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What The Hay

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Everything posted by What The Hay

  1. Actually there is more than just a "slight basis" of fact on this topic. It's not what one can term junk science except out of ignorance perhaps. I want to mention this is not just some theory VPW came up with, because it's basis is found in electro-biology. Not all magnetic fields are healthy, but those generated by the earth are necessary to maintain good health. Electro-bioligists have determined since humans are cyclic creatures (cell division cycle time occurs every 24 hours) that frequencies most detrimental to biological functions occur in the extremely low frequency (ELF) range between 1-100 cycles per second. Most electrical power supplies are at 60 cycles per second which is in the middle of that range. Exposure to radio waves at 16 Hz dramatically increases the flow of calcium from the brain cells, interfering with impulse transmission changing brain function and thereby causing confusion. Russian scientists found dogs could be made to run in circles chasing their tails when they would be exposed to this technology that they did not completely understand. Thus ELF fields, the major source of electro-pollution superimposed over our natural bio-electric field, can have serious negative health consequences. The earth's magnetic fields help regulate our biochemical funcions. When the earth's mantle moves faster than the molten core, the flow of the electrical current in a westerly direction causes the magnetic pole to be in the north (this is the left hand rule used by electrical buffs for establishing polarity). Likewise when the mantle moves slower than the molten core, the flow of electrical current will be in an easterly direction causing the magnetic pole to be in the south. Every million or so years the earth's magnetic poles "flip". It has been known since the turn of the century that passing liquid through a high gauss (one gauss is one magnetic line per square centimeter) the magnetic field causes the pH of a liquid to rise. Ships are also equipped with these devices which prevent scale buildup in their bodies. As scale is calcium carbonate, passing water containing calcium bicarbonate through a magnetic field must convert the bicarbonate to hydroxides, (no carbonate anions are present in the liquid) thereby preventing the production of the precipitous calcium carbonate - known as boiler slag. The magnetic field with it's associated electrical field reorganizes the calcium bicarbonate so that all of the positive atoms are pulled to the negative north pole and the negative atoms are pulled towards the positive south pole. Thus the bicarbonate is forced to bend and the stress causes it to break, forming one calcium hydroxide molecule and two cabon dioxide gas molecules. Calcium hydroxide can not form scale, and in blood and body fluids it causes the pH to become alkaline and therefore healthy. Another fact of physics is the north pole of a magnet is negative and the south pole is positive. The explanation for negative fresh air stimulating biochemical reactions in the body also applies, thus the north pole of a magnet is preferable for stimulating good health. After decades of stalling and refusing to budge, the American medical authorities finally relented and yielded to public pressure and gave their rare approval for American hospitals to use pulsed magnetic fields to stimulate bone growth back in 1979. Now every major hospital in America employs pulsed magnetic fields to stimulate bone healing which reduces the time required to heal the bones to about one-tenth the time normally required. The use of magnetic thereapy for other ailments while used extensively by other cultures is still frowned on in America in most cases. Yet most Americans would be astounded to learn that one out of every twenty Japanese sleep on magnetic beds. The same is happening in Germany. This includes thousands of highly trained medical doctors who claim that not only do their ailments appear to be curing themselves while they sleep, but also they rise from their sleep with unusual energy. One interesting fact emerging from the human magnetic bed experiment, is that the body fluids become alkaline only after a few hours of exposure but return to their pre-exposure acidic state a few hours later. The induced high pH body fluid state while exposed to a magnetic bed means the body is not only healing itself, but that the body is also absorbing more oxygen. Raising the pH of the external cell fluids also raises the potential difference (or voltage) between the internal and external cell fluids, thereby allowing the cell's nutrient channels to function more efficiently. The internal cell fluids become more alkaline, which stimulates the production of the four DNA nucleotides from the glucose nutrient thereby ensuring replication of the cell's DNA. This explains the feeling of exhilaration and energy after sleeping on a magnetic bed. Maybe I have gone a bit overboard in just one post here, but the basic answer lies in the fact the human body is a beehive of bio-electrical activity. When the air feels "fresh" after a good rain, technically the air is negatively charged. In fact, after a rain the air contains thousands of times more electrons than it did before it rained. This is caused by water rubbing the air resulting in the water becoming positively charged while the air becomes negatively charged. Our body fluids are alkaline and therefore negatively charged, but as this charge is consumed, our bodies react and try to produce more electrons. So when the fresh air bathes our bodies with electrons the strain on the body to produce more electrons is relieved and biochemical activity is stimulated, resulting in the "good feeling" after a rain. Bioelectrical reactions in the human body can easily be measured with electronic instrumentation. Their associated magnetic fields are more difficult to measure, but this doesn't mean they don't exist or this is "junk science." The laws of physics tells us that if these magnetic are superimposed by another magnetic field (like ELF) then the result will be a changed bioelectrical field, resulting in altered voltages and thereby altered biochemical reactions. Because each biochemical reaction depends on specific voltages at specific times which are altered by a superimposing magnetic field, the superimposing (invisible) magnetic field does change the body's chemistry. Just because magnetic fields are invisible doesn't mean they don't exist or don't affect you. Air is invisible, but without it's presence it would have a very profound effect on your life - or lack of life rather. Some people should go get an education first before they ignorantly spout off to others claiming all these invisible things must somehow be "junk science."
