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Stayed Too Long

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Posts posted by Stayed Too Long

  1. 23 minutes ago, cman said:

    No, I'm not choosing any religion, but thanks for the offer, although I haven't asked the question.

    I don't believe the bible was meant to be a standard of living. It's more like a historical document, with plenty of learning in it.

    Your belief viewing the bible as a historical document is one version. I personally do not look at it as a standard of living either, but many do. 

    The subject of the thread is addressed to those who do feel the bible is a book to live their lives by. I believe it points out the hypocrisy, in my opinion, of the requirements needed to live a bible based life to enter heaven; and in contrast, a person who does not live this lifestyle, being allowed to enter heaven at the last minute, simply by a, “I’m sorry.”

  2. 51 minutes ago, Bolshevik said:

    This like, Elon Musk stuff, so that's why I think you're playing devil's advocate.

    This is the world.  We atomizing.

    Our world is a projection, why wouldn't robots take the place of human interaction?

    Now you throw out another perspective to try and fit your narrative of humans not needing other humans, “Our world is a projection…”  

    Let’s use FB as an example. People hiding behind a keyboard can “project” what ever they want. Many arrive at an inaccurate conclusion of the message that was sent, and rant on and on, destroying any type of understanding between the two.
    Post something about Covid on FB,, and thru AI, your post can be competely deleted if it doesn’t fit the AI’s version. To many, the belief of AI is completely wrong, but it cannot be debated. It is used to stop any debate and only frustrates the losing party. 
    Again, all human interaction is a destroyed by AI. Those in power determine what is right. 

  3. 8 minutes ago, Bolshevik said:

    Your questions are confusing.

    We have, as a culture, said that human interaction is wrong.  We have been supplanting it.  Types of AI have been filling these voids.  There is a need for public safety to do so.

    The questions don’t  seem confusing at all, but your quote, “..human interaction is wrong…”  is confusing. No culture I am aware of believes this. 
    I think you are digging a hole you will not be able to climb out of.

    • Upvote 1
  4. 11 hours ago, waysider said:

    Would we be required to shout "Hallelujah!"? I'm not much of a shouter. Would an announcement on Twitter be Okay?

    Technically, I do believe a Twitter announcement would work nowadays. It has been revealed St Peter recently equiped the Pearly Gates with wifi and data, so, we can sin on, but always carry your iphone with you. You just  never know when your number will be up.

  5. Why should anyone live a life that the bible requires so we can go be with the Lord? There are just too many temptations out there for me to miss out on. We should live life however we choose; drink, sex, dope, whatever makes us feel good, and then a few hours before we die proclaim, “Hallelujah, I found the Lord. Thank you Jesus. I repent of all my sins. Now send me to be with the lord.” 


  6. On 4/14/2022 at 1:11 PM, Bolshevik said:

    What do people need that machines can't do?  Or is not being developed?

    Just because I can have a meal prepared by a manufacturing company and shipped to me, doesn’t mean I don’t need to break bread with people at times. The frozen parcel does not eliminate the need to be around others at times. 
    People can elect to live in a house by themselves and be a hermit, but most folks choose to live near others, and visit with them.

    • Upvote 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Rocky said:

    Well... there WERE allegations of laws being broken. Martindale WAS subject to litigation. IOW, there are records on GSC of at least two such situations in which "those affected" DID follow up. The business (non-profit organization) of TWI settled. That IS essentially, by default, or at least by implication, conviction with civil liability. Therefore, your claim seems hallow. You can search this website for details and names.

    Thank you Rocky. I should have looked into it more thoroughly.

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  8. Great to hear from you Cheri. What TWI was able to take from me, and which I have not been able to regain, is building relationships. I was convinced ANYONE not associated with TWI was unhealthy and to be avoided. This belief made me cut off all relationships with friends and family. At one point I even considered naming a couple in the way legal guardians of our daughter if we should die. Thankfully, I never carried it to that extent. 
    Being associated with TWI was not my first go around at trying to make sense of God in my life. All failed miderably. Finally, I came to the conclusion there is no God, but He is only a creation by man like Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny. 

    • Upvote 1
  9. 57 minutes ago, Bolshevik said:

    "Promises of fame and fortune" are like "eternal rewards at the bema" and "greater works than Jesus" and "standing believing believer in the Household of the remnant in the Family twice removed is better than you"?

    Is this what we're doing?

    You put it very well Bolshevik, much better than I have been able to. Thank you.

    The biggest thing for me was the Grease Spot Before Midnight, but we all had to overcome some lie from TWI. I knew I would be M & A if I continued like I was going, but decided it was time to move on. At that point there was nothing that would hold me back and was willing to suffer any consequences. 

