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Stayed Too Long

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Posts posted by Stayed Too Long

  1. 38 minutes ago, Bolshevik said:

    I think "stresses" might refer to the overwhelming amount of information in our age coupled with our daily responsibilities.  Add to this the overabundance and easily accessible source cheap tasty foods - and our decision making limits often become overwhelmed.

    The amount of work, research, time and focus it takes to achieve a healthy diet is a recipe to fail.

    A long time could be spent getting specific on that.


    Unless we can get under control all of our stresses, daily responsibilities, access to tasty foods, and our decision making limits I am afraid obesity will continue to expand. And like our Social Security program, more will be taking from it than depositing into it. Medical expenses are estimated to be about 12% of all medical costs. 


    With us boomers leaving the work force and receiving SS benefits and medicare, the pot of takers is growing. Add to that, the US population is shrinking, things could get bleak.









  2. 8 hours ago, Rocky said:

    Has it occurred to you that pervasive advertising on increasingly intrusive media (broadcast radio and tv, print, internet) has induced a sense of hunger when and where and for whom they wouldn't otherwise feel hungry? 

    Or perhaps that personal stresses from economic factors and the various ways that changes the internal chemistry for millions has had detrimental impacts on individuals and families ... and might be something outside of what so many people can control?

    There were plenty of stresses back in the day. Nuclear war threat was so prevalent, we used to prectice air raid alerts. In school, when the sirens began wailing, we lay under our desks tucking our heads into our chests. Racial tensions were at a much higher rate than today. No nearly as many social  programs were in place to assist people financially and mentally. 

    Did you come here to GSC to pontificate before doing any research on the causes of the current public health crisis?






  3. Currently, I am in  the process of shedding 20 lbs that was gained over the past few years. When I try to analyze how the weight gains occurred, the holidays and snack foods surface to the top. All those deliciously prepared meals and left overs are too much for me to avoid. Worse yet, all the chips and candies throughout the year are a killer. Craft beet is also a major problem, but the soaring prices has gotten me to imbibe very little anymore. Also at 300-400 calories per glass, it will pack the pounds on like there is no tomorrow. 
    But when I look back at the 70’s and 80’s, there was no problem pushing back from the table after eating a plate full of food.  An additional plate of 2’000 calories was not craved like they are today, not to mention a couple servings of apple pie a la Mode. 
    Back then a single serving of potato chips was adequate, but now I sit down with a bag of family sized chips, and who knows when it will be deemed enough. 
    In the past I attended Overeaters Anonymous, but it was to no avail at all. I left because everyone was always going to start a diet sometime in the future. After going to meetings for a year, and not seeing anyone lose weight, I dropped out. Now, every couple of years, I go through this ritual of losing a few pounds, hoping, maybe, the extra weight will stay off this time. 



  4. 2 hours ago, Rocky said:

    It may be "preventable" but doing so is not necessarily simple. If it were, why are so many people not able to prevent or reverse it? 

    Getting off of drugs and alcohol are not simple either, and there are programs available to help. There are the 12 step programs of AA and NA, private counseling, inpatient programs, and probably others also. For those wanting assistance losing weight the is the 12 step program OA. There is also private counseling available, and for severe case, medical intervention may be necessary.

    The thing that got me thinking about obesity was a picture I saw of a crowd of people in 1970. Most people were trim and fit with only one person visible  who was over weight, and not obese. A picture in 2015 showed many over weight and obese people. 

    What has occurred in the past 50 years that can explain this phenomenon? There were fast  food restaurants and processed food in the 70’s, yet people were able to maintain a healthy weight. My guess is portion control. It seems that once a person begins eating excess food, the food becomes a drug just like a narcotic or alcohol. It is uncontrollable and the demand for it is overwhelming, with many unable to deal with it responsibly. 



  5. If you observe a man or woman smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, you can make the assumption, if they have lung cancer, the tobacco played a major roll. Likewise, if you see a person drinking to excess, and is involved in an accident, you can rationalize the booze was a major contributer. They will probably be issued a DUI by the police. Likewise, if you observe a person who is obese eating a triple cheese burger, superized fries, and large Coke, you can make the assumtion the calorie intake has contributed to them being over weight. At home, eating large portion at a meal, will also contribute to being over weight.

    Tune into the television show “My 600 Pound Body” to observe how much and what obese people eat. They have absolutely no control over how much they eat in a day.

