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Originally posted by GeorgeStGeorge:

Sounds like "Sleeper" right before Woody explains that Howard Cosell was a form of capital punishment!


"We weren't sure at first what to make of this, but we developed a theory. We feel that

when people committed great crimes against the state, they were forced to watch this."

"Yes. That's exactly what it was."


Sleeper was about a 20th-century schmoe accidentally frozen cryogenically, then thawed

out centuries later. In one of his early scenes, someone asks him about various

artifacts from the 20th-century. He "explains" pics of Stalin, Lugosi, DeGaulle,

and some other things, including a video clip of Cosell.

I remember a more distinct line: "Don't move, or the nose gets it!" but I MAY have

misremembered the line, so I didn't use it. I couldn't confirm the line.

George got that one (and pretty fast, I might add.)

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Since I posted other clues for "Sleeper" a few weeks ago, that shouldn't come as a surprise!

This movie isn't my usual fare, but I thoroughly enjoyed it:

What she needs is a guy that'd take a sock at her once a day, whether it's coming to her or not. If you had half the brains you're supposed to have, you'd done it yourself, long ago.


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