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The Whore of Babylon

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How can a person "diligently" search for truth while we are uninstructed and not be considered a type of prostitute?

In the span of my life I have dabbled in nearly every religion short of devil worship…

Yet, it is always God I am searching for. There are so many rituals, holy days, laws, observances, societies and I feel now like I have reached some sort of pinnacle of either an all knowingness and acceptance, or maybe it is just pure lunacy. I can’t tell the difference anymore.

I feel like they are all somehow a part of me like I am an ear of Indian corn…

I am encompassed by imperfection yet somehow I have organized this imperfection into symmetry and order aligned in neat and tidy rows of compact thought spiraling around the core of my being.

It seems very difficult to place a purpose on this idea or even this thread other than I want to reach a place where my eyes are opened.

To imply there was a whore in Babylon it may be considered that this whore was actually supposed to have belonged to another, one or person.

One may consider, “the whore” possibly being a metaphor for a religious system that honored the wrong deity… or a deity that administered the wrong religious system.

Thus the dilemma is what deity belongs with the right religious system in order for one to not have prostituted or offered themselves out in vain?

Has God changed or has our perception of God changed?

Jesus was an early alchemist, where he used alchemy to transform his followers into God’s own spiritual essence. He used faith and alchemy to heal and perform miracles in the physical world.

Where alchemy was used for ages to deceive the nations and was considered forbidden it suddenly was used by "God" to "redeem" the world.

We are taught to “stand” not kneel before God yet (though equal to God) Jesus humbled himself before God.

It seems there is no doctrine that cannot be broken by reason.

So some days I feel like a whore, and some days I just feel like an innocent seeker, but as time goes on, am I moving forward or backward, am I growing nearer of farther along?

When I get old and can’t even remember how to put on my socks will it even matter?

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Will it matter if you put your socks on correct or not? Yes, it will..

Everything has consequences. Very similar to Newton's "To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.." which isn't 100% completely accurate, and I only mention it because I'm bored and like to waste time and space, so now I'll move on.....

Depending on how you place your socks on your feet, will result in a myriad of results for your feet. From cramps, to cold spots in different areas, to material lumps causing friction causing skin rubs.

Likewise, there is a point to correct doctrine, or something otherwise called 'truth'. Without being correct, we can produce results we really weren't aiming for.

The problem lies with who has this truth? Do you? Do I? Does someone on this planet?

And with that, comes the myriad of answers.

There are those who think they have "truth", and those are usually the egotistical ones who never listen, don't care what others have to say, and whose only opinion that matters is their own.

I tend to agree with the Apostle Paul who had written in 1 Cor 8 "We know that we all possess knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up. The man who thinks he knows something does not yet know as he ought to know. But the man who loves God is known by God. "

Yes, we all have some knowledge, undeniably limited at that. And when we just focus on our knowledge, rather than listening to others, closed minded so to speak, we can become puffed up. So there's something better Paul says.. Love.. Because what a man "thinks" (key word there) what we think we know, we really don't know as we ought to. It's limited, right?!

I think we can all agree our perspectives are all limited. And therefore our knowledge is limited, and our understanding, and certainly then our belief of what is "true". All limited. Man/Woman is basically limited in what we are capable of doing and understanding. But the more of the 'truth" we know, the more we are capable of doing. But then it still comes back to who has this truth. Man is limited, and so whatever truth man has, will not be the "whole" truth.

Thus, some people turn to God to lead them. Others turn to some limited man/leader. Others return back to their limited selves. And yet others wonder around looking for someone or something (an alien or spirit guide perhaps) to lead them.

We all have "reasoning" of why we chose who to listen to for the "truth". And we all will have consequences accordingly. If you follow a conman acting as a minister, you're going to be taken for a ride.

Thus many find comfort in not following any, the safety of ones own domain, unable to be taken. So they think.

So yes, there is relevance. Sometimes it is overrated. Certainly not worth fighting over, as Paul said, there is something better. Love..

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  • 2 weeks later...

DrWW, ask and you shall receive, knock and it shall be opened unto you, seek and you shall find, but don't ask already precluding any possible answer because, after all, alchemy blah, blah, blah. There is no place in a mind set like that for an answer from a greater source than your thinking. Why ask if you've already discounted those you ask? Just ask.

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DrWW, ask and you shall receive, knock and it shall be opened unto you, seek and you shall find, but don't ask already precluding any possible answer because, after all, alchemy blah, blah, blah. There is no place in a mind set like that for an answer from a greater source than your thinking. Why ask if you've already discounted those you ask? Just ask.

Alchemy bridges the gap between God and man. :)

It was alchemy and rigorous research that led to scientific discoveries that have brought us closer to God, not faith.

Faith stifled the scientific research of men like Galileo and Copernicus. Faith is what burned Galileo’s contemporaries at the stake... We will know the truth by their fruits.

So who walked in the steps of Jesus Christ; the scientists that have brought us 21 century medicine, genetics and computers… the theory of evolution… and what has faith brought us? Intolerance, bigotry, hatred, fear and murder imposed in the name of God and “the truth.”

