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Posts posted by templelady

  1. quote:
    ''If I just tithe/do/serve more, He will bless my life...'' out of my head

    GOD doesn't expect you to do the whole job.

    Many people think GOd isn't answering because they aren't doing enough.

    Often times its because you are trying to do it All.

    When you try to do "more" or "it all" it's YOU doing instead of GOD doing.

    Step back- relax get the "musts" and the "shoulds" out of your head and let GOD tell you what he wants you to do. It may be a simple as helping weed someones yard. Then let GOD guide you.

    Most people forget that "my yoke is easy and my burden is light"

    If its heavy and weighing you down you're carrying a burden God never intended or wants you to have

    I don't want to sound preachy like this is all your fault and that really isn't what I intend to convey. But I think all of us have a tendency to think we are the linch pin when really we are just tiny cogs.

    I pray things get lighter and brighter in your world anim-smile.gif

  2. I liked it I learned some new things about the diversity of early christianity. I have to admit that IN MY PERSONAL OPINION much of Christianity are followers of Paul rather than followers of Jesus Christ.

    Paul had his moments when he just vented. I wish thay had gone more into what happened to the writings of the rest of the apostles-- I often wonder if we would be a diferent kind of Christianity if say JAmes comprised most of the NT.

    Just pondering aloud--but I did enjoy it

  3. PAt,

    I think you have bigger and better fish to fry-

    I say $1,000 just for the aggravation of having to deal with the court paperwork--

    Let them have the name--They are getting publicity from this as the "Wronged" party (whether they are or not is inmaterial, perception is everything)

    Let them claim this paltry "victory". Far more important than winning this skirmish is winning the war

    (ps edit in word pad or some other program then paste--with this"new" instant post there isn't enough time to get it edited before th opinions flow

  4. THe more I look around the more I realize just how insidiously TWi perverts even the soundest of Church doctrine.

    We are exhorted in Scripture to avoid Idle Gossip (which covers 98% of TWI fact gathering)

    At the same time the church provided an avenue for one to turn in a brother or sister who was seriously out of fellowship--adultry --stealing etc to the leaders so that the Brother or sister in Christ could be Lovingly exhorted to keep the gospel.

    If this failed then the next step was to withhold fellowship until the sin was removed from the persons life and they were then welcomed back with open arms.

    TWI decided the operation could be streamlined

    1> actively collect every bit of fact, gossip and innuendo and regard it as true

    2> Yell and scream an the already tried, judged, and found guilty parties

    3> if said parties refuse to agree to the often bogus charges-- M&A them for all eternity and smear their names with all other belivers


    So Nice so tidy so completely unscriptual. TWI's WAYGB reminds me of Hitler's Germany where children told on parents and neighbor spied on neighbor.

    (here's another post for you WAYGB to add to my 22 year old file icon_biggrin.gif:D-->)

  5. Ever noticed a theme with TWI?

    You take perfectly good piece of scripture and put a twist on it

    Alcoholism is Leviathan-

    This big huge MOnster--Gee you can't expect just a mere man to be able to control A monster now can you ? --Need another shot of Drambuie to deal with that--

    Leviathan ---used once in JOb, twice in Psalms, and Once in Isaiah-

    has always, outside of TWI, been taught to me as representative of Satan and the outreach, if you will, of his kingdom. He is a prince in his own right-a fallen, rebellious prince but a prince.

    It is he who takes Jesus Christ to the mountain tops and shows him the whole of the earth --all to be Jesus' in return for worshiping Satan--

    It is this kingdom of Satan's in it's totallity that is Leviathan. Most assuredly alcoholism, adultry etc are just some of the "Fruits" of that kindom but they ae not Leviathan in and of themselves.

  6. Sunrays


    acid rain

    fried food

    tri glycerides





    too much exercise


    not enough exercise

    not dieting

    low carbohysrates

    high carbohydrates

    too much red meat

    not enough protein

    and now.....

    my cellphone

    actually I think I'm in more danger from the stress engendered by trying to keep track of and respond appropriately to all of the above

  7. I remember when Martindale came to Alaska--the Offering was put in a brown paper bag and just handed to him. I saw the same thing with Otherleadership--No counting or accounting just hand over the cash.

    Presents --didn't have a choice--the present was selected and purchased and then your TC collected funds. I got to the point where I went to Twig sans wallet-figuring no cash in hand = cashI could keep it--a few well placed blows from my husbands fist when we got home "cured" me of that notion.

  8. My faith teaches we must endure to the end as followers of Jesus Christ. (this isn't going to be a religious discussion so don't worry icon_smile.gif:)-->)

    Enduring to the end means doing right even when not doing right is easier, more materially profitable and in keeping with society as a whole.

    The reality is that ALL of us have taken the easier comfortable path at some time.

    Like the wife who ignores her husbands infidelities for the creature comforts she enjoys.

    The worker who ignores his bosses illegal activities because the Job is so perfect--

    the list is endless

    Catcups' friend has the material comforts he desires, nice home, few responsibilities, can choose where to go and when. The idyllic life according to societal standards.

    Usually when you are in your comfort zone you don't leave until the zone ceases to exist--know as hitting rock bottom in some circles

    Just pray that when his zone collapses that the results are merely a wakeup and nothing more tragic

  9. I figure under $5,000.00 but that's only because you can't squeeze blood out of a turnip--

    THere was nothing to spare after my ex got done raiding the accounts. I was the soul breadwinner for 99% of our relationship I once had checks bouncing all over town when he pulled $400.00 without asking. Another time I was left with $11.00 to feed a family of 5 on for 2 weeks. I still don't know how I pulled it off.

    He of course just went over to the TC's or Limb or someone else's house and got all the food he wanted icon_frown.gif:(-->

    HOw much of the funds he appropriated actually ended up at HQ I don't know but I do know he and his fellow "belivers" never lacked for anything --Too bad the same couldn't be said for his wife and children

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