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Dot Matrix

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A friend of mine is talking about having a butt lift and maybe her arms tightened. I never thought about it.

Another friend's wife had her face done, and my boss at work - his wife had work done.

Anyone here want to talk about it? How much does this stuff run? Does it hurt? Aren't there scars?

I have no money - just curious.

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I've decided to wear my advancing age as a badge of accomplishments (of sorts).Maybe it's different for women, I don't know.I'll say this, though, I saw Emmilou Harris on the tube the other day. She doesn't seem to try to hide it at all. She still knocks me out.But what do I know.

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My wife's family is really big into plastic surgery (by family, I mean her extended, wealthy family. Not her upper middle-class parents and siblings.) She has some cousins that have had stuff done, some aunts and uncles that have had the gamut from botox to liposuction to nose jobs. Her cousin, the plastic surgeon, is so good at his job that he was able to move up and stop seeing new customers and devote all of his time to an international charity he founded to help children who are burn victims or born with deformities to get plastic surgery to help them.

So with all of that out of the way, I have seen the results of very good plastic surgery, and I have this to say:

Don't do it.

Whatever you think you'll gain by it involves risks and the fact that even if it doesn't go wrong, something may be wrong in the future. If your goal is to lose fat, a good diet and an exercise program will help you and you'll improve many facets of your life at the same time. I'll be glad to offer suggestions on those if you're looking to lose weight, but surgery is not a good option.

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I agree with MisterPMosh and OK City.

No one is knocking me out or cutting me ever again unless it's to treat a life-threatening condition. There are risks of anesthesia, not to mention the risks of the surgery itself. Not worth it, IMO.

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Dots you would have to check it out, that's what consultations are for. Not cheap I'm sure, but you don't want to skimp money on a plastic surgeon or any doctor for that matter. I had botox/collagen treatments that cost about 800 bucks for a 5 minute procedure for some forhead lines, and I am very happy btw. But search the web for a doc in your area and just call up and go in for a consultation. It's not like he/she is going to push you to do the procedure right there and then, and I would hope they wouldn't push for you to make an appt. Any good doc would let you weigh the risks.

Edited by RottieGrrrl
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I won't disagree about elective plastic surgeries - however I will disagree, only slightly, with you Linda about only having surgery if it is for a life-threatening condition.

I had avascular necrosis in my hips - that means the bone had died and was rotting out from within. I lived in extreme chronic pain for 15 years. I could not shower below the knees because I could not bend over. I could not put my own socks on - thank God for my children. I could not sleep for more than 15 minutes without finding a new position. I could sit in a chair (or slump) in a chair for about 10 minutes and then stand for ten minutes. I could barely drive my truck anymore because I had to pull up my left leg with a hand to get my foot on the clutch pedal and pressing on the clutch caused pain I can barely describe. I could not even step up over a curb without "vaulting" up and could not climb a flight of stairs unless it had a banister so I could use my hands to haul myself up. I could not walk 100 feet to the mail box.

Just short of two years ago I had my hips replaced - the dead bone removed and replaced with titanium/ceramic. For the first time (after recovery) in 15 years I had no pain. I have nearly full mobility back. I function normally. This is still unbelievable to me every single day.

Was it life-threatening? No! Did that surgery change my every day - and almost my every action? Absolutely!

I agree with MisterPMosh and OK City.

No one is knocking me out or cutting me ever again unless it's to treat a life-threatening condition. There are risks of anesthesia, not to mention the risks of the surgery itself. Not worth it, IMO.

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RR, I'd have surgery for something like that, too, of course. I remember when you talked about your surgery, and I remember getting misty when you talked about being able to put your own socks on for the first time without your kids' help.

I was merely engaging in a bit of hyperbole to emphasize how strongly I feel about not letting anyone come at me with a scalpel for anything unless it's medically necessary or advisable. Plastic surgeons do wonderful things for people who need reconstructive surgery, but I'm not paying someone thousands of dollars to cut me up and try to move my 62-year-old body parts where they used to be when I was 18. :D

Speaking of plastic surgery:

A middle-aged woman has a heart attack and is taken to the hospital. While on the operating table she has a near-death experience. She sees God and ask if this is it. God says no and explains that she has another 30 years to live.

Upon her recovery she decides to stay in the hospital and have a face lift, liposuction, breast augmentation, and tummy tuck. She even has someone come in and color her hair. She figures since she's got another 30 years she might as well make the most of it.

She walks out of the hospital after the last operation and is killed by an ambulance speeding up to the hospital. She gets to heaven and complains to God, "I thought you said I had another 30 years!"

God replies, "I didn't recognize you."

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RR, I'd have surgery for something like that, too, of course. I remember when you talked about your surgery, and I remember getting misty when you talked about being able to put your own socks on for the first time without your kids' help.

I was merely engaging in a bit of hyperbole to emphasize how strongly I feel about not letting anyone come at me with a scalpel for anything unless it's medically necessary or advisable. Plastic surgeons do wonderful things for people who need reconstructive surgery, but I'm not paying someone thousands of dollars to cut me up and try to move my 62-year-old body parts where they used to be when I was 18. :D

Hence why I said disagree only slightly - I am in agreement with you about unnecessary surgery - someday I will tell you the story of "Black Ice" in recovery - you will laugh all night. Thanks for your thoughts and sentiments. And the joke was excellent!


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The wife of the boss was a very ugly woman. She was almost made over from scratch and now looks great. Her conifence is soaring....

My friend's butt could be raised. She has been working with a personal trainer and nothing is going back up - she is an atty and has the money for this. I was just wondering what you all thought.

If they could make me look 25 years old again, I would put a lean on the house and do it. No fear - just no dough


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