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Our once in a lifetime


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Today, 06-06-06, is our 26th wedding anniversary.

Once in a lifetime for us...but the world gets the date once every hundred years.

For us it is a new day. We're not afraid, but thankful. We're not reading bad omens, but signs that things will turn out OK.

We celebrate.

But in the end and after all...

It's just another day in paradise.


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Thank you, thank you {{{{{everybody}}}}}!

It was the best yet.

Bill did not have to work. Woo hoo! He started the day with real flowers (until now, he's been the type of guy to stop at the convenience store and get one of those silk roses....that I HATE...lol). Next he did all the little Honey Do things I've been bugging him about since forever. We enjoyed puttering around the house together in amicable peace with one another.

Then I had an allergic reaction to some medicine that I have taken for a long time, but hadn't taken in the last couple of months. He was very close to calling an ambulance, but he gently and kindly nursed me through for about 7 hours until the reaction subsided.

When I began to get better I was hungry. He made me an awesome roast beef dinner that was tender and moist and well-flavored...and was just the right amount of everything for my diabetic diet.

Once I was back on my feet, he did some major furniture moving for me and we finally began to get our kitchen set up proper like...after 7 months of figuring out where we wanted things to be permanently.

At the end of the day he sang to me. I am a fool for a man who sings to me....especially him! :biglaugh:

My gifts to him were changes in how I've been treating him and my expectations of him, an hour or so of expressing in prose all that he has meant and does mean to me and the children and our granddaughter, and an awesome lighter that I can't explain but will hopefully be able to get a video clip of to post....'cause y'all have just GOT to see this lighter to even begin to understand the hilarious times we've had with it! LOL

At the end of the day we knew we had turned the corner off of "Will We Make It? Alley" and finally onto "We Wouldn't Have It Any Other Way Avenue".

It was a quiet turning...one that we didn't know if we'd ever make...but it was a turning...a good one...a permanent one...a hard-fought and well-earned one.

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Happy anniversary to you!!!

for note, something else that happened on this day:

An Important Message Regarding the World Day of Worship!

On June 6, 2006, many of the most powerful intercession and

apostolic networks in the world are going to join hands with us for

this world day of worship.

We believe that the plans the enemy has for this date (June 6, 2006)

will be destroyed through violent worship and praise. We are

inviting the entire world to be part of this huge unity project.

For this reason, we would like to include you and your Apostolic and

Intercession Network to join us for this event so that a vast

Majority of places will be covered all around the world.

The Vision I received from the Lord:

1. Call forth the apostles, prophets, intercessors and the Saints

in general to rise up as a mighty army and to agree to consecrate

June 6, 2006 as a full day of worship in every city in the world.

Let's call June 6 "A Global Day of Violent Praise." This day begins

at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, June 5, 2006, and ends on June 6 at 6:00

p.m. in each time zone. It will be coordinated by national,

regional, state, and city prayer networks. Local Churches and

groups of churches will participate. Apostles will motivate their

entire apostolic networks. Citywide groups of pastors will bring

their Churches into the stream. Every prayer ministry will get the

word out and mobilize their intercessors. There is no standard or

prescribed way to make it happen. The Holy Spirit will provide all

the creativity necessary.

It is notable, keeping biblical numbers in mind, that Isaiah 66:6

says, "[Hark!]Uproar from the city! A voice from the temple! The

voice of the Lord, rendering recompense to his enemies!"

2. God has spoken and said that He desires three shofar blasts to

circle the globe in one accord with a resounding sound of victory

during the night of praise. The times are 12:00 midnight, 3:00

a.m., and 6:00 a.m. in each time zone. I can imagine thousands of

shofars being used hour after hour to bring joy to our Savior and

Commander-in-Chief. "When I blow the trumpet, I and all who are

with me, then you blow the trumpets also on every side of all the

camp and shout, For the Lord and Gideon!" (Judges 7:18).

3. While we are worshipping, praising, and blowing our shofars in

one accord around the world, those who are gathered must be speaking

out God's apostolic designs for their regions and for the whole

earth. This is a time for apostolic and prophetic declaration. God

has given us the power to decree into being His sovereign will for

this hour. We will decree:

• The power of the Holy Spirit for a great harvest of souls. •

Raising up workers to multiply churches throughout every continent

of the world. • Compassion for helping the poor and needy wherever

they are. • Transforming society itself so that God's will is being

done here on earth as it is in heaven.


May God bless you in this powerful work He is calling us to do.

In His Service, Ana Mendez Ferrell Emerson Ferrell

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