    You  could look at food pyramids to see if they can contribute to weight gain, but first let’s get the calorie intake under control. 

  6. Being over weight and obese is a serious health problem.


    The cost is becoming astronomical.


    Obesity is preventable, so what are your thoughts on why we continue to put our health in jeopardy? To me, we know it is not healthy, but continue to eat more and more. We even come up with new terms to make being obese seem normal. BBW (Big Beautiful Woman,) is a created term used to describe a woman who is living unhealthy. It is not beautiful to see someone put their health at tisk. The same describes a man who is obese or over weight. Often times, if someone mentions it, they are accused of “fat shaming” someone. But we have no problem telling someone who smokes they are putting their health st risk. If a friend is addicted to drugs, we will point out to them that it is not healthy. It seems we have a double standard on approacing health. We don’t want to “hurt someone’s feelings” by telling them they are living an unhealthy life style. I believe the path we are on will continue to make our country unhealthy.

  7. Mike,

    Is it just semantics that you cannot figure out who are currently in charge at TWI? You call them the Board of Trustees and the Way calls them the Board of Directors on their web page. Same difference, no?

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  8. 1 hour ago, T-Bone said:

    you are confusing an article of faith – which is a firmly held belief (like the belief in the return of Jesus Christ) with magical thinking.

    I will address your request for a plausible link that JC’s return is going to happen after a few preparatory remarks by way of review...

    So...let’s review (from my previous post):

    Faith: Faith in God simply means God is the OBJECT of our faith – our thoughts, our feelings are directed toward him. Faith is a strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof

    magical thinking: “Magical thinking, or superstitious thinking, is the belief that unrelated events are causally connected despite the absence of any plausible causal link between them, particularly as a result of supernatural effects…Examples include the idea that personal thoughts can influence the external world without acting on them...In psychology, magical thinking is the belief that one's thoughts by themselves can bring about effects in the world or that thinking something corresponds with doing it. “


    Now to address your question I will first need to straighten out the confusion.

    Is there a causal connection between    my behavior, action, inaction or thoughts and the return of Jesus Christ? The answer is no. I have nothing to do with making it happen (if indeed it really is going to happen). 

    Do I have any proof that it is going to happen? Again no.

    Do I have any proof that Jesus Christ ever existed, was born, walked the Earth, suffered and died on the cross? Once again no.

    Do I have any proof that Jesus Christ was raised from the dead and ascended into heaven? No...

    and to complete the rest of your inquisition I have no proof of Moses parting the Red Sea   ( you said  The Dead Sea  ) , I’m not aware of any extra-biblical evidence of that, I’m not aware of anything of that magnitude happening or being witnessed in the last century. I have not heard of any capsized boats and the survivors walking to shore – I’m assuming you mean in deep water – cuz I have just the story of being on a canoe with my drunk friends – and Steve who didn’t have his sea legs - - I mean river legs – tried to bust a move to impress some girls on the river bank – wound up tipping the canoe over...river was only 3 feet deep...and of course we walked through the water and not on it to drag the canoe ashore. Don’t think the girls were impressed.

    The belief of the Easter bunny is debunked because it falls into the catagory of superstition. And the religious critetia mentioned above also fall into the catagory of superstition. But now has been put into the catagory of faith, which allows it to be “unsuperstitioned” and allowed to stand as a valid belief.
    That is like saying a student must have a 3.0 gpa to attend graduate school, but somehow a 2.5 gpa is acceptable to a patticular student because a new catagory has been created  just for them.


    I just have to say, the title of this thread and your first and second post were a little misleading. I’m not complaining just making an observation. I know I can go all over the map (and I often do  :biglaugh:  ...and be forewarned it might happen again because I'm easily distracted :rolleyes:  ) but it doesn’t help when I’m confused on what direction you want to go. First I thought you were wanting to talk about the 41,000 Christian groups and how does one decide on which group, beliefs, etc...then it was what about all the other religions...then how do you know there even is a God...then can you judge TWI doctrine apart from their modus operandi...then back to what proof do you have that anything mentioned in the Bible really happened...okay – I get it now, you really wanted to have a philosophical discussion about “why do you believe in a God at all? (quoting from your first post). I thought I answered that in my first post but I will reiterate my reason here – because I want to.