    I can’t image what women having had sex with Wierwiile went through, but at some point they had to make the decision to leave, also. Many suffered much more psychologically than others, and it seems some are still living with the consequences of what they endured. 

    At the point of sounding hard or unfelling for these  woman, no legal crime was committed against them, at least that I am aware of. If there were crimes please let me know.

    Back to the subject of this thread. Some of the women may have been drugged and raped, but they did nothing about it, whether because of fear, didn’t believe anyone would believe them, or possibly many other concerns. But, they continued, many for years, to have sex with Hefner. Some even described how awful it was to have sex with a dirty old man, but they did continue to do so.

  10. 23 minutes ago, waysider said:

    Do we really want to go there?

    Please provide evidence that laws were broken. If laws were broken they were not followed up on by those affected or the authorities, that I am aware of. I was not there so please fill me in, if you will.

  11. 4 hours ago, Bolshevik said:

    Unlike Hefner’s girlfriends, no mention was made to playmates they must sleep with Hefner. Until some were drugged and raped, they had no intention of screwing him. After they realized their dream of reaching fame was now also dependent having  sex with the boss, they continued doing so.
    At this point you could say Hefner exerted a termendous amount of influence over them, that resulted in them sleeping with him.

    Or, you could also say, these were grown women, who knew exactly what they were doing, and continued sleeping with Hefner, doing so to achieve their goal of fame.

    Comparing these actions to Wierwille and Martindale, after having sex the first time with them, any Way woman who continued screwing them, could have packed their bags and left at anytime. The reason for staying  may have been because of undue influence, or they decided it was in their future’s best interest, to continue bedding down with them. 

    Unless drugs or alcohol were involved, neither Hefner nor Wierwille broke any laws. No woman was underage or had a gun put to their head and told to hit the mattress.    




  12. 5 hours ago, Bolshevik said:

    Hefner sold sex.  The bunnies sold sex.  If someone was confused about that they need a guardian.

     Yes, “Hefner sold sex. The bunnies sold sex,” but what does that have to do with sex on demand for Hefmer and his friends, from the bunnies? Would you expect a bartender must drink with his boss on demand? 
    Hefner’s girlfriends new they would have sex with him, but the other girls did not. Often they were escorted to his bedroom, drugged, and raped. Surely you recognize a problem with such actions?


    • Upvote 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Bolshevik said:

    According to the LA times, the director didn't begin this work until 2020.  Hefner died in 2017.  So there's that.

    Quite convenient the work begins 3 years after the subject is dead, when the director, and all the playmates from the 70’s and 80’s, had decades to put this together, but chose to wait until the subject could not defend himself. At the end of each show it is stated other playmates, and Hefner’s son, have denied this went on, but this takes up less than a minute of the 60 minute show. There is certainly no efforts to obtain both sides of the argument.

    As far as Playboy’s business model making it a cult, it cidn’t. Cult leaders actions are legal and usually never prosecuted for any wrong doing. It is the way they manipulate the subjects to do their devious works. These young women on the program were assured they were on a road to great things. Just by posing in Playboy magazine, or working in a Playboy club, they were going to be at the top.

    In the mean time, they were living at the Playboy mansion, and suddenly told the man who has the power to make them stars, now wants them to perform sexually with him. This was never told to them as requirement in the past,  but now presently, they are expected to screw the boss and his buddies. Many said they were drugged after presenting themselves in their master’s bedroom. Any if them could have left at anytime, but chose to stay, because they believed great things were around the corner. 

    To my knowledge, neither Wierwille, Martindale, or any others of a multitude of cult leaders around the country, ever forced woman to have sex with them. But the women did, over and over, have sex with them. Why? They were living some false dream the cult leader convinced them was true, and they would do anything to maintain that false dream. 


  14. 3 hours ago, Rocky said:

    It sounds like you're the one who is begging to ask that question.

    Obviously, Rocky, I am asking the question. I didn’t think anyone would not believe the question came from me. What is your point?


  15. My wife and I have been watching this weekly documentary for the past several months on A&E. It is from the perspective of prior playmates, who in their opinions, have been sexually abused by Hefner and his friends. The women site promises of fame and stardom from Playboy only to be tricked into the bedroom of Hefner, or sex in the grotto with male guests. When this happens, the playmates say they were caught completely off guard, but went ahead and had sex anyway so as not to lose their chances of fame and fortune. Many claimed to have been drugged against their will, but did not follow up with the authorities. Playmates stuck around for years staying loyal to the founder of Playboy and his buddies, even though they realized unwelcomed sex could happen at any time. 
    A few were “girl friends” of Hef, who he had to sign legal documents dictating their every movement while his girlfriend. These women, who many felt  were fortunate, could not sign on the dotted line quickly enough. The documents demanded weight requirements of the girls, time limits coming and going from the Playboy mansion, and events they were required to attend. Hefner often had three “girlfriends” at a time, and the three were expected to get along in the bedroom, and must appear at Hefner’s side with broad smiles all the time in public. He even convinced twin sisters to be his “girlfriends” at the same time, but they claim to never have had sex with each other in Hefner’s bedroom. 