  2. Apparently, VPW was not a very good manager of the stress shift. How to deal with Dr. Jekyl -- Mr. Hyde In Your Church
  3. That was very well put, but it's another good example of something that in real life that is much "easier said than done." Unless your a refrigerator, for some people it's darn hard for them to cool down once they get hot. The title/profession you hold is no guarantee of that. If your drunk, aren't you responsible for your own actions of what you do and also what may happen to you while your under the influence of alcohol? If I run into somebody and kill them while DWOI, chances are good I would lose my license, plus a whole lot of other negative things could happen to me. I highly doubt most people would accept the fact I have some sort of "disease", and therefore I am not responsible for my actions, even if there is a group of people out there that want to classify alcoholism a disease. There's even a group of hostile mothers (M.A.D.D.) who ain't going to let me get off that easily. So if your a sexpot, what you have could also be called a disease and therefore nobody can hold you responsible for your actions either? I think that is what they are pushing - they call these people "Sex-aholics" - you know, people who are addicted to sex rather than alcohol. It all sounds like an easy way to get off of being held accountable and responsible for your actions today. Instead of someone being accountable and responsible, let's just say you have this "mysterious disease" there seems to be no real cure for. (But you can send all those research $ to me instead to find a cure for all these diseases - I promise I'll find one. Yeah right!)
  4. As I recall, VPW said people were first called Christians at Antioch in Syria. Before that time they were called followers of "The Way" because Jesus claimed He was: The Way, The Truth, and The Life. The term "Christian" was coined by the unbelievers first, and it was intended as a derogatory term because followers of "the way" were claiming that Christ was in them. Now if the term Christian even existed before this time I couldn't say. I don't know where VPW got his research on this, but then again, I don't know what bearing this even has on Christianity now. Most certainly, if someone calls you a Christian now they aren't saying it intending it as a derogatory remark toward you - at least not in many of the Christian countries of the world today.
  5. I don't recall VPW ever saying he didn't like the word sin. He did make it clear a B.A.C. could not sin to the point of losing their standing as a son (or a daughter) of God - that is, you could not commit sin to the point you were no longer a born again son (or daughter) of God, you were only "out of fellowship" with God. Now if someone wants to interpret "out of fellowship or broken fellowship" as a less demanding holy lifestyle, that is their own P.I. That wasn't something VPW ever taught. What he did teach on this was, we don't use our liberty in Christ as an occassion to sin and thereby frustrate the grace of God. But we aren't emphasising that fact in our critique of VPW are we? I am not saying extreme situations don't ever happen and they are not worthy of discussion - it's just when discussing extreme situations, facts are easily overlooked (like in the above example) which usually leads others into drawing and making false conclusions. Weather or not VPW ever frustrated the grace of God (or anybody else for that matter) is a whole different topic for discussion, but I think it probably has already been brought up and discussed in the "we have all committed sin" category as far as I can tell.
  6. Sorry, but I don't believe the rap that VPW was an "intentional evil-doer" any more than all of the Mike's out there who only wish to canonize him right into saint-hood with all their rap. I'm not going to give you any more time than any of the "Mikes" out there, or anybody else the pleasure of wasting one second of my valuable time debating either one of these extremist points of view, because both views about VPW are erroneous and close-minded. Both viewpoints make be turn and just want to puke! I've got a lot more valuable things to do with my time other than getting involved in some idiotic "holier-than-thou" cat and dog fight that would outlast the Energizer Bunny - it keeps on going and going and going ... [This message was edited by What The Hay on December 28, 2003 at 23:56.]
