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Powerful video on Godtube

Dot Matrix

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Go to Godtube.com

Then, select Lifehouse

Then, the video where the man in the white robe is with the purple sash

To me this is powerful, especially considering how TWI tried to push people toward suicide-

I do not know how to post it, I tried Waysider - you told me how, but was not a success.

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First comes Jesus

Then, teen romance - looks like he rejects Christ then her

Then came wordly things like money - at first given then held back

Then drinking (drugs whatever - substance abuse) then the bottle let her down - empty

Next, vanity - she did not feel good enough, pretty enough, so you see her vomit - maybe bulemia to try and "fit" the mold

But the boyfriend and the money never came back...

Then, came suicide

All the while Jesus is THERE calling calling calling

She runs to him and all these things keep pulling her down... Strongholds....

Then, she goes to the floor - and prays and Jesus runs in and delivers her!!!

I love it - how many here can relate? This was me for sure!!!!

(Thanks DM as well for your help)

Edited by Dot Matrix
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Yes to all of the above...

Dott, this is truly a moving video....(psalmie brought it to my attention last year)

My daughter has watched it countless times, she has talked the theatre into letting her try to do something of the same sort. She even has that song for her ring tone on her telephone :)

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That's an awesome video! The youth group performed it last November for all of us adults. It was even more powerful in person!

I watched it recently on Godtube about two weeks ago and was still blown away.

I love the part where Jesus keeps calling and calling and calling. I can pinpoint certain times while I was involved with twi when I KNOW he was trying to get my attention. But he patiently waited for me for 20 years.

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Charisma comes from the word charis meaning "gift."

1 : a personal magic of leadership arousing special popular loyalty or enthusiasm for a public figure (as a political leader)

2 : a special magnetic charm or appeal <the charisma of a popular actor>

Charade comes from the French word charrado which means to chatter

1: a word represented in riddling verse or by picture, tableau, or dramatic action

2 (plural): a game in which some of the players try to guess a word or phrase from the actions of another player who may not speak

3: an empty or deceptive act or pretense <his concern was a charade>

Placing the words together, we get "charismatic charade," the spectacle of which quickly gels and then calcifies into the emotional sheet-rock (not bedrock, but plenty of sheet) upon which the society to promote and preserve a paltry, emotional fraud that passes for religion rises in its own glory.

We see the action, not of a God, or of a Son of God, but of an impotent, whether by incapacity or indecision, cartoon character, whose power and love are so discriminating and fickle, the girl nearly dies again and again.

I do not see her pray, maybe she does. I see her thrown down, and that's where he rushes in to save the day. First he lets them beat him up, and when he gets tired of that, he tosses them off like they were made of straw. And they are - straw men. False enemies, revealed not by God, or by any real Jesus, but by the servants of a tumescent cult that lives and breathes and passes the hat in His name.

It's my unscientifically deduced belief that anyone with an authentic spiritual relationship, with an authentic Jesus, would be offended by this garbage, that preys on our sentimentality at best, and our broken hearts at its calculated worst, priming our minds for the vast, blind crusade that wanders the world in search of the God that embodies THEIR concept of who He ought to be.

The Way International wasn't so different than so many others. Modern religion is nothing but charismatic chatter, without the charis, and without the answers.

So what am I trying to say? Like the man from Jubbalpore, "I don't believe in your Jesus."

Though I don't count myself one, I think there are no truer words that might be spoken by every "true" Christian.

Edited by satori001
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I LOVE it and it was one of the most delivering little films I have ever seen. It meant something good and decent to me.

It explained my teen years. It was very positive and powerful to me.

The glass is half full, the day is partly sunny -


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