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Wierwille and the Scapegoat


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The point about the scapegoat is that all the sins were notionally put on its head - but then it was released. It was cast out, but it wasn't vilified, stoned, publicly or ritually slaughtered or in any other way killed. It was released and left to find its own life in the desert, where it either thrived or died. Being a goat, it probably thrived until some wild animal, lion or whatever, decided the goat was breakfast. The scapegoat was symbolic that way.

you know, twinky, that's what TWI does to people when they mark and avoid them or the modern term put them on probation. people may have made some mistakes, but that always reminded me of isreal trying to cleanse itself and place all the sins of all the people on that one person then send them out into the wilderness to die. it's an interesting point that really what is going on there is TWI leadership cleansing their own guilt by blaming someone else. when you think about that's what RFR did to her own children, then you start to understand the pattern of what is really behind the modern TWI.

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  • 3 years later...
On 11/2/2013 at 10:16 AM, skyrider said:

In pfal, wierwille told us that he was disgusted with church leaders who had only taught "around the word" and never taught him The Word. And, those theological commentaries in his collection.....3,000 or so.....he said he hauled them ALL to the dump.

While in Europe, vpw said that there was this biblical scholar on the other side of the English Channel that "he wouldn't waste his time on. Why? Wierwille had forgotten more of the word than that guy would ever know."

Remember in pfal when wierwille stated....."Even if we NEVER saw any signs or miracles we'd have the greatest time going [to heaven]." Did any one else wonder [like I did] what the heck was THAT supposed to mean? Here, this supposedly great teacher dismissed the great workings of spiritual impact, signs and miracles, as no biggie. Like our standing together and holding hands is of greater significance? What???

Or, when it rained for several days during corps week and rock of ages prep was behind schedule: Wierwille blamed the corps for NOT BELIEVING. Why the scapegoating? Where was wierwille's believing? Heck, he was the "mog of the universe" doncha know. Ppfffftttt.

Or, when wierwille retires and is irrelevant to every trustee-decision and is no longer in the spotlight constantly. The adulation subsides and wierwille pouts to Geer. Why is he being discarded?

Or, when wierwille has cancer and is nearing his deathbed. He wonders why "his people" have forsaken him? No admission of cancer. No public admission of needing prayers. No admission of sins and shortcomings. Just accusatory meanderings. Scapegoating.

Reminds me of the Old Testament Saul record: "It's the people."

Wierwille used "scapegoating" throughout his lifetime.

Wierwille blamed others for shortcomings.

In the end, he wished he'd been another type of man: "He wished he'd been the man he knew to be." Would that be a man who lived with integrity and wasn't scapegoating his way thru life?


A man who lived more like JC, and less like Satan perhaps.

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On 11/2/2013 at 3:12 PM, Twinky said:

Ain't that the truth!!

He knew much better. He knew what was Godly behavior and what wasn't He knew what was appropriate and what definitely wasn't. And where he didn't know - he wasn't circumspect, and erred on the side of caution. No, he just erred ... and erred ... and erred. A deliberate slap on the face of God.

And God will reward him appropriately :eusa_clap:/> :mad2:/>

Twinky, Dat's Right!!

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