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Learning revelation "the hard way"


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From the plagiarized thread, the following quote was posted from twi's book, Born Again to Serve.

Dr. spoke of learning about revelation: "Most of what I learned

experientially about revelation I learned the hard way. And it was

mostly a miracle. Many of my early experiences were phenomena. Before

BG Leonard, I had nobody to teach me as I'm teaching you and going to

teach you. But God was teaching me that He was God and revelation was

available. I cannot tell you how thankful I am to God for His love,

mercy and grace. After God taught me a great deal about how revelation

is given, as I had studied His Word BG showed me in The Word how it


What is vpw saying??? If revelation is God's perogative, then why the struggle?? After all, there are PLENTY of commands in the Scriptures and the epistles for the believer. Things like....."love thy neighor, walk in love, walk in light, walk circumspectly, etc."

Is "the hard way"......the CARNAL way?

Is "the hard way"......the vpw way?

Is "the hard way"......the attempts-to-manipulate God way?

After sorting through vpw's plagiarist background, his bold-faced lies, his sexual predatory nature, and a host of other deviant behaviors......I SERIOUSLY DOUBT the vpw stories of "revelation." Did he REALLY go to the race track? Did veepee really see black-heart/white-heart revelation from God? Much has been posted on the "snowstorm-gas pump" episode....

Being in the corps and on staff at HQ.....and around victor paul wierwille for several years......I NEVER SAW ONE INCIDENT THAT I WOULD CLASSIFY AS A SIGN, A MIRACLE OR A WONDER WHEREIN VPW WAS WALKING WITH GOD.


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Of course, pouring over a hundred and some pages in a stinking sylabus somewhere could be considered learning revelation "the hard way".

Many of my early experiences were phenomena

I thought revelation was SUPPOSED to be "phenomena". i.e., nowhere is it GUARANTEED.

I think all the attempts to "streamline" the process was little more than nonsense. If its easy as "falling off a log backwards", what improvement is a grueling week of classes and hundreds of pages of crap to "master"?

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Twi's book, Born Again to Serve, by Mrs. Wierwille corroborates the thievery by veepee of BG Leonard's foundational class.

Think about it......from 1942 (the boasted "start" of vpw's ministry) to 1953......ELEVEN YEARS, veepee's teachings must have sputtered along UNTIL HE SAT THRU BG'S CLASS.

Remember in pfal where veepee boasts of "doing nothing but studying God's Word twelve, fourteen hours a day? When did he do this? Looks to me like he did NOT do this from 1942-1953. In his own words, veepee didn't find these revelation truths in the Scriptures before BG taught him.

Next question.....did veepee DO ALL THIS STUDYING when he latched onto Bullinger's research work?? To me, I would speculate that this is the case. When veepee became excited about Bullinger's work, he THEN.....worked and engrafted the Leonard work with this Bullinger research. From 1954-1967, veepee had THIRTEEN YEARS to work and intermix this stuff.

Thanks Mrs. Wierwille......for telling us the truth. No guesswork needed anymore.

I sorta wonder if twi will be pulling Born Again to Serve from their shelves. It exposes the myth of the mog for all to see.

icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_biggrin.gif:D--> icon_biggrin.gif:D-->

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Good point about the studying: when did he do it?

Another point: how many times was Wierwille "ready to chuck the whole thing"?

Right before the supposed "snow on the gas pumps" incident he was ready to throw in the towel until God talked to him. That was 1942, after he had been a minister for only one year.

What year was it when he went to Tulsa and spoke in tongues for the first time? 1951? After nine years of "God teaching him the Word like it hadn't been taught since the First Century" he was ready to quit again, because he wasn't seeing results.

And where did the lady who told him to teach about the abundant life (Rosalind Rinker?), rather tha negatives, come in?

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Yeah.....the timeline of these events, coupled with vpw's statements EXPOSE lots of discrepancies. I remember Mrs. Wierwille and her daughter Karen (??) poured over twi history months on end to compile these facts for this book Born Again to Serve.

I'll have to dig out that book from my attic one of these days and document the timeline. But, if someone else has their book close by......go for it. icon_smile.gif:)-->

All of this is VERY INTERESTING to me.....seeing how vpw's work sputtered and coughed for ELEVEN YEARS.......until vpw sat thru BG Leonard's foundational class on "Receiving the holy spirit."

And, in pfal....vpw added appendices of Bullinger research and topics to "beef up" the groundwork of BG's work.

IMO wierwille didn't "fit it all together".....he just added and supplemented the Leonard foundational classes with additional material. Surprise! Surprise! Isn't this what Bullinger did in his COMPANION BIBLE with all the appendices???


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The despicable thing about all this..

The SOB sat up in his little chair at my advanced class, detailing how PRIVILEDGED we were to get his syllabus- how HE went through all the "shenanigans" to get "da accuracy of the holy spurt field".. how it was worth so far much MORE than we paid for it..

and he did not even blush once.

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Yes well this is another example of Weirwille histrionics at work. Yea right. He took the burden of learning the "hard way" so us "kids" wouldn't have to. Once I was told that VPW was so right on that he could check out things (one of those things being promiscuity) that for

the "average beliver" would be breaking fellowship. So we should be thankful that he was the pioneer for us making sure that we would have answers when we needed them about "any" topic.

The most recent plagiarism thread makes me boil when I think that there are still people out there who deify VPW and think that he wasn't "that bad" or maybe because the shared a personal talk with him it was all cool. It wasn't. This guy ripped off others and made a lot of money off of the work and labor of someone else. He never came clean about any of this.

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