    Being there are 41,000 Christian religions, I did present how almost impossible it would be to rifle through 410,000 pages, (10 pages allowed per religion to document their beliefs), to help determine which one is correct to follow. Then after you have done that, study the other major religions of the world to include them in your decision. 
    It is an impossible task to undertake in a lifetime. Therefore, how did you determine, if you do practice a relgion, it declares the real beliefs of God?


  9. 11 hours ago, T-Bone said:

    Well now that you’ve clarified what you’re looking for, I can cut to the chase – it’s a three part answer.

    Part A - doctrine:    The Way International’s window-dressing-doctrine is a somewhat innocuous blend of fundamentalism, ultradispensationalism, spiritualism and Gnosticism. Probably no different than some of the other groups  out there…now their inner sanctum stuff of dubious teachings like the law of believing/health and wealth scam and all that whacked out $hit in the advanced class may distinguish them somewhat in a who’s who of nonsense-to-waste-your-time-and-money-groups   :confused:….but overall none of that is my cup of tea now anyway   -  so TWI wouldn’t be very high on my preference list. But that’s just me.


    Part B - practice: What makes The Way International a harmful exploitative cult and a really bad choice out of the list of Christian groups are their methods. Their hypocrisy, secrecy and money grubbing practices indicates a serious disconnect from their window-dressing-doctrine:realmad:

    ( * and it's debatable if they should even be considered a Christian group   :evilshades:)

    Part C - spiritual journey in progress:  I've already expressed in my previous post I haven't figured it all out and I continue to check out a lot of things.


    Technically there is a difference between a faith in God and magical thinking.

    Faith in God simply means God is the OBJECT of our faith – our thoughts, our feelings are directed toward him. Faith is a strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof...I mean it's faith - what more do you want ? :biglaugh:

    With magical thinking, thoughts and feelings are directed toward some event or future event, object or person:

    “Magical thinking, or superstitious thinking, is the belief that unrelated events are causally connected despite the absence of any plausible causal link between them, particularly as a result of supernatural effects…Examples include the idea that personal thoughts can influence the external world without acting on them...In psychology, magical thinking is the belief that one's thoughts by themselves can bring about effects in the world or that thinking something corresponds with doing it. “

    from   SWikipedia - magical thinking

    Let’s take the return of Jesus as an example. It fits perfectly with “the belief that unrelated events are casually connected despite the absence of any plausible casual link betweem them.” What plausible  casual  link can you provide it is going to happen, other than being proposed in a book written thousands of years ago? Is there scientific evidence it will take place? 
    Let’s exam Moses parting the Dead Sea. Other than it being declared in the bible, is there any other proof it took place? Has anything of that magnitude been seen by anyone in the last century? 
    What  of Jesus being raised from the dead? Again, other than the bible, has anyone witnessed others being brought back to life after being entombed for three days?  
    I have not heard of anyone saying that when their boat capsized, they walked to shore. What evidence can you present that this happened?

    These are all stories that have been passed along, just like the one of Santa leaving gifts to all good boys and girls on Dec 24. No evidence they have happened, or will happen, sometime in the future. 





    from the perspective of faith, a person acknowledges they are not God and in fact need God’s help.

    With magical thinking, God is not needed. It’s all up to you and you alone.


  10. 20 hours ago, T-Bone said:

    How do you define someone, newly coming on the scene? Is the someone newly coming on the scene from outer space, raised by wolves, created in a lab? I am not making fun – you pose an interesting scenario. Or did you have some other hypothetical situation in mind?

    Newly coming on the scene: This would be a person who had never heard anything at all about The Way. They were never exposed to all the negative or positive information about the group. They were starting a new in their quest to figure out which of the 41,000 Christian groups was the one for them. Many currently today dismiss the teachings of the Way because they were plagiarized, or the because founder used women sexually, or the Way demanded tithes many could not afford. But if the new seeker had no knowledge of any of this, and only read the 10 page booklet, where would their beliefs fall amoung the other 39,999? Would Jesus Christ is Not God seem an acceptable doctrine? Would speaking in tongues be high or low the acceptable beliefs? What have the other 39,999 religions taught on this. My point is if we judged the teachings of the Way strictly on their doctrines and not the character of its leaders, would it rate in the top 15,000?
    We judge the teaching of the Way from the perspective of the major Christian religions in the West. What about all the other Christian religions we are not aware of? 


    Not sure what you’re looking for – so I decided to reflect on my own journey and share a few thoughts – hopefully it brings something to the table and touches a few relevant points of your thought provoking post.