  7. Long Gone you completely missed the point. The Pharisees were claiming God as their father, and further sought to justify their claim on the basis of sexual purity - hence their exclaimation of, "We be not born of fornication". Now why did they even bring that up if they weren't already so self-righteous and sure of themselves? But apparently that was their entire premise for claiming for themselves godliness and holiness. Remember the story about the woman caught in adultry? (How come they never bothered to seek out someone caught in the act of murder or robbery to trap Jesus instead?) I don't know how one could make a distinction between living in sin and committing a sin, unless they were familiar with both acts themselves. But there have always been people around who are quick to pluck the splinter out of someone else's eye without beholding the moat in their own eye first. They aren't out to help anyone see any better because that's certainly not their intent - it's only to condemn.
  8. What was that the Pharisee's said unto Jesus - We be not born of fornication ... (John 8:41) It's remarkable to realize exactly where the idea of holiness stemming from the ideal of sexual purity had started. It wasn't started by our Lord Jesus Christ, but rather by some legalisitic Pharisees. Now I would say that is pretty revealing as to having an understanding of exactly where some people are coming from - spiritually speaking.
  9. The "Mike" threads are always long winded. I don't bother reading many of them just because most of the replies end up as attacks on Mike and they don't add anything to the discussion. I am sure there are ex-TWI people that have thrown out their PFAL/TWI materials out of disgust, frustration or whatever other experience they had with TWI, but I haven't. Mike's stance is since most people don't have the PFAL/TWI materials to refer back to their understanding of what transpired in TWI is erroneous or unreliable at best, and therefore one can't take their testimony with any authority. Now I don't know if you can separate someone from "their TWI experience" from the "TWI textbook" with much success, but Mike is sure hellbent on trying it. And therein lies the problem, because even though everyone's experience with TWI was different, this does not negate the fact someone does not have the ability to speak authoritatively about what happened to them or what transpired in TWI. One can read the "TWI textbook" a million times over, but just like the bible, you'll come up with a million different translations. That was TWI's downfall - trying to bring everybody into a perfect understanding of the Bible and then trying to live it perfectly. How can that be done when it's not available - and I am putting that in TWI's lingo. That understanding & life won't be available until the return. It's only at that time when we will be able to put off the corruption of the flesh and all it's weakness. But then again, TWI wanted us to believe they alone replaced the absent Christ. Now that might not be in the "TWI textbook", but it sure was the "TWI experience" more than just one of us had. The testimony of more than one can be taken with authority, and that is also in the textbook!
  10. 6 is --- Battle of the senses!!!! (I only remembered that because that line was spoken [and sort of harshly too] and not really sung.)
  11. Go back to TWI? Frankly speaking my impression is: TWI doesn't want any of us back! It's because of that aspect alone that the feeling is quite mutual with me. So if you're thinking about headin' back to TWI, then you better wake up and smell the coffee! (But then, you already did that by leaving!) Thank you very much.
  12. I sure don't hate the person who got me involved in TWI. It certainly wasn't their fault TWI got so messed up. You gotta be with people who value you for yourself, not some organization that you were affiliated with at one time.
  13. Anybody here ever get Spyware or Adware junk on their computer? I used a program called Spybot to get rid of most of it, but it was only mildly successful. This junk still pops up now and then.
  14. Has anyone here noticed how this "Ubiquitously Hidden Teaching of VPW" thread is more than twice as big as the "Actual Errors In PFAL" thread? What does this tell you?
  15. A welfare mom writes a book, and now she's richer than the Queen of England. Go figure.
  16. The person who invented the piano is dead too, so why take time to learn how to master playing the piano? Although I am far from conluding, PFAL="THE GOD BREATHED WORD", PFAL contains tools to help one master the Word of God, which in turn gives one a greater mastery of life. I believe PFAL is still the greatest assemblage of those tools, even if VPW did take them from various sources. A workman only becomes skillful when he continues to make use of the tools of his trade. That is his or her choice. If I choose to quit playing the piano, then my skills begin to suffer and I am no longer as skillful at playing the piano as I was once before. It's the: "either you use it or lose it" principle at work. I don't have a problem with the "Master PFAL" message Mike is bringing to the table. The only problem I have would be with allowing PFAL to master me, not me mastering it. I can't argue the fact there were many leaders in TWI who used PFAL just to become the masters over people. And yes, the true God only works through living leadership, not dead ones. Spiritually, the leadership who used PFAL merely for the purpose of mastering others are worse than those who are physically dead! I think many people got lazy and allowed TWI/LEADERSHIP/PFAL to master them. The best thing they could have done was get tired of it and leave that brand of leadership. I think that is why many here are sick and tired of hearing what Mike has to say. Yep - I'd hate playing the piano too if someone kept forcing me into doing it. So unlike Mike, I ain't forcing anybody into mastering PFAL. It's their choice if they want to or not.