    Hefner’s actions seem to be quite cultish. He has managed to create an environment of grandeur, which has been used to convince women to allow unwanted sexual acts performed on them, multiple time, for years. 

    Other playmates have denied any unwanted sexual acts by anyone.

    Playboy has been around for decades, which begs the question, why wait until Hefner is dead to bring forth these charges?






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  16. 23 hours ago, Stayed Too Long said:

    Start reading the forums and you will learn more about The Way than you ever imagined. Also, enter  Donna Randall in the search box and you will see her named numerous times.

    This is the obit for Donna’s husband, Gene.



    I passed along some inaccurate information in the above message concerning entering “Donna Randell” in the search box. The result is an abundance of responses to “Donna”, who is another person, not referring to Donna Randell. Entering “Randell” in the search box brings up nothing.

    i hope you are finding success in your endeavor.

  17. 4 hours ago, Twinky said:



    4 hours ago, Twinky said:

    Not so sure about that.  I think someone may be uploading some of his old teachings from quite a long time ago.  Other sources suggest one of his 1995 teachings was only uploaded in 2018.  Some look like series but there are only a few in the series.  Google search shows this: "23 Jun 2018  The Way International 1995 Rock of Ages teaching from the Word of God, on how to Live Sanctified, by L. Craig Martindale."

    What's a bit concerning is that, while most recordings are in mid double figures, some have had more than 150, nearly 200 audits.  Wonder if that's people who are interested in what he says, or nosey parkers (like patrons at the cafe) just trying to find out what he's up to?  But I'll leave that task to others at the cafe.  I heard quite enough of him when I was in rez.

    Craig states the date at the beginning of the teaching and they are current as of this year.

  18. Having the power to save followers, or send them to hell, is a very powerful tool religion lords over its congregations. As a young boy being raised in, and schooled in the RC religion, hell was only one bad act away on my part from becoming reality. If I so much as ate a piece of meat on Friday, and died before confessing the horrible sin to some guy in a black robe, my soul was condemned to hell for all eternity. Then, some guy in the 1960’s, located in Rome wearing a pointed hat, suddenly declares I can enjoy a meal of steak, hamburger, pork roast, or lamb chops on any and all Fridays. And my soul will no longer suffer  in hell, but be heaven bound to forever life with all the saints, my parents, Mary, God the Father, Jesus the Son, and some guy called the Holy Ghost. At death, life would be so great as I passed through the pearly gates, shaking hands with Peter, and waving as I walked by the heavenly band of harps, welcoming me home. I had finally arrived for the reward of living a life sanctioned by the Popes who had murdered thousands for disregarding their beliefs. 

    Suddenly, I was startled into reality because my Father, a favorite uncle, a long lost cousin, and best friend, were missing. I inquired  of the angel, that had been assigned to make my entry into heaven comfortable, why they were not present to greet me? Looking sheepishly, he held up an old Big Mac wrapper.

    My father and uncle had gone out for beers at the end of the week on Friday, and It was prior to being allowed to eat meat on Friday. After the drinks, they stopped by a McDonalds, forgot the meat restriction, and ordered a Big Mac meal. Driving home they realized their error and promised each other to go to confession tomorrow. But as they were crossing a railroad track, a train hit them, and they died immediately. The angel said he could see their souls descend into hell immediately.

    I then asked about my cousin and best friend, knowing full well they would never eat a Big Mac sandwich on Friday. The angel acknowledged they had not knowingly eaten any meat, but had ordered a McFish sandwich with large fries. Unfortunately, the fries and fish were deep fried,  not in vegetable oil, but meat lard. The angel said he wept as their souls slowly slipped into eternal fire and punishment.

    Forward to 2022, and that guy with the pointed hat living in Rome, once again declares that, because a mistake of one word was made,all baptisms are declared invalid. A letter is being sent to all affected, telling them they must get rebaptized so they don’t burn forever in hell upon dying. I guess that is good for those on the current mailing list, but what about all who didn’t leave a forwarding address? In a few years, upon expiring, they will be jolted into reality as they  experience the heat of Satan surronding them. As they attempt to claw their way up as they slide down to everlasting damnation, they demand to understand what they did wrong for God to throw them overboard, into the lake of fire? God says to then, “you did absolutely nothing wrong, but one word you knew nothing about, made you unholy, and I could not tolerate you. Get out of my presence and adios sucker.”

    You cannot make this stuff up, it is just so crazy.




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