    I first came into this world I viewed my mother – and gradually my father as gods – they were all powerful – they were everything to me – and maybe I was not even aware I was separate from them...eventually I figured out somehow I was distinct from them...I followed in the belief system of my parents (Roman Catholic) – their belief system attempted to explain how the world works...as a teenager I got caught up in the counterculture of the 60s and 70s, got into the arts and music, experimented with drugs, looked into Eastern religions, E.S.P., dated a girl who went to Twig, took the PFAL class, yada yada yada WOW, Way Corps, discovered wierwille was a thief, liar and sexual predator so I escaped from crazy town…this began my crisis of faith and loosed me into uncharted waters.


    I took everything back to square one and asked myself do I believe there is a God? To put it another way I asked myself do I believe this whole thing is an accident or is there a creator? Being a technical minded person it seemed logical and now also learning to be more intuitive it felt comforting to imagine there was some intelligence or higher power behind it all...so going forward from my crisis of faith in 1986, I’ll relate some of my journey thus far to your scenarios of repairing an engine and finding a PFAL book and determining if it had any validity or not. 


    When I first got married I had a Ford 3-speed Econoline Van and my wife had a VW Beetle. Having a good mechanical aptitude (and learned a lot helping my Dad, older brother and friends work on their cars) – and also out of necessity – I did all the maintenance and repairs on both vehicles. Back then we didn’t have a handy thing like the Internet and You Tube – but there was The Bible of auto repairs – The Chilton’s Auto Repair Manuals with editions that were specific to your year, make and model...I’ve replaced clutches, rebuilt carburetors, replaced timing chains, done tune-ups, replaced brakes, and a lot of electrical troubleshooting. We judge it from the perspective of

    My point about the the auto repair is there is only one way to replace a clutch or rebuild a carburator. But there are  unlimited ways to get to heaven according to different religions. Which one is absolutely correct? Are you sure your way is really right? What if you die and find your way us wrong? Catholics say you better not have a mortal sin or you are doomed. Some say you confess once and you have no worries. Others go back and pray for their dead ancestors  so they can sneak in. Others say you will come back reincarnated. 
    What the other major religions teach I have no idea, but what if the religion practiced in the rain forest is the actual one God setup to get you to heaven? We all have missed the boat. See you in hell.

    Now a flimsy attempt :rolleyes:to tie this all together with what you brought up.


    I think we all have an innate desire to make sense of the world and figure out how best to negotiate our way through life. From an early age we learn so many valuable and practical things about life – wherever we’re from. Depending on how much we pay attention we learn to sort through what works and what doesn’t work. Like my experiences with working on cars. Like the first time I changed the oil on my 67 Chevy Malibu. I was in a hurry and didn’t tighten the bolt that goes through the oil filter - - oops - so I left a thick trail of oil in the driveway and down the block – good thing my brother flagged me down...Some shortcuts don't work out so good :biglaugh: .


    So lets say I find a PFAL book. I know nothing about the author and I know very little about the Bible. Which describes what I was like when I first took PFAL. One red flag would be the stuff on the law of believing. Reality doesn’t work like that – magical thinking is a phony shortcut to success - and I’m assuming there’s no aggressive snake oil salesmen around to convince me otherwise...other issues might pop up if and when my technical nature would kick in and I decide to study up on the biblical languages and other “technical references” such as systematic theologies, commentaries, Bible studies, etc. and use good analytical skills to spot logical fallacies...you know, any book by itself might seem okay. But in the grand scheme of things - how does it fit in? How big is "the grand scheme"? What's the big picture? My idea of the big picture seems to be getting bigger all the time.

    There are people who profess  that believing in God is nothing more than magical thinking. As we grew up we realized santa clause, tooth fairy, and Easter bunny do not exist. But we will just not let go of god. We can prove there is no tooth fairy by putting a tooth under our pillow, and observing it all night. In the morning the rotting tooth will still be under the pillow.  How can you prove because Jesus Christ lived you have the opportunity to go to heaven? Other than it being taught through the ages how do you know for sure?


    well...anyway...that’s just me – and as I said I’m on a journey through uncharted waters – and I’m a lot more open minded to other belief systems now...Reading (and re-reading) Jean Shinoda Bolen's short but insightful book "The Tao of Psychology: Synchronicity and the Self" got me into wanting to understand not only more about Taoism but also Jungian psychology. Carl Jung was a research scientist fascinated with the similar concerns found in many religions and the nature of the self...the guiding principles of my journey are partly intuitive and partly analytical. I am still inspired by the Word of God but I’m seeing things on a broader spectrum now after reading Rob Bell’s "Love Wins". After reading that book - God seems so much more relatable...Jesus Christ seems much more ...pervasive...expansive..."Love Wins" is probably one of the most thought provoking and thought challenging books I've read in a long time!

