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Everything posted by dabobbada

  1. dabobbada

    caption this

    :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh: Truly, a thriving member of the cornfield cult. My guess would be he's a Reverend or higher ranking subject to the Queen. :P
  2. A Huckster will always use anything at his disposal to make himself look better or grander. Need I point out our own personal Hucksterberry, and his elevation to divine glory Pikes Peak Cheapskin? I didn't mean to imply that these folks use an ordinary Volt-Ohm Meter on their victims, that would be too obvious. They style them up some, give them fancy names and surround them with mystical scientific voodoo mumbo-jumnbo to mesmerize you into believing what they want you to believe. (Sound familiar?) Here's a picture of an Electro-Dermal Screening Machine; The meter on the left really doesn't look that different from an analog voltmeter, but I guess hooking it up with a computer adds to the authority of this science. <_< I got it from a site titled: Electrodermal Testing Part I: Fooling Patients with a Computerized Magic Eight Ball Link here The article starts out: I have been meaning to write about bogus electrodiagnostic machines for a long time. These devices supposedly diagnose diseases and/or energy imbalances, indicate which remedies will correct the problem(s), and sometimes even treat the imbalances by transmitting a balancing frequency to the patient. I knew they were bogus,... And continues, How It Works The machine is a galvanometer that measures the electrical conductance of the skin: the same principle used for lie detectors, Scientology’s E-meter, and biofeedback devices. The patient typically holds a metal bar in one hand while the operator applies a probe to acupuncture points on the patient’s other hand. The probe completes a circuit, and a tiny electrical current is sent through the circuit. It is very responsive, so a series of readings can be obtained rapidly. Both contacts are kept wet to improve conduction. There is a whining sound that rises or falls according to the level of conductance. There is also an audible beep indicating that a skin conductance measurement has been made and the machine is ready for the next test. The operator looks for a conductance reading of 50. (Higher readings indicate inflammation and lower ones indicate organ stagnation and degeneration.) He can control the readings (either consciously or unconsciously) by varying the amount of pressure and the angle of the probe, bunching or stretching the skin, and by adjusting the amount of moisture on the skin. He asks binary yes/no questions: a reading of 50 denotes a “yes” answer. Conveniently, the only meridians and acupuncture points used are on the hands and feet, so the patient doesn’t have to undress. The Galvanometer is the basic metering function of the volt-ohm meter. I'm sure Ham could elucidate on it for us.
  3. Yummmm.... coffee enemas. What a buzz those were. This guy is a real weiner all right. The medical instument he relies on, the Electro-Dermal Screening Machine is nothing more than a Volt/Ohm Meter set on ohm function as near as I can tell. These electrical multitesters can be found in every electricians or handymans toolbox and can be gotten at walmart for as low as $15.00. The ohm function can read the electrical resistance in the human body, and it will read differently when the probes are placed at different spots on the body. A look at the medical community shows they believe Electro-Dermal Screening has no value at all in aiding with diagnostic efforts.
  4. Ohhhh.... my god!?! skyrider, what hath you wrought in me? :nono5: The answer came instantly... as in revelation. I know it will be true; RosyLie will be laid to rest at the fountain of lying waters, with a syrupy sweet smile on her face, on top of VPW in such a manner as he will be eternally kissing her rosy gray rump, showing her to be in her rightful god given superior position. As she closed her syrupy sweet eyes for the last time, she took great delight in knowing the queendom was in good hands. The queen is dead, long live the queen! :B) :P :P
  5. (Thank you Linda) If you copy - metastatic melanoma of the liver/ocular melanoma - to google search, you will get 91000 results. Liver cancer as a result of eye cancer is apparently a fairly common disease. waysider has it correct too. ......Of course we all know cancer is a devil spirit. :P Several years ago before I had to return to exile and isolation in my ancient wilderness home, there was a thread here about cancer being a devil spirit. I added my two cents about a medical report I had just read (from England as I recall,) which said that every adult human on earth develops 250,000 cancer cells every day. Our normal immune system kills and disposes them every day as a part of it's ordinary duties. Simple logic then shows that every true believer wayfer has to be carrying 250,000 devil spirits around with him every day. :o :blink:
  6. More like a satyr, wouldn't you say? :o :P
