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What do you do when people intensely dislike you?


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I understand rascal.

Your experience illustrated the fact that many factory environments, regardless of all law, rules and morality, are places where "birds of a feather, work together."

There is a high probability that upper mgmt. is more aware of the shenanigans than you are. Management has bottom line production numbers that must be met; for one reason or the other. Above all else they musy have as smooth a sailing environment as possible.

I've heard of people getting canned because they worked too hard. They were perplexed because they felt that the quotas and bonuses and incentives were something they would be praised for achieving. Only they found that their superior work ethic clashed with lazy people who had been there either "forever" or long enough that getting rid of them would cost the company more than lower production levels in keeping them.

Unfortunately, the fact that a production facility even HAS the 90 day thing is a sign that they use it to find human "cogs" that fit into the environment. They literally DON'T care who is in your slot. They want a "cog," or a "gear" that will flow with the others and won't rock the boat as much as anything else.

There's a reason why so many back-biters work there. Mgmnt probably knows it and will go through all the the legal motions with you ONLY to ensure you don't sue them, or worse. Eventually, you'll fade away...is how they see it.

Heck. I've even seen companys, white collar places that ONLY advertise openings in the want ads, because the law says they "must." They already have somebody ready to hire before they place the ad. They even interview people, just to be sure they can't be sued. They figure, "If we happen to find a REAL ringer for this spot, we'll hire them." Somebody in a company ALWAYS knows someone who needs a job. They recommend them as soon as the opening hits.

I've been the more qualified person who lost the job to the person somebody knew, the qualified person somebody working there knew AND the ringer that displaced the person somebody knew.

I guess this is part of what they mean by its a "dog eat dog" world out there.

The coolest part about it is that if this door is slammed in your face, God has something better for you, definately. You'll probably wind up in the facility thay hires the cool & sweet people. Unfortunately again, those places are ususally the ones who pay the least. The laziest, most money grubbing jerks always flock to the places that pay the most.


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It was like playing a game that I didn`t know the rules ....dilligence in my work, perfect attendance, obediance to guidelines, politeness, honesty, integrety, apparently were not considered to be virtues

The rule is, "Whatsoever thou doest, thou mustenest not rockest the boat."

There are some environments that no matter how right you are you will never win over them. Here in Ohio they have a law which determines that an employer hires you "at will." They protect themselves by "giving" the employee the "right" to quit at any time for any (or no) reason; "at will" you can just say, "I quit." With no rescourse for the company no matter how you leave them.

The REAL way it is practically applied is that the company reciprocates and retains the same right they "give" the employee. They fire you "at will" with no requirement to state any reason.

I was once the Project Lead on a multi million $$$ project. I PERSONALLY saved the project from the crapper. The client had already determined that they would fire the COMPANY (to their multi million $$ detrement) if a certain satisfaction level was not met at the next in-process review. They hired me to save the day, AFTER I had originally lost the SAME job to two people who had masters degrees, (higher than mine) who couldn't actaully DO much at all.

I figuratively speaking, stepped up to the plate, pointed to the right field roof and promptly hit the first pitch right outta the ball park. The project was SAVED! I was the new golden child. The clients LOVED me! They gave me an assistant; paraded perspective clients past my cube for impromptu marketing presentations, I handled the interruptions with class and poise.

We even won new clients to do do the same type of work for. I thought I was on the fast track to the promised land of "Project management," etc. Then one day, while working through lunch, I was asked to come to visit the HR director. They had a letter prepared informing me of their having made an "at will employment decision."

Sign right here, please. They gave me a BOX, escorted me back to my office and waited while I packed my stuff and escorted me to the parking lot. Bob the HR guy offered his handshake in THANKS for my job well done & wished me all the freakin' BEST in my future (with no income)!

I later found that the company had bought a smaller company that did the same thing I did. Seeing as I was "the man" in the company, rather than giving me the reins of the new operational group, they canned me. Doing that created less waves than having this guy and his management team, who's company was going bankrupt, answering to me, who was incharge of the same operation in "our" company.

I would have been unhappy about the de-facto demotion. I would have had to give up my bi-annual, all expenses paid (including rental car of my choice) weeks in Florida officiating client reviews; PLUS I was overdue for a raise and was already the highest paid non official "management" level employee in the company. I certainly wouldn't have taken a pay cut to be managed by someone, after excelling in managing myself and my assistant.

It was "just business." Actually pretty smart business, as ugly as it was for me, personally, losing a very cool, high profile job; I can see how it was "the best thing" for the company. Hate to give that to those bastards, but I really can't argue the logic beyond, "I really NEED my job dammit!"

I now see that they hired the "degrees" to GET the project (we'll have TWO people with Advanced degrees working on YOUR, most important to us of, project); keeping me on the back burner as insurance in the likely case the ones they hired couldn't actually perform the work. They paid them LESS than me, fired them BOTH and hired me to fix things. My greater salary than either of them was STILL less than they paid for the other two. Plus they got rid of the expense of one less benefits package.

Sure it was "their loss" to get rid of me. They kept my assistant, however. They lost NOTHING that they really valued, however. They GAINED at least double or triple the capacity I provided. In business, "its all about the Benjamins, " you know ...

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HCW -- sorry for your loss. icon_frown.gif:(-->

You said:

Here in Ohio they have law which determines that an employer hires you "at will." They protect themselves by "giving" the employee the "right" to quit at any time for any (or no) reason; "at will" you can just say, "I quit." With no rescourse for the company no matter how you leave them.

The REAL way is practically applied is that the company reciprocates and retains the same right they "give" the employee. They fire you "at will" with no requirement to state any reason.

It is the same here in Minnesota, and with the company I work for -- which is a health-care company, dealing with folks who have disabilities.

There is an *at will* for the company (to get rid of unwanted employees), but all our employees are required to give 30 days notice, should they decide to quit. The *office* can do it on an instant's notice, but we as employees cannot.

As in Ohio -- the company I work for can terminate you for any, or no reason. Kinda sucks, but that is the way it is. icon_frown.gif:(-->

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Originally posted by HCW:

I'll even turn my glass over & punch somebody cause one guy in particular can really handle his liquor & he fills my glass up everytime I turn my head. I keep telling him, "No. I said I'm done" He says "Sure, I heard you, right after this one!"

Dude, just leave the glass FULL!!


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Unfortunately, the fact that a production facility even HAS the 90 day thing is a sign that they use it to find human "cogs" that fit into the environment. They literally DON'T care who is in your slot. They want a "cog," or a "gear" that will flow with the others and won't rock the boat as much as anything else.

THAT just answered a question I've had for, um, years. THANKS for writing out your thoughts. They are good ones.

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If people intensely dislike me...... hmmmmm

As I get older, and wiser to the world, I become more concerned with the really important things in my life, like my children and much much less concerned with what others think of me.

Someone doesn't like me? I really couldn't care less.

Life is too short to get worried about pleasing those that are still not gonna change their mind anyway.

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