    As far as what criteria would I use to choose a religion - I would look at how they deal with the human condition - if they seemed fair, practical and above all compassionate. I would choose the one that came closest to doing those things extremely well.


    thanks for your thoughtful post - it really got me thinking about a lot of things

    peace !




  11. https://www.learnreligions.com/christianity-statistics-700533
    According to this source there are 41,000 different Christian religions in the world today. How would someone, newly coming on the scene, begin to wade through all 41,000 to see which one they wanted to join? How would they set forth a plan of action to begin with the A’s and work through to the Z’s? Assume that all 41,000 have their doctrines laid out in a very readible fashion in a 10 page booklet. How much time would  have to be alloted in a person’s lifetime, to get through all of them making comparisons? That would require reading and examining 410,000 pages of print, and being able to retain each one’s attributes to come to a logical decision and conclusion. 

    In contrast, let’s say a person wants to learn how to repair an automobile engine. Would one have to expect  to read through 100 manuals, all stating a piston performs differently than the others? How do you decide if book 14, 29, or book 89 is correct? You would have to throw up your hands and walk away knowing nothing of how to perform  wanted you desired to do. 

    Yet somehow, first off, we must decide which of the world’s religions is the one to follow. What process do you use to compare Islam to Christianity, to Judism, to Buddhism, to Hinduism, to??? and make a decision? How much more time do you need to study all of them? How did you determine the major religion to follow?

    Now fast forward a couple of centuries or a few millenniums and you find a Power for Abundant Living book, or a Receiving the Holy Spirit Today book. Nothing is known of it’s author’s dubious past. Unknown is the plagiarism that was done to complete the books. What would be in those books that would make you absolutely believe they were false and should not be followed at all?

    Let’s go a step further, and ask why do you believe in a God at all? There are 41,000 variations in Christianity alone. 

  12. From first seeing these tv preachers in the 60’s, all they know about is getting rich. Billy Graham probably was the best tv preacher to convince people he was legit. Money, money, money. All are multi millionaires and act like they are  so concerned about their large audiences. It drives me nuts when Franklin Graham gets on tv begging for money from people who cannot afford it, to send to hurricane hit areas, while his bank account has $millions. 
    Give your money to local churches.

  13. This article definitely describes the path to my involvement with the Way. My vulnerability of mortal sinning and going to hell, was so important to becoming a part of the Way. They were able to alleviate all the concerns of me being cast with the demons, that was forced on me by being raised in the Catholic church, (which is definitely a cult that has gone mainstream since JFK.) I had feelings of grandeur knowing hell was no longer my final destination. 
    The Way did deliver me from one feeling of oppression, only to be thrust into another. The transition was very peaceful, but once realized, the latter was worse than the former. I was no longer going to hell, but would lose all my rewards, if I did not tow the company line. The new oppression would be not only losing my rewards earned, but be a grease spot by midnight.

  14. On 4/19/2021 at 9:15 AM, penworks said:

    Good morning, GreaseSpotters! This is Charlene chiming in thank Rocky for posting this link to what is in fact my FINAL public talk. For what I say about that:

    Visit: Charlene's Last Public Cult Talk | Charlene L. Edge (charleneedge.com)

    I'm here also to thank Pawtucket for risking so much, giving so much, putting up with so much as he's hosted this venue for so many years. Aren't we lucky we can meet here to share our stories, get info, and offer each other support! 

    Cheers to you, brave ones!

    For sure, thanks to Pawtucket for the years he has been such a patient host  putting  up with so much criticism and BS. I truly do not know where I would be today if not for this forum. 
    Thank you to Charlene for putting into words what so many of us have felt deep inside. 

  15. Welcome to GSC Grace and Mercy. I was also one who lurked in the forums reading and digesting all that was posted before signing up. I couldn’t get enough of others having the same concerns as me, and to my amazements, still alive. After leaving TWI, I was so afraid of God’s protection leaving me, that I would be a greasespot by midnight. Some days it was amazing to me I was still alive. Thanks to GSC, and all its denizens, I was able to get on with my life.


