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Pit Bulls

Dot Matrix

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That is pretty scarey ex 70s houston.

Is the dog fixed? It might help. Probably not much. Both of those dog types in his back ground are pretty serious fighters. It sounds like a tragedy or law suit waiting to happen :( .

This thread has been deeply upsetting....

I am so frustrated for my friend....her daughter has a baby. The daughter also has two adult pits and now a litter of puppies....

I finally slipped and called her precious grandbaby *pit* chow last night.

It was a horrible horrible thing to say, and I apologised immediately, but doggone it what ARE those parents thinking??? The male has already visciously bitten my friends son/the owners little brother a couple of times. One time just for getting too close while mowing the yard. Another time when he tried to break a fight up when the male tried to kill the female. Gosh, she lets them in the house...What happens when the baby starts toddling around the yard?

I hope that I am completely wrong, or that the first snap towards the baby doesn`t prove fatal. Sometimes people are criminally stupid.

Edited by rascal
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Dixie Chick is precious. :love3:


Actually we had to deal with having our female pit in regards to children, friends and family. My sister was terrified of her even though she had never shown any indications other than that of a big loveable baby (she weighed 95-100 lbs) but we knew the breed could not be fully trusted and were very respectful and fearful of her because of it. We never put anyone in danger or made them uncomfortable because we had her. If family or friends came over she was put into our bedroom and kept there until they had left. Even if they said they trusted her and wanted her out we didn't want the risk of liability knowing her breed. In fact our fellowship didn't even know we had a dog for a long time because they never saw her (and I reckon the house had no smell, much to my delight).

To me she was precious and I cried for days when we had to give her away to go into the wc. But I know they have a history and would be the first to advise great caution regarding them.

I reckon I love big dogs the best and the only fear I have of them is the fear I force myself to have due to their size. That could be risky of me being so attracted to these big dogs but if I lived in the country I would have them running wild and free all around me. And they would be loved till their dying days.

I have had much comfort from a big ole doggie. Heck even some of the posters here have sent me pictures of their doggies and I fell in love at first sight.

Respect and fear is a must for big dogs though. No question of it.


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Thanks everyone for your responses

It is an important topic as some cities are banning the Pit Bull and some want to get rid of the whole breed.

Perhaps it is just something where we need to use our brains.

No child should have a Pit Bull unless they are in their teens. They should not run free. If one is being abused -- report it immediately....etc etc.

I do see certai people come in with young Pits wrapped with heavy chains and I think here we go... They do that to make their necks stronger for fighting.... These puppies I see I try to socialize them with my few minutes of love and worry about their fate.

WW had a good point though, if we get rid of this breed the abusers will just choose another.... Like if a murderer has no gun they use a knife.

I like the America Bulldog. They also have strong jaws. And talk about breeding -- the English bulldog has been so over bred that it cannot mate naturally -- how is that for ruining a breed?

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If you only knew the magnitude of that question.

But to answer regarding our Pit Bull that I loved and grieved over when we had to give her away it was a healthy fear. One of understanding that the breed had the strength that mine didn't compare to and regardless of her gentle nature and peacefulness 100% of the time she was still a Pit Bull.

Not the kind of fear I have/had in other areas of my life.

I hope that made sense coolchef.

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If you only knew the magnitude of that question.

But to answer regarding our Pit Bull that I loved and grieved over when we had to give her away it was a healthy fear. One of understanding that the breed had the strength that mine didn't compare to and regardless of her gentle nature and peacefulness 100% of the time she was still a Pit Bull.

Not the kind of fear I have/had in other areas of my life.

I hope that made sense coolchef.

I was reading your reply and thought -- boy can I relate to her!

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I have never fought cocks, nor were my Pits allowed to attack another animal. Now bulls are another story, yet that fighting always was survival. But I resent you putting all people in the same category, we are all not the problem and we are not horrible. Animals by nature are more cruel than humans ever thought of being and the only thing that has made them sweet is being domesticated by humans.

Its like the time I saw where some horses were neglected and rescued from starvation at the same time a little 6 year old girl was taken from her bed in the night, raped, beaten to death and tossed in the garbage. Guess who got more jail time and bigger fines? Guess what story stayed in the front page the longest?

It is like people making such a big deal out of a dog being out in the rain, chances are the same people drive right by homeless left out in the rain. My gawd, whole herds of wild life stand in the open in sub-zero weather and survive or die.

It makes me wonder where some peoples' true priorities are when they put animals above humans


I think everyone knows a thread can run a course that isn't not a straight line. Side issues come up , but when they start out with I RESENT YOU... and nobody can see WHY that poseter is all prickly and making an issue. It appears the person is trying to fight and make an argument where there is none. And when it is directed at A PERSON and not an addition, to the left or the right of the topic, it seems personal. Then, when that resented person has to address side issues because the other poster RESENTED something YOU said, then it is not just a running thread with ideas...

For me to respond it became personal --

I say this because I think SOME people just doesn't get it...

To say I resent you putting...

It is like the time..... horses .... 6 year old girl.....

It is like people ..... homeless

This comment was directed at me, then if I respond, I have to talk about how I help the homeless and the homeless were not the point, then I have to say how I also feel badly for the 6 year old girl. That is why I suggested the poster start a topic on that or it would be a yelling match with me catching up to "it is like..."

For the record, as someone PM'd me that it still seems to be an issue --

I wonder what to do about the pitbull...

People are awful who fight them

Abusers are awful if they abuse kids or dogs

I do concern myself with the homeless in the rain....

But then I would have been on the defensive. I tried to not go there and fix things to swing back to the topic.

If it bothered any of you I apologize, I was just trying to sidestep an argument. Perhaps, I could have done it differently and better. I am far from perfect.

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So to Ductape or anyone else, I was just doing my best not to have a street fight. I am not closed to others ideas.

I think Duc tape has/had great ideas. The way it was worded I felt I had to respond in a different manner than had the whole

I resent you putting....

not been there.

Sorry folks. Just a person out here trying to have a pleasent exchange, or even a bit heated, just trying to avoid the defensive button which can stir in me (or others) and make it a p i s s ing contest.

Peace, love and Bobby Sherman

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