  7. From '73, I spent a lot of Sundays at HQ, plus I had friends there who I talked with. So I am something of a witness to things happening there. You need to remember that men of great ego not only want to be known for their greatness, but also to be remembered for it. They want their work to continue on after them, after all, it increases their glory and fame. In '73 and '74 I remember VP talking about building the corps, the failure of the first, and the improvement of the second. He spoke of basing the corps upon the biblical school of the prophets, as that should help guarantee it's success. Often, such discussion was accompanied with examples of christian notables such as Martin Luther. After starting a world shaking reformation that altered all christianity, his movement fell apart into several sub groups after his death. (sound familiar?) I was left with the reassuring impression that VP had thought these things through and was determined not make the same mistakes. His intention was that twi would live on after him and increase his glory. Let us not forget there are any ministries, small and large, in the US today based on (and still glorifing,) the work of one man. Also,..... Most of us were around to hear one of VP's final "prophecies" : "That The Way International would not stand, unless, the Weirwille family stood with it." ( Of course we all now know how that worked out.) Obviously, it was an attempt to keep the family at the heart of twi. I had the opportunity to spend a couple hours with Sara at a CFFM gathering about 2000 -2002. She was a real sweetheart and a good conversation. We talked of many things and at one point I asked her if she ever came to the Spot. She replied they did look occassionly but not often. It wasn't easy to look at all the negative things we were saying about her dad. She acknowledged that at the least, some of the things reported must be true and she was embarrassed and ashamed about it. but she also said VP was still her dad and the man who taught her the word. She was still a true believer in what was taught, and at the time, CFFM was dedicated to trying go back to the way the way used to be when it was wonderful. Yes Virginia, there were earlier on, days when twi appeared to be wonderful. Of course, this was before Mrs. Weirwilles health problems became known. I remember GS threads from the period showing the family working to get control of Mrs. W. after they put her in the nursing home. Sara and her siblings grew up with the heritage that all things worked for the good of the way international and all things were subserviant to it. Also I don't think for a minute they ever thought they would not be a part of it, unless they decided not to.
  8. I am not a doctor nor have I ever played one on TV. However I do know that metastastic refers to advanced cancer moving to other organs or lymph glands leading to the final end stages to death. Also, ocular refers to the eye. So when I read the cert, I understood he had eye cancer which led to liver cancer which killed VP. So the real reason he had his eye taken out 2 to 3 years before hand was the ocular cancer was advancing. They were too late and it spread to the liver. I checked it out before writing this and the net verified what I said. Still living near HQ in the '80s, friends on staff said the eye was removed because of constant pain from over exposure to the klieg lamps during the filming of PFAL. He spent at least 40 hours under 3000 watts of intense focused lighting in a two week period. He burned his eye which set up an iritation that set the stage for cancer to start up and take hold. Anyway with what I do know, that is how I read his death certificate several years ago. Curious, PFAL his greatest (plagerized)legacy is what killed him as he stroked his ego in the filming of it. :blink:
  9. Hey now, our brains were laundered, hot air dried, and folded with a german matha-matical exactness and mind bending precision. How could it not work! :blink: <_< You darn old unbelievers..... it's all your fault. I'm taking my ball and going home. :P
  10. Pretty good, johniam, My wife and I were also victims of that any two believers bullcrap. We lasted six years. The idea was supposed to be two believers likeminded on the word. If you are like minded, committed and harmonized on the scriptures, theoretically, it is possible. After we were married, it was absolutely amazing how many differences of opinions we had in practice. :( We didn't know each other that long before we got married. Poor Lori. :P :wub:
  11. Some there at HQ may think they are doing gods work, But RosyLie really is a sly old fox and almost certainly started planing her takeover as soon as she set her foot at the farm. I don't think for a minute she ever believed it for a minute. Being from the bible belt, she was bred into talking the talk and walking the walk, but her self interest and self preservation, had long since buried any bible she may have believed. She came, she saw, she started spinning her little webs.
