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Bitterness ---

What it is NOT needs to be *established* before one can determine (and accuse) others of engaging in the *practice* thereof.

If you have ever been told that you HAVE TO:

Forget yourself, and *give* to the *ministry* more than your financial resources allow;

Attend meetings and abandon all social life, other than those meetings;

Sell your house to get out of *debt*, yet rent and be in debt forever;

Forget *local* charities, since they are not the *best*;

Listen to *headquarters*, because they have the revealed Word Of God, for you;

Quit a job you were eminantly qualified for, yet the *leadership* decided you were better *suited* elsewhere;

Eat peanut butter, while the BOT eats steak -- due to your giving;

(As a woman) *bless* the mog, by doing what is morally wrong and reprehensible;

Then the word needed is NOT BITTERNESS -- but rather caution, apprehension, awareness, hmmm -- can I say *damage control*?

If you were bit by a snake 20 years ago, and that snake was still alive today doing well, and breeding -- it would not be *bitter* to think of what it has done, nor thinking about how it has impacted your life.

Remembering the past injuries is not bitterness, since the snake is alive and *well* Everything said here reflects the caution, apprehension, and awareness of what twi has both done, and will continue to do.

This is not about bitterness. But it is all about *Damage Control*!!! icon_cool.gif


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Oh -- by all means -- add to the list, if you wish.

I got bit over 30 years ago -- some here have gotten bit more recently.

Please add, and update. It will be learning for all, how damage control is valuable, while bitterness is not.

(After all these years!) icon_smile.gif:)-->


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A very appropriate thread subject...

The Wierwille apologists who continue to hold on to the "myth of the man", love to accuse those of us who speak out, as being "bitter".

This of course, is the rationalization used to try and justify their position. The truth of the matter is that twi was and is a harmful cult that has abused and hurt many people.

Bitterness is NOT presenting facts that illuminate the truth concerning this cult. Sure, some folks are bitter, but to assume that someone is bitter because they speak the truth...is nothing more than a smoke screen to deflect the criticism.

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I am not bitter...........I AM JUST WAY SMARTER!! and happier, and more peaceful, and less afraid, and free-er, and more loving, and more compassionate, and more emotional,

....and if any of my stories and/or experiences can help others to escape a very damaging cult....then I will be helping my fellow man....You think God see's anything wrong with that...those of you who continue to accuse GS posters of bitterness.

We at GS finally have an avenue to speak out, that many of us were too fearful to do before. If by now, a person doesn't understand that this website (and Waydale) are/were for the purpose of "exposure of a cult" then you are just not getting it. The people that spend time on here to expose TWI (Pat Roberge should especially be applauded) and every other poster because they are NOT BITTER they are ENDEAVORING TO HELP OTHERSovercome a mind numbing, mind controlling cult who are criminals at best "shrouded" in their tax-exempt status.

Call that bitterness if you must......and for everything else there is MasterCard.......

(note figure of speech "repetitive and" in paragraph 1)

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If I remember correctly, the Way doctrine on bitterness viewed it as a growing thing that consumed your life, some type of root, evil thing(no I don't have my notes. I purged.) It was a big Twitwo teaching, but not as big as Present Truth. Probably a conduit for devil spirits,too. Wasn't any unrenewed thought a conduit, TWITwoers?

So being the receiver of some evil and being bitter about it, was actually worse than dishing out the evil with no remorse(condemnation.)Handy doctrine for leadershi+.

So all us bitter people are supposed to have just awful lives. It's similar to the 'greasespot by midnight' belief.

Don't know about you all, but my life is much, much nicer now, in all types of catagories, like income, housing, stress levels. I even weight less.

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Bitterness is like a sour apple, in small amounts it's pleasant but if you eat too many you'll get a tummy ache (or ulcer).

I've been out physically for 8 yrs, out mentally for close to 10 and until the past few years held onto alot of anger towards twi, things like how could they do this to Gods peeps or why didn't somebody in upper leadership positions have the courage to stop this, not to mention the doctrinal and practical betrayals...