Stupid and gullible are the two who, believe without seeing…

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Alchemy bridges the gap between God and man. :)

It was alchemy and rigorous research that led to scientific discoveries that have brought us closer to God, not faith.

Faith stifled the scientific research of men like Galileo and Copernicus. Faith is what burned Galileo’s contemporaries at the stake... We will know the truth by their fruits.

So who walked in the steps of Jesus Christ; the scientists that have brought us 21 century medicine, genetics and computers… the theory of evolution… and what has faith brought us? Intolerance, bigotry, hatred, fear and murder imposed in the name of God and “the truth.”

Stupid and gullible are the two who, believe without seeing…

Ah, I see. thanks for explaining further. I have a sign on the wall in my bedroom that says, "First your pants, THEN your shoes." Apparently, I've clean forgotten about the socks.

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the whore of babylon reminds me of the man of sin

just a different selfishness that hides when the light is turned on

trick is to bring it out and see it for what it is

cause how can you deal with it if you don't have a clue

not really a trick but more of a determined move

the things you see in yourself

the good the bad or whatever

is that not a faith with substance?

certainly we want the good and focus on it

what is all there is the mystery that keeps us looking

and we see things that we turn away from at times

facing them changes them in us

this must be where wisdom and understanding hides

what would we need these qualities for if all was good

the whore, the sin, selfish things included in the self

by design, as in something to see improved

to witness a transformation in yourself

only by a decision to look

is that faith?

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the whore of babylon reminds me of the man of sin

just a different selfishness that hides when the light is turned on

trick is to bring it out and see it for what it is

cause how can you deal with it if you don't have a clue

not really a trick but more of a determined move

the things you see in yourself

the good the bad or whatever

is that not a faith with substance?

certainly we want the good and focus on it

what is all there is the mystery that keeps us looking

and we see things that we turn away from at times

facing them changes them in us

this must be where wisdom and understanding hides

what would we need these qualities for if all was good

the whore, the sin, selfish things included in the self

by design, as in something to see improved

to witness a transformation in yourself

only by a decision to look

is that faith?

Faith is that, in utter darkness, we still live. Long suffering.

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One more choice to go, ehhh? ;)


Most black magic, devil worship, vampirism, goth... takes or steals life rather than contributing to life in general.

That is why even if their God/deity/demon was "real" I would find a problem with the lack of profit of such a backward system of beliefs. Alistair Crowley made a mess of his life and those around him. I guess we can thank Alistair for demonstrating how not to live. That is walking in darkness.

The Bible has the same idea sort of, that life is granted only though sacrifice. I guess I just don't understand how life is gained though the loss of it.

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Most black magic, devil worship, vampirism, goth... takes or steals life rather than contributing to life in general.

That is why even if their God/deity/demon was "real" I would find a problem with the lack of profit of such a backward system of beliefs. Alistair Crowley made a mess of his life and those around him. I guess we can thank Alistair for demonstrating how not to live. That is walking in darkness.

The Bible has the same idea sort of, that life is granted only though sacrifice. I guess I just don't understand how life is gained though the loss of it.

Their "God/deity/demon" works through "black magic, devil worship" to control the systems of the world, so that not only "black magic, devil worship" "takes or steals life rather than contributing to life in general," but engagement in the systems of the world tends to suck life also "rather than contributing to life in general."

"Black magic, devil worship" and the systems of this world that they control both appeal to selfishness and greed - man's desires to, like the controller of his systems, consume the things of life upon the alter of his lust. More and more, as man engages in these systems, this competition to acquire and consume more than life requires tends to steal real life rather than contribute to life overall. But this tendency toward a more and more perverted definition of what real life is becomes man's definition of life.

Man has to "sacrifice" that to achieve true life. He has to empty himself of his false attachments to be filled with the true.

Divorcing oneself of the deceptive entrapments of the systems of this world designed by the Adversary is not much different than realizing "black magic, devil worship" tricks one into engagement in a system that that steals life and choosing not to engage.

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Their "God/deity/demon" works through "black magic, devil worship" to control the systems of the world, so that not only "black magic, devil worship" "takes or steals life rather than contributing to life in general," but engagement in the systems of the world tends to suck life also "rather than contributing to life in general."

"Black magic, devil worship" and the systems of this world that they control both appeal to selfishness and greed - man's desires to, like the controller of his systems, consume the things of life upon the alter of his lust. More and more, as man engages in these systems, this competition to acquire and consume more than life requires tends to steal real life rather than contribute to life overall. But this tendency toward a more and more perverted definition of what real life is becomes man's definition of life.

Man has to "sacrifice" that to achieve true life. He has to empty himself of his false attachments to be filled with the true.

Divorcing oneself of the deceptive entrapments of the systems of this world designed by the Adversary is not much different than realizing "black magic, devil worship" tricks one into engagement in a system that that steals life and choosing not to engage.