  12. Wellll... you know how hard it is to maintain those big ol' drafty buildings. :B)
  13. I started my brainwashing in 1973 and had the rare previlege at the time of taking the the film version of the class. Living near HQ, (70 miles,) I spent a lot of Sundays there ane developed friendships there. Keiiids.... I count it a badge of honor to have known The Loy'd Craig when he was still a nice guy!!! Between talking with people who were there and some history thing they had about filming the class, I'll try to reiterate what I remember. (...and I remember someone who talked about it once to a group of us once.) Somewhere a year or three before 1967, someone suggested VeePee film the class. The reasoning offered was it would take the stress off VP as classes were getting more frequent. After a while he decided to do it and they started to save up the money. When VP decided to go with it they sought to rent out studios, lights, cameras, get film, and whatever other nesessities they needed for the shoot. The studio was either in Dayton or Cincinnati, I don't remember which. The company which provided the lights and cameras helped set them up and gave them advice. Most of the film crew work was done by folks like Ermal, Howard, and the other HQ regulars of the time. Because of the expenses of the studio and photo equipment, VP wanted to film the class in two weeks. With all the things that need to be done in such a filming set up as this, two weeks are extraordinary in any book. The photo company objected to the two week sched because of the strong possibility of eye damage. (Also in 1967 I was in the US Air Force practicing the art and science of being a photo technician.) In '67, color movie film would have had an ASA rating of 10 to 64. For those who don't know ASA film speeds, that means the film was as slow as a turtle and needed incredible amounts of light to properly expose the the film. For those who have seen the film or video versions of the class, that means the man at the desk was under 5 to 7 500 watt klieg lights for several hours a day for two weeks. Of course these lights generated a lot of heat too. So, to answer your questions; 1) Were there any lighting personnel experts around to give wierwille any technical advice? Yes, they warned what could happen and were ignored by VP. 2) Was this filming done on the cheap....with rented furniture, wrong lighting, and overburdened scheduling? The story I heard was the furnishing were from VP's own orific..., er, office. The lighting was the only thing available at the time and was necessary for the film. The photo company recommended at least a three week sched or even longer. On the cheap, the filming crew were then BOT's, future BOTs, and other HQ staff. 3) Wouldn't God tell "the man of God" HOW to best film this long-awaited class WITHOUT MARTYRDOM OF HIS EYE? It does seem the Bible is full of such incidents, doesn't it. VP gambled on doing it cheap and it cost him not only his eyes, but eventually his life
  14. Krys, Your words reminded me of this concept drawing snuck out of way publications, showing RosyLie's newly revised holy spirit dove descending on a sunday night teaching. :P
  15. Though God has given us his perfect gift, we are still saddled in this imperfect body with the sin nature with all the weakness and corruption that comes with it. When we are gathered together in the air, the sin nature will be left behind to trouble us or drag us down no more. At that time is when we will be what God originally wanted us to be. excie, All my life, that is what my longing has been for.
  16. I took a look, I dunno, It doesn't feel right.
  17. Just what did you think "I wish I were the man I knew to be" meant? <_<
  18. The wounded soul cries out from it's innermost agonies: Lord come. The god of this world is vicious and totally without mercy, it takes pleasure in all our pain. But the Father of our Lord Jesus sees all and forgets no offense, and His Son is coming back. In the fullness of times, He is coming back. He will heal our wounds and dry our tears, He will exact justice against all offenses and evil. All the bad that has been will be remembered no more, because every evil thing will have been burned away. For His good pleasure and friendship He designed us, For joy and rejoicing He desired us. The time is soon coming when we will be what He always wanted us to be.
  19. Dear 2027, Thanks for the references, they were fascinating reading, but still I missed the red sky gig. So I am satisfied and done with that. Reading your sources and other interesting links I enjoyed finding: -About blue eyes being pigmentless. -The blue sky effect is done by just the nitrogen and oxygen molecules alone. Dust and pollutants, when they get thick enough in the air are clearly visible as haze and smog. -All the different ways there are to describe the way light is absorbed or reflected off of various surfaces. -Ultimately, the simple explanation is, A leaf is perceived as green because the leaf absorbs all colors of white light except for green which it reflect for all to see. A red shirt absorbs all colors except for red which it reflects out for us to see. -Other tidbits; Women see much broader ranges of colors than men. What I perceive as red may not be what you perceive as red. When I look at you, I don't actually see you, I see the light that has reflected off you. (About 1/250,000,000 of a second ago, (ancient history!) :P ) Finally, a disclaimer, This is not to make or continue an argument, I'm just throwing in some fun facts I've learned over the years. :biglaugh:
  20. I must take offense old boy, that muddy cornfield is some of thie earth's finest soil. If it could regurgitate that damnable sacreligious parasitic organisation, I know it would.