I think we have a couple of choices when dealing with bitterness and anger, we can let it fester inside and ruin our lives, we can deny its existance or we can work through it and learn from our experiences (the purpose of this site) and regain some wholeness in our lives.

Twi was a small but significant aspect of my life during the time I was involved, for others it was their all and I'm sure those folks got alot more stuff to digest than I did, I wish you well on your journey.

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Well I consider myself very bitter towards twi. Does it consume me? Nope.

There are to many other things that are way to wonderful to consume me. To be lied to face to face, brainwashed, know of my sisters and brothers to be persecuted for no reason what so ever, raped either physical or spiritual, some driven to suicide (to me that is murder), destruction of families and just to be played with like a pawn and being told just the out and out lie that it is Gods only ministry.

Damn straight I'm bitter towards twi. Not towards life in general.

Would I like to forgive them. Yes I would. I just don't see that happening yet in my life. To forgive them I think I need to see twi go down the tubes and not hurt any more people. It sickens me to know what they are doing to this day.

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Damn straight I'm bitter towards twi. Not towards life in general.

I hear you justloafing. Nothing wrong with being bitter (I was too at first), but I've gotten over that, and don't condemn those that still feel that way -- and I think GrouchoMarxJr said it better than I.

Bitterness is NOT presenting facts that illuminate the truth concerning this cult. Sure, some folks are bitter, but to assume that someone is bitter because they speak the truth...is nothing more than a smoke screen to deflect the criticism.

For nervecurve and anyone else who accuse either myself or others here of bitterness for speaking out -- take a closer look at what is being said. Speaking the truth from an informed viewpoint is not *trash talk*, or being bitter.

And as outofdafog said ---

The people that spend time on here to expose TWI (Pat Roberge should especially be applauded) and every other poster because they are NOT BITTER they are ENDEAVORING TO HELP OTHERS overcome a mind numbing, mind controlling cult who are criminals at best "shrouded" in their tax-exempt status.

To which I say Amen.

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What it is NOT needs to be *established* before one can determine (and accuse) others of engaging in the *practice* thereof.

That hits the nail on the head. I have been alluding to this on the other thread, I think..

What it is not certainly helps to define it, and not according to the Vey dictionary.

What it is not:

Angry because you cannot afford the rent in a TWI ideal neighborhood, when you easily paid the mortgage payment in the old neighborhood that you really loved..

Exasperated because you finally counted how much money you threw down the pit of hell over the last twenty five years..

Mourning because you have been cut off from intimate contact with former friends, and yes, even those whom you considered close family..

Furious because you found out what the former accuser (past prez) got away with, which was FAR WORSE behavior than you, and you were reamed a new one, when you only had four mints instead of five in the tray for the convening MOG, and did not have each one broken precisely in half. (did not happen to me, but is a true story...)

Suing the he** out of the bast***s because they allowed a serial abuser, and rapist in my opinion, to have at your wife as often as he wished..

To have the audacity to question the "accuracy" of some of the most bizarre dogma to come from the mind of a madman..

Good grief.. the list could go on for MILES.

But each of these describe a situation or people that have been so labelled as just being "bitter" or possessed..

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If I remember correctly, the Way doctrine on bitterness viewed it as a growing thing that consumed your life, some type of root, evil thing(no I don't have my notes. I purged.) It was a big Twitwo teaching, but not as big as Present Truth. Probably a conduit for devil spirits,too. Wasn't any unrenewed thought a conduit, TWITwoers?

Well, that explains nervecurve.

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They elect their own.

There is always someone behind the curtain.

If you lived in a WOW, ahem, family, you can bet that they were going through your things. Some were even ratting on you to keep the spotlight off of them.

The way reminds me of a dog pack. You have your supreme leader, his bitches, a couple of top commanders and subordinants that jocky for position including kissing the leader's behind.

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