  17. The Moog Voyager is right around $3,495. One may think that is a bit pricey for a analog, monophonic, 3-1/2 octave synth today. But in the early days, the first embodiment of the synthesizer was in order to get a sound you had to plug each module into another. You couldn't memorize sounds (you had to draw the connections on a sheet of paper). The keyboards were monophonic (i.e. you could only play one note at a time, therefore, no chords were possible), but you could create an infinite number of sounds providing you could get the number and type of modules you wanted. The Arturia Moog Modular V is also quite an impressive Moog synthesizer. You can get the full version of the software for only $329, which is a high quality computer emulation of the analog modular synth technology Moog Music introduced. With the possible exception of perhaps Keith Emerson or Wendy Carlos, I really don't know anyone who would use the "hardware" version of the Moog Arturia. If you're interested, you can download a demo version of the Arturia Moog Modular V software. Arturia Moog Modular V For more info on Moog Music: Moog Music
  18. For me it is the 12 string guitar and keyboards, but it's mostly the keys though, specifically the synthesizer. Someone here mentioned the Theremin, which is basically a synthesizer type instrument - although one could say it is a very primitive synthesizer. Bob Moog further deveoloped the Theremin, and it is still one of his great passions. His developments brought the Theremin into the limelight of popular music. He was only 19 back in 1954 when he started making them, and had formed a sole proprietorship called R.A. Moog, Co. He didn't know much about buisness though, and in 1967 took the advice that was given him and incorporated. Shortly after he sold the controlling interest in his company to a guy who had a company called Musonics, and changed the name to Moog/Musonics. Then he sold it to Norlin Music, which was the largest instrument Mfg. at the time. (They owened Gibson, Lowery Organs, Maestro Effects, Epiphone, and Pearl Drums) and were listed on the NYSE. Moog became a division of Norlin, and remained that way until the mid 1980's. Then came the era of the digital synth and it buried the analog synth completely, and Moog Music languished and became inactive. Under trademark law, if a trademark isn't used for a specific period of time it's declared abandoned and other people can apply for the right to own the registration - which is exactly what happened. Several people applied without Bob's knowledge and by the time it was brought to his attention there was a brawl going on over the rights to use the name. Of course, Bob had the right to the name as much as anyone else. To make a long story short, a year or two ago Bob aquired the registration of Moog, Minimoog, and Moog Music trademarks. There is a company in the UK still calling itself Moog Music, LTD, who at one time produced fake Minimoogs - five in all. Under British law they were able to aquire registration in the UK, and Bob is contesting it on the grounds it is misleading. The good news is, Bob is back! He never really went away, but he is once again doing business under his own name: Moog Music. Now he's shipping his first keyboard synth in 25 years, an updated all-analog totally voltage controlled (yet very MIDI savy) Minimoog called the Voyager. I don't know where he got the idea for the instruments name (maybe from Startrek?) but some serious analog genius brain cells had to come up with this reborn Minimoog. The oscillators are special, and one part of the Voyager's oscillator design is that's extremely advanced is you have voltage control of everything! The more things that are voltage controlled and you can play with, then the more alive the sound is going to be. Thirty sonic parameters on the Voyager are completely voltage controlled, which is way more than the three or four that were on the original Minimoog. Bob chugged along for years as the brains behing "Big Briar" where he continued to produce the instruments he loves like the Theremin, the Moogerfooger analog effects pedal - but just no keyboard synthesizers per se. You might be surprised to find one of the biggest names in synthesizers now plying their high-tech trade in Asheville, NC, sharing it's share of commercial space among the autobody shops and woodworkers. You could say Bob is happy to be an ex-member of an exclusive music-industry club called the "Dead President's Society". Well, it's not really a club, but one could become a member simply by losing the right to use one's own name for one's business. Other unwitting members have included Raymond Kurzweil and Tom Oberheim. The process of regaining his trademarks has been arduous and expensive, and Bob's still got a way to go before he has worldwide rights. The business in the UK refuses to give up the rights to the name, so every Voyager shipped there has to have every mention of "Moog" removed from every possible part - from circuit board to chassis, right down to the manual and shipping carton - which is not exactly how Bob wants to spend his money. The company that had been doing business as Moog Music in Cleveland, OH is no longer in business. The story of how Bob got his name back might be interesting, but the story behind the development of the Minimoog Voyager is far more intriquing I think. [This message was edited by What The Hay on May 03, 2003 at 0:15.]
  19. ...Superman or Green Lantern ain't got a nothin on me. I can make like a turtle and dive for your pearls in the sea. When you've made your mind up forever to be mine! From: Sunshine Superman - Donovan.
