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  1. Now, now....he's trying to change the subject and lob in an insult. Without meaning to, however, he's pointed out something we haven't discussed yet. THE CONTRAST. See, at the GSC, a lot of us agree on a number of things, like "it's wrong to drug and rape women" and "it's wrong to plagiarize things and claim you threw away all your books and used only the Bible and a connection with God to write stuff" and "men of God are supposed to conform to an acceptable standard of conduct that matches what the Bible says", things like that. We also disagree about many things-some are not Christians, some are adherents to a specific denomination or a different one, others do not. Why do we agree on a number of things yet disagree on so many others? Well, that's a matter of THINKING. We each use our free will (as I see it) and DECIDE what to think. If a religious leader says "The truth of a matter is A". we think about that. Maybe it's A, maybe it's not-A. Maybe it's B, C or D. Maybe sometimes it's A, and sometimes not-A or B. When it came to twi, we were all told to think in a specific way, and social sanctions (and sometimes other sanctions) were brought to enforce conformity if and when we disagreed. In twi, there's a lot of uniformity of speech and "groupthink." In the GSC, there's a lot of differences of opinion, but despite that, we agree on some things. Why? Because we thought about them and it is sensible to think those things. Examples: 1) It's a good idea to conform to the letter of the law for US citizens right now. 2) It's good to think for yourself. 3) vpw was a man who claimed to have a special connection with God, yet deceived everyone on a grand scale, including HIMSELF. Do we agree on them because we were TOLD? Do we agree on them because of INERTIA? No. we thought for ourselves and came to similar conclusions despite getting there different ways. ========================== So, twi told me who to hate. However, I don't hate who twi told me to hate. Who do I hate now? Well, child molesters and the like, rapists, like that. I dislike the people who deceive others, including themselves. I don't HATE them. If the suggestion is that I "hate" twi, I do not. I dislike the organization, I dislike the cadre running it, and I feel sorry for the people whose bodies and minds are still trapped therein. If the suggestion is that I "hate" vpw, actually, I don't. I have CONTEMPT towards him, and when he was alive, I would have been willing to kill him with my own hands for the monstrous evil he performed on women for whom Christ died. That wouldn't have been out of hate, but out of a sense of "cause and effect". He did actions which deserved a specific response, and should have gotten it. I actually feel sory for lcm, because he once knew better, and vpw destroyed his life and taught him to destroy the lives of others while thinking he was doing God's will. lcm is a prisoner of the "education" he received in twi. He doesn't even know what was wrong or why. If the suggestion is that I "hate" other posters, I dislike when they decide to misuse the quote function to deliberately confuse issues, and I dislike when they try and change the subject when they see an intelligent discussion but don't like the subject matter but lack the evidence or logic to make intelligent points against what they disagree with. I dislike when someone sees an intelligent discussion, and thinks a reaction and a clever comment is somehow worthy of the rest of the discussion. But I don't "hate" them. I FEEL SORRY for the posters when they do that. Those posters are prisoners of twi, victims as much as any woman vpw raped. They are still operating with the same "programs" vpw instilled- -hate anyone who says bad things about vpw, even if they are 100% true -live in ignorance that there's a LOT of things twi and vpw never knew, and make them your STANDARD -make blanket accusations whenever you don't like something rather than try to understand it. So, the suggestion that I'm "hating" something, actually, illustrates what this thread is about, quite nicely. A blanket accusation posted in ignorance, fueled by blind hatred. Frankly, the thread was incomplete without a live example on it. But someone volunteered to enter one. :)
    1 point
  2. If it wasn't so tragic it would actually be funny. It was all so stupid when you look at it on paper.
    1 point
  3. I'm not sure if I should call this dumb or ironic. When I was in FellowLaborers (a 2 year, in-residence program) in the mid 1970s, sex was forbidden, except for the married couples, with their own spouses. Violation of this rule would get you the boot, instantly, if you were discovered. Also on the forbidden list was pornography, drugs and alcohol. And, they randomly rifled through your belongings to make sure you were on the up and up. Now, all these years later, it is glowingly obvious that this very sort of activity was taking place, simultaneously, only 2 hrs. away at The Way Int. HQ. ....And some people want to talk about double standards?
    1 point
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