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Discovery Space Shuttle


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I'm watching live feed from NASA over my computer... go to http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/index.html and scroll down to click on your preferred viewing medium... RealPlayer or MediaPlayer.

Just a bit of trivia here... someone I went to high school with is one of several NASA test directors (I think that's his title). Anyway, he oversees a flight from start to finish, and this just happens to be his flight... his name is Jeff Spaulding, and you may see him doing press releases.

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Bummer! We've all been excitedly anticipating it here. Whole offices can be seen standing in the parking lots looking East to see it.

If I'm at home I can see it launch straight through the trees at the end of my street. All the neighbors stand in the street together to watch. Even though we live in Florida and get to see all of them launch, it's still a very special event. The night launches are absolutely spectacular.

I'm sad that they've scrubbed it for today, but I'd much rather them know that everything is functioning correctly and the crew is safe. There are people here from all over the world for the launch.

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The HighWay, Any news if all is working 100% that the launch will resume tomorrow?

If you're interested there's 2 meteor showers coming up, the first one "Delta Aquarids" July 26th - 30th. 1-3am is the best viewing time looking south and the average of meteors you can see is 10-35, BUT the bigger one is "Perseids" August 11-13, best time to view is 3-5am looking towards the northeast, that one you should be able to see 50-100 per hour.


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Cowgirl... they are just starting the evaluation procedures now... they won't know until they empty the fuel tank and take a close look at the sensor how long a launch delay they are looking at... they said they would make a public announcement "sometime" after 4:30pm today.

Thanks for the meteor shower info... I love to go look at them but for the past two years, it has always been cloudy or rainy here... DARN!! Here's hoping this year will be better.

Belle-- I agree... safety first and foremost!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

We've got radios and tvs on in the cube farm and will be congregating in the parking lot very soon. The excitement is electrifying!

Skies are clear. Not even a cloud in the sky today. We'll have a great view and there are no weather worries today.

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We could see it through a few clouds. The parking lot was full and the roofers on the building in the next plot paused to watch.

You could hear cheers and applause all over here in Orlando. icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_biggrin.gif:D-->


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  • 2 weeks later...

I missed the sonic booms this morning. icon_frown.gif:(--> Wish the weather had been cooperating here in FL.

Glad everyone is home safe and sound! I know their families will be eager to touch, hug and kiss them. This was an historic flight with all the new tasks, camera angles and safety measures. Yeah for progress!

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