  21. Well they certainly left a LASTING impression. <_<
  22. Dearest Mz. Thedra, I will be praying for your kid. Jesus came to give hope to humankind and serve an eviction notice, but lucifer is still the god of this world. Satan is the destroyer; the father of all lies, confusion, misdirection, disease, pain and his ultimate nastiness: death. But Jesus is coming back with a sword of righteousness and the combined armies of The True God to enforce the eviction. In that time, God shall take away our weaknesses, and pains, and wipe the tears from our eyes. ((((((((excie)))))))) :wub: As to the sky being blue, I'll go back to photo lab days. ( :P oh no, here we go again! ) First a necessary explanation: the primary colors of pigment is red, yellow and blue, but the primary colors of light is red, green and blue. In a gross oversimplification, color film is made of three distinct layers, one for each primary color of light, red, green and blue. Each layer only reacts to the color it is designed to. The red layer cannot absorb blue or green, the blue can't absorb red or green. So, technically, if the sky were red, then the normal (outdoor) film could only record it as red. Film is not like human vision which brings what it sees back to "normal-white." As it is, normal film does record the sky as blue through midday and as red at sunset when it really is red. Film, unlike the eye, can only record that which is it is exposed to. Roy, I am not trying to refute you, I am only reporting the facts as I know them. I would love to see the addys to your sources, being as I myself am a science junkie. For years I have declared the sky to be green which in fact true. That beautiful baby blue sky we all so love is a color called cyan, and that is a combination of blue and green. (On the rainbow, you will see that green is right next to blue and goes to yellow. A careful look and you can kind of see sky blue right between blue and green.) Of course no one ever believes the sky is green.
  23. Roy, I watched the program you linked to above and it said nothing of importance about light and nothing at all about sky. Then I googled "the sky is red" and got red sky at night/morning, equals a sailor's delight/warning, The Sky is Red is also some musical group, and there is an Italian book by that name. Other than a number of references to sunsets, sunrises, bands and books, google refered to explanations of why the sky is blue, which all were similiar to what I said. If you do have something backing up the red sky science, please direct me to it. The history channel link was not it. The human eye and brain is a remarkable thing. Once your brain knows what an object looks like color wise, it will alter what your eye sends back to a "normal" color balance so all colors appear as they should be. A good example for you old fogies is color film. Normal color film is color balanced to shooting outdoors in mid day light. I'm sure those of you who had film cameras shot some pictures indoors without a flash. The results without flash would come back bright orage or green. The orange is the real color of incandescent light bulbs, the green is the real color of florescent tubes. Your eye sees the orange or green but somewhere in your brain, it auto-whites the images back to what you expect to see as the normal color. My old digital camera has an auto-white switch on it that does the same thing remarkably well. :)
  24. 2027, I was in the photo business for 20 years, a working knowledge of light comes with the territory. The gases which make up what we call air are clear, odorless and colorless. However, air also contains great amounts of other particles such as moisture from water and liquid evaporation. It also contains dust, exhaust, smoke from wildfires, industry and homes, volcanic ash, and swamp gas and cow farts as well as many other fine particles. White light is made up of all the colors of the rainbow in perfect balance. Water droplets in the air working as a lens or prism, divides the light in it's parts from the shortest wave length to the longest wavelengths, (From blue to red,) making a rainbow. "Dust" and other solid particles in the air stop and reflect a certain amount of the light passing through it. The first light waves affected are the shortest ones, the blue light reflects off the particles giving the blue appearance. During midday when the light is only traveling through 60 to 150 miles of air the sky looks blue. Towards sunset, the light is traveling through much more air, maybe 250 to 350 miles worth, and much more dust. The blue light waves have all been reflected away and the greens, yellows, oranges, reds and purples of sunset each take their turns in being prominent at the sunset. It is not an illusion, the blue lightwaves are reflecting off the dust particles in the air, and that is what we see. I hope I have made this understandable. :blush:
  25. PAISLEY!!! Evil rogue! Through dispensing of spurts, I declare you possessed of Lucy in the Sky with Diamons. :biglaugh:
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