I agree with much of what you say here.

One may consider what life the Bible has stolen from people by its misuse and abuse. One need only to look back at the inquisitions of the orthodoxy to know that the same spirit that blesses, curses also.

We are saved by the spirit but condemned by our deeds.

Again it is like being inside the tent and outside the tent at the same time.

The Bible has been used to condemn, denigrate, force into submission, to divide and separate, people are martyred and dressed in posh finery all in the name of the same God. Such contradiction of perception.

So do we blame God for what people do with the Bible? Well, if it is done in God’s name, according to God's word, it is written, then who else do we blame? God couldn’t just write the Bible plain for plain folk. No he had to include all this mystery, legal/faith ambiguity, endless genealogies for a sexless God.

So we are to study and rightly divide ambiguity? Like, God is our father, and Jesus Christ is "the son of God", but there is no sex in heaven…

…and the poor holy spirit has no mind of its/her own…

God does not give me more spirit than someone else, but he showed them more, and God is no respecter of persons.

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So do we blame God for what people do with the Bible? Well, if it is done in God’s name, according to God's word, it is written, then who else do we blame? God couldn’t just write the Bible plain for plain folk. No he had to include all this mystery, legal/faith ambiguity, endless genealogies for a sexless God.

So we are to study and rightly divide ambiguity? Like, God is our father, and Jesus Christ is "the son of God", but there is no sex in heaven…

I'm sure someone can blame the author of "Hansel and Gretel" for the reader who became a cannibal or possibly a child kidnapper just as much as you can blame God for the misguided 'Christian' or 'Jew'.

And while many of us were duped into TWI's study and "rightly(yet wrongly) dividing", I think there's two sides to every coin. TWI that cleverly devised the trap, and us who bought into it. Neither are without fault in my "opinion".

While same may claim innocence because they were duped, I don't.. Just like the high pressure salesman that tells you everything you want to hear, some of it false, that one time you buy in. I admit at least for myself, I allowed my desire to override my good sense.

And having left and regained "some" sense back of what really happened. I see a "little" clearer with 'eyes open', lol.. And what I have come to realize at least for myself, is that the Bible isn't a mystery after all, nor is it ambiguous. Yet, it can be made that way with everyone "re-defining" terms and coming up with different definitions (because of Greek/Hebrew of course). And ultimately, it can seem like a hard to understand book if you go searching for things that aren't really there, or things it wasn't written for!

Much like those sold into the current Bible codes.. I now realize I was sold into our own version of Bible codes.. And only "the class" makes these dark secrets understood. You too can have it now, for only $***.99, don't wait, act now. And if you order in the next 30 minutes we'll add secret bible codes 2 to your order!

Nowhere in the Christian bible is it written that it contains everything you will ever need to know. Although the salesmen trying to sell it may say it does. Why sure it contains fantastic stories of wizards and giants, wild visions and dreams, oh and life and godliness, and everything you're heart desires!

And while I may be wrong, and I'm willing to be corrected, but to me, the Bible is nothing more than a book that explains some about who the Creator of the heavens & earth is, written by men that knew Him personally and could attest to His very words. And what their intent in writing these things is so you get a glimpse of the Creator and might want to know Him yourself so you can get His take on things instead of taking their's or anyone else's word for it.

At least that's my opinion, and I'm probably way off. But hey.. It's my brain and I can play with it how I want to. lol

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why blame anyone anyway

if the bible is the only source that is perceived as 'doctrine'

(whatever doctrine means)

then not understanding it is the only course

maybe it wasn't meant to be the all in all

friggin obvious that more of SOMETHING

is needed

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And having left and regained "some" sense back of what really happened. I see a "little" clearer with 'eyes open', lol.. And what I have come to realize at least for myself, is that the Bible isn't a mystery after all, nor is it ambiguous. Yet, it can be made that way with everyone "re-defining" terms and coming up with different definitions (because of Greek/Hebrew of course). And ultimately, it can seem like a hard to understand book if you go searching for things that aren't really there, or things it wasn't written for!

....And what their intent in writing these things is so you get a glimpse of the Creator and might want to know Him yourself so you can get His take on things instead of taking their's or anyone else's word for it.

The problem with the way that TWI did this was to not make it openly available to learn Greek and/or Hebrew. I suspect (though not sure) that the Research Center participants didn't really know the Greek or Herew except to look up the respective words in various concordances. Therefore, most of us (I know that I was guilty of it) stood in awe and wonder that "at last, people who know Greek and Hebrew)" Uh-Huh!

Ditto for your last statement.

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TWI led many into not seeing the duality of the word. It was the word and nothing but the word. But the word must be seen in light of fundamental truths. Like the earth is round… Like darkness has light in it too. Like devil spirits don't cause disease, genetic and biological pathogens are the source of disease. All the Christian prayers and picturing someone healthy is really going to change an infection or Diabetes. It is the doctors and surgeon that really do the “miracles“. Now which is it folks, first or second aid? Ambiguity.

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