  20. I wasn't addressing Mike's theories, but rather his mania. Of course he expects people to RE-ACT much the same way, because he is presenting what he considerers: "new data, new revelation, hidden meanings, yada, yada, yada". But wasn't the Word of God being taught like it hadn't been taught since the 1st century, etc. typically the same thing? A bunch of new information, new revelation, etc. that started off all the 1970's "TWI/PFAL-Beatlemania" to begin with? I think so. Mike is stuck in the '70s because he believes if he brings up all this new data, hidden meanings, etc., he thinks people (mainly old PFAL grads) will become awe-struck once again and pick right back up with the same old "PFAL-mania" just like it happened in the 70s. SO YES. MIKE IS STILL STUCK BACK IN THE 1970's TWI/PFAL-BEATLEMANIA! Thank God some of us are not, which for most of us it only makes his (very long) message all the more tiring than it does inspiring.
  21. I an in complete agree with Mike's conclusion, that is: - There are people who are given an overdose of brains and brawn, etc., etc. Just consider these few personalities for example: Hitler, Sadaam H. Yep, even The Beatles had their fill of glassy-eyed followers back in the '60s. "Beatlemania" it was called. I would say it took a lot of brains, marketing genius, etc. to roll out all those things. But how many people today still faint whenever Mr. Paul McCartney gets up on stage? Not many, if any at all. Are there people still around who are stuck in the '60's? Maybe, but there may only be a few around, if any at all. I believe Mike is just one of those people who happened to get stuck back in the "PFAL popularity" of the '70s. Really people, he is just someone who is crying out to get out and get "unstuck". Some people probably did trust "the man VPW" more than God and Christ. I would say it probably happened during the Beatlemania phase of TWi/PFAL. But I DON'T blame VPW for that. That certainly wasn't VPW's fault. I vividly recall VPW saying: DON'T TAKE MY WORD FOR IT - READ IT FOR YOURSELF! So what do you mean by "we"? You better not be including me in the "wee". Just when will people grow up and take the responsibility of living their own lives into their own hands? By this I mean, one gets over that Beatlemania, and they no longer are: "TAKING SOMEONES WORD FOR IT". I don't know which is worse. Someone still stuck blaming VPW for all the negative things that happened because they believed everything he said, or someone still stuck in the "good-ol'-70's-PFAL-Beatlemania" from TWI. Talking about the evils VPW committed hasn't helped Mike, nor has it detered him any from his mission (whatever that is) so why would one conclude it could help anybody else? It's just the opposite side of the same old "PFAL/TWI-Beatlemania" coin. I ain't that naive. (Just the extremists here at work again, Raf.)
  22. The title of this thread should have been: The subliminal messages in PFAL Some people get a kick out of playing their records backwards. (The Beatles song, Number Nine says, Turn me on dead man, and from: Another One Bites the Dust, it says, Decide to smoke marijuana. More interesting ones are found in Led Zepplin's "Stairway to Heaven.") "Hidden Messages" isn't anything new. Aleister Crowley was the one who came up with it originally, and it's been reported he was one of the most evil people who ever lived. Crowley journied into strange regions of consciousness: his initiation into magichis world-wide travels and mistresses, his experiments with sex and drugs, and the philosophy of his famous Book of the Law. I'm begining to believe it was Mr. Crowley's message that got through to Mike rather than the message of PFAL. It's also pretty amazing to note how VPW had many of the same personal habits Mr. Crowley did.
  23. Another very scary one (and I actually watched this with my twig after a fellowship one night of all things) was a movie called: "Let Them Die Slowly". If you have a thing for seeing people commit cannabalizm, this is "THE" movie to see. It sure put a real damper on the fellowship that evening.
  24. OK, since we're on the topic of saddest songs and movies - what would be the scariest movie you've ever seen? I still recall seeing "The Exorcist" when I was in my early 20's. Back then that was just about the scariest movie ever I thought. At the time I was scared I would end up getting possessed like Regan did in the movie, and end up with those hideous devil scars all over me. The thought of puking up green pea soup didn't thrill me much either. But What really bothered me the most was the Roman catholic priests inability to deal with the situation in the movie. It portrayed the ineffectiveness and the spiritual powerlessness of the church against demonic powers, and I think that is what really scared me the most - no spiritual power against evil. The movie showed that the power of evil was very real, but the power of good was downplayed - almost nonexistant. Then TWI came along offering PFAL and "Dealing with (and then defeating) the Adversary." Maybe that's why we bought into TWI - for power over evil? Maybe that's a thread topic in itself?
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