southern Mississippi for a short while, and have been watching the aftermath of Katrina closely. It's hard to look at the pictures of the whole coastline wiped out, but great to hear people are okay and doing what they have to do.
  19. TheHighWay

    A Fat Cat

    Since watching Napolean Dynamite I've read about ligers and tigons... mixes between lions and tigers. In lions, its the males that provide most of the growth hormones to offspring, but in tigers its the females. So, crossing a male lion and female tiger gets you a Liger, and they are usually huge. Crossing a male tiger and a female lion gets you a tigon, and they are usually much smaller than the average lion. Why people do this? No clue. We have enough "natural" big cats in my opinion.
  20. With all the discussion about Mrs. Wierwille being one of the few truly decent things about twi, and with the ongoing comments about folks like Rosalie and Emmogene being some of the worst folks to work for/with, it got me wondering: What about Wanda? She seemed to go about her business in a reasonable manner. She seemed to be pleasant to those around her. She seems to have managed to keep her head down out of the line of fire in recent years. But, I worked "around" her, not with her. I cleaned the dorm rooms she assigned to outside guests. I served her at head table. I worked on projects at the airport house. So, my knowledge is limited. Anyone have first-hand knowledge... was she decent or a disaster?
  21. Ham... its not just for a specific visitation ceremony, but it is for a limited period of time: Sept. 25 - Oct. 9, 8am - 5pm. So, if you happen to be passing by at some other time of the year... you are still s-o-l.
  22. Well, I'm sorry if my post inflamed things... it was my gut reaction. Sometimes I do that. To respond to some of the comments: No, I wouldn't be talking about him if he had not showed up. But I suppose others might have. Yes, he's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. But none of us put him in that place... he did it to himself and I therefore don't feel guilty over it. You are right...I have no way of knowing craig's heart of hearts. I can only hope he's a changed man and that he's sorry for what he's done. I simply haven't seen any evidence to make me think that. None. But... Mrs. W probably would have appreciated him being there. And that would have been the most important thing on that day. And if he was there, apparently he kept as low a profile as possible, since many did not see him. Good for him. Consider the subject dropped.
  23. ala... my thoughts exactly. I wanted very much to attend but had prior commitments I couldn't break. I'm so glad it was a gracious and wonderful memorial. And maybe I'm off base here, maybe the Wierwille children were fine with it, but I am personally furious that the b*****d showed up at the family's memorial. I'm sorry that in their time of putting a public face on their private mourning and grief, they had the further stress of knowing this man was there... I am positively sick to my stomach. And I cannot help but wonder if he showed up at this memorial because he will not be welcome to show up at twi's memorial? I don't doubt that craig had feelings for Mrs. W... she was often his surrogate mother in way-world. But any decent person, having done all the things he did, would have mourned in private, contacted the family in private, and kept his distance out of respect for all of those he had harmed... especially this woman and her family. To me, it is just another indication that he really has not changed.
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