  16. TWI was able to influence your mother to use funds to pay for her corpse training that was not hers. She stole your rightful money. It amazes me how low TWI could get parents to stoop to. Somehow they loose all sense of right and wrong in order to follow The Man of God. 

    • Like 1
  17. 2 hours ago, Modgellan said:

    Here is the original post as Translated by Google since I do not know who here might be fluent enough in Spanish.

    Hello everyone I am Francisco I am 32 years old and since I can remember my family participates in Twi, I left this sect about 7 years ago less when I came across the page of John Juedes, with whom I have also been able to speak by phone and who directed me to a Religious Research Center.

    Since then I have been researching, buying some books and learning about Twi and the theological disaster and abuses committed by the high command.

    My question is this:

    How can I help my family to leave this sect? They have been involved in this for almost 40 years, obviously they do not know what happened with LCM and the lawsuits, or the plagiarism of VPW, my intention is to get them out of the cult. Any idea how to start?


    If your family has been in TWI for almost 40 years, they lived thtough all the lawsuits with LCM, and the plagiarism of VPW. LCM has only been gone for 20 years or so, and they have had ample time to evaluate all that has been going on.  What is your relationship with your family? What do they  think about you leaving TWI? How do you correspond with them? Do you get together with them physically? 
    i wouldn’t rush into trying to enlighten them about all you know. Talk to them and see if there are small things they maybe questioning about TWI? This might be a way to introduce light into the situation.

    Welcome to the cafe. There plenty of people here willing to help you out.

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  18. Welcome to GSC, PAA. The love the Way showed to me was the linchpin that convinced me I had found nirvana. I was going through a very rough time in my life, when a complete stranger sat next to me at a cafe, and began talking to me. He was very kind and understanding to me. He invited me to a fellowship at his home, but Christmas break was just beginning at college, and I told him I would be going home for a month. He assured me he would contact me after the holidays were over, which he did. All (twig leafs, not sure that is the lingo today,) were very loving to me, and without a doubt, pulled me from the dark place I was in. Of course, that alone hooked me, and it was “full speed ahead,” from then on. I was willing to take all the classes they offered and joined all the programs they asked me to. 
    However, as time goes on, you are expected to no longer think for yourself, and especially not ask for any “clarification” of anything they teach. The Way International believes they have “the word of God, like it has never been taught since the first century.” They may not state it those exact words today, but believe God gave Victor Wierwille the “right dividing of the word of God.” VPWs interpretation is the only valid understanding of God’s word. That is why they will not allow anyone to question their teachings.

    They talk about how the corruption had been cleaned up, but let me assure you, if anyone questioned the corruption as it was going on,  they were “marked and avoided”, which means they were shunned. There is absolutely no room in the way to question a belief, or question the actions of any leader. If you do, you will be kicked out, as dissention is unacceptable  at any and all levels of Way leadership.

    It does seem out of place that your love interest is discussing marriage and children with you, at this stage of your indoctrination into the Way. It maybe they have stooped to that level deception.  Or, unless, as someone else suggested, she is planning an escape herself. If that is the case, you will be very important to her mentally and emotionally, as the guilt she will bear, will be overwhelming. 

    Welcome to the GSC, and know you have everyones understanding.



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  19. Steve Sann was the Limb guy in Montana in 1985 when BG was in the State running his class in Helena. It seems to me Sann had all the corp in the state take BGs class. The rest of us twiggies would come to Helena on Sundays and go to BGs public fellowship.
    The thing rhat stood out to me was how jerky he made the hymns. BG said he got possessed once, while singing hymns nornally, so he added sudden  stops in the middle of the verse. It became so distracting to me.

    A teaching that stood out was he prophesied that JC would come back in the year 2000. That cinched it for me he was a false prophet since it did not come to pass. Not that it matters to me today.

    Sann was so excited about BG coming to the ROA that summer. From other comments on GSC, that didn’t turn out so well.


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  20. On 3/26/2020 at 4:30 AM, George Maciver said:


    Men are not evil.

    Man having a sin nature is why Jesus Christ had to live, die, be resurrected, and ascend into heaven. The Holy Spirit was sent on the day of Pentecost so mad could be redeemed. 

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