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Name that TV Show [EZ quotes only]


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"Mr. President, my son is being held captive in Iraq, and I need you to save him. Now I've given money to the republicans for years, and never asked for anything in return."

"You asked to be Secretary of Balloon-Doggies."

"I didn't ASK to be Secretary of Balloon-Doggies, the balloon-doggies DEMANDED it!"

That was from the episode where the critic was missing in the Middle East.

I loved it because the cab-driver spoke plain English-

because he was in the cab-driver exchange program. That program ensures no cab-driver

speaks the native language of the country he's driving in.

"Whenever he sings to me, I melt like butter on a bagel. God, I've been in New York too long."

Alice, on her philandering, cheating ex, who was a good singer.

" God love her, Mom, I couldn't change her mind. You should be proud she has your will."

"She may have my will, but she doesn't have my gun! "

Jay Sherman's sister was refusing a debutante "coming-out."

Mom finally threatened to shoot her horse if she said 'no.'

"...Tim Allen gives that same likeable performance we've always love. Once again proving Disney Pictures have the magical touch that may not win awards but keep America smiling.

How's that?"

"You're Satan aren't you?"

"You've won another round Siskel. But we shall meet again!"

That was really memorable.

Siskel and Ebert got in an argument and temporarily split up,

and were both looking for new partners.

Siskel was interviewing one perfectly normal-looking applicant, who was just a bit too antiseptic.

Siskel casually rattled off the ID. "You're Satan, aren't you?"

And the applicant burst into flames-he really WAS Satan. And left.

Go, Raf.

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I was waiting for another quote.

The one about the "BRILL-iant ideas" was the catchphrase for Blair on "Facts of Life."

My comment was an exchange that happened more than once in one episode

where Jo refused to tell how she got beer while underage.

And, apparently, I'm not the only person across cyberspace that thought it was

memorable. (I didn't check on the brilliant idea one, though.)

I'm not SURE about his other quotes. The "greeting" MIGHT have been when one

character was smashed. Or I may have made that up.

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The greeting was when they walked in on some people doing marijuana. It's the same episode that had "there's gonna be troubllllle."

I was about to post:

"I don't go to wing-dings, I go to cotillions!"

"Well if that is a dance at the Hillcrest Country Club, then your cotillion and my wing-ding are the same thing."

But yes, it's The Facts of Life.


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"I have the impression that we woke you about three-thirty this morning."

"No, it was ten of four."

"Did we say why?"

"Uh, you said you wanted to sacrifice a virgin."

"Did we?"

"I was too sleepy."

"Oh you...you..."

"Who you calling a 'you-you'?"

" 'To the Far East Export Import Company, 27 Zapata Circle, Ti-joo-wana, Mexico.' "

"Right, go on."

" 'Mary had a little lamb. Stop. My dog has fleas. Stop.' "

"Good, there's a bit more. 'Mairzy doats and dozey doats, and I'll be home for Christmas.' Got that?"

"Uh..in just a moment. Uh, okay."

"Sign it: 'Your loving son, Queen Victoria.' "

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"I have the impression that we woke you about three-thirty this morning."

"No, it was ten of four."

"Did we say why?"

"Uh, you said you wanted to sacrifice a virgin."

"Did we?"

"I was too sleepy."

Beginning of one episode, the morning after Hawkeye and Trapper threw a BIG party.

Radar showed up with the mail, and Hawkeye had a vague recollection.

"Oh you...you..."

"Who you calling a 'you-you'?"

Frank Burns and Hawkeye, during "Yankee Doodle Doctor".

" 'To the Far East Export Import Company, 27 Zapata Circle, Ti-joo-wana, Mexico.' "

"Right, go on."

" 'Mary had a little lamb. Stop. My dog has fleas. Stop.' "

"Good, there's a bit more. 'Mairzy doats and dozey doats, and I'll be home for Christmas.' Got that?"

"Uh..in just a moment. Uh, okay."

"Sign it: 'Your loving son, Queen Victoria.' "

Radar taking down a message for Colonel Flagg.

He has "nothing to do with Intelligence." He's with the C.I.D.

The REALLY memorable part was when Radar showed it to Hawkeye and Pratt,

the OTHER spy.

Radar:"You told me to keep you up on what he's doing."

Hawkeye: "'Mary had a little lamb...'"

Pratt: "He knows I'm here."

Trapper: "How?"

Pratt: "I'm Mary."

Hawkeye: "I hate to tell you this, Mary, but your dog has fleas."

Your turn, George.

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"The Jackie Gleason Show." I watched it every Saturday night. The particular quote was from a frequent skit (usually the last of the show) with Frank Fontaine as "Crazy Guggenheim" and Gleason as "Joe the Bartender." "Mr. Dunnehy" was an off-camera character to whom "Joe" would speak.

I'm sure I'm right, too; but I'll have to post a new clue later today.


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Ok, let's see, next television show....

"We'd better hustle our butts!"

"If I do have hypertension, y'all gave it to me wit' all that nickin' and naggin' goin' on.

Junior here's the only one who haven't got on my nerves.

"That's because, one, I respect you, and two, I fear for my life."

" I must give thanks to the good Lord above for giving us such a beautiful Christmas gift: a loving family and warm friends."

"Damn, Damn, DAMN!"

"Water? She aint drinkin' nothin' but the best from now on... Kool-Aid!"

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Mad Dog: "How'd you get a name like 'Thelma'?"

Thelma: "When I was born, my momma took one look at me and called me Thelma.

Just like your momma took one look at you and called you Mad Dog."

Good Times


I was saving that quote, and

"Michael's going to be a lawyer of tomorrow!"

"Oh? Well, welcome to the slammer of today!"

Too easy, I take it....

Ok, let's see, next television show....

"We'd better hustle our butts!"

Some episode involving a social worker. That phrase came up several times.

Eventually, JJ got the social worker to say it.

"If I do have hypertension, y'all gave it to me wit' all that nickin' and naggin' goin' on.

Junior here's the only one who haven't got on my nerves.

"That's because, one, I respect you, and two, I fear for my life."

" I must give thanks to the good Lord above for giving us such a beautiful Christmas gift: a loving family and warm friends."

Florida had her priorities straight.

"Damn, Damn, DAMN!"

Possibly the best-known quote. When James passed away, Florida had it completely together,

until all their guests left. Then she allowed herself to actually respond.

Very powerful moment.

"Water? She aint drinkin' nothin' but the best from now on... Kool-Aid!"

JJ was a big Kool-Aid fan.